
Hero Society

Fanfic of my hero academia

Pop_CornDig · Anime et bandes dessinées
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96 Chs

Chapter 30 Why am I on Fire? by Yojimbra

We should go on a cruise."

Both Shoko and myself looked up from our comfortable snuggle pile with Rei and looked at the woman like she had just grown a second but no less attractive, head. "With people?"

"Damn," Rei muttered, biting her thumb and glaring at her tablet for a moment. "I forgot about that."

I looked back towards the T.V. and shrugged. "Why not camping?"

It's what my family used to do to bond and stuff.

Now it was Rei's turn to look at me like I was the crazy one. "With nature?"

I frowned, "I know how to start a fire."

This time Shoko joined her mother in looking at me like I had shat in her diaper.

"Without my quirk."

Rei blinked, an eyebrow raised in challenge. "Honey, I love you, but from everything I know about you, if it doesn't have an internet connection, you're kind of useless."

"Hey!" She wasn't exactly wrong.

"Oh, come on, you had to call Maki to help you fix the sink."

"She's capable."

"When Fuyumi asked if you wanted to have a tea party, you said 'Oh, fuck yeah,'"

"So? Tea Parties are the shit, and besides, Shoko, Fuyumi, and I had a great time, isn't that right?"

Shoko stared at me for a few seconds. "Da!"

"Still no Dada, or Dad, or even a daddy? Meanwhile, you know how to say Mommy," I pouted at my child for a few moments, only for Rei to reach over and rob her from me.

"That's because I'm the milk truck."

"I'll say."

I got a playful smack for that one.

"Besides, it's not like you're any better at Nature than I am."

Rei rolled her eyes and smiled at me. "Well, the garden isn't dead yet."

She had a point.

"Alright, fine, I'm a big ole goofy nerd that can't function without internet. Happy?" I crossed my arms and gave a big fat pout.

Rei sat back up on the couch, her legs tucked under her butt. She leaned on me, moving her face towards mine, her eyes pulling me in while her hands were occupied. I'd never grow tired of those soft kisses she gave me whenever she was about to tell me she loved me. My heart always pounded. My ears always burned, it was like my entire body was smiling. "I've been happy for a long time Enji."

"Oh, well, umm," My brain did that thing where it didn't do anything. "Yay."

"Dork," Rei snuggled in closer, Shoko pawing at her chest. The word milk probably made her hungry, even if Rei hadn't been breastfeeding her in months; baby teeth hurt, so I'm told. I wrapped my arm around both of them and set about enjoying my day with Rei.

"Hey, Enji?" Rei asked, eyes locked on Shoko. She didn't wait for me to respond, but she spoke slowly. "With Touya and Fuyumi now in school, and Shoko getting there, what should I do?"

"You mean like, while the kids are at school, and I'm at work?" I asked for clarification.

"Being a full-time Mom is all I've known for a while."

I took a deep breath and acted like I was deep in thought. "You could become a Yoga instructor."

A playful swat and a slick smile told me my kind of joke suggestion was kind of taken as a joke.

"But really, it's up to you, if you want to get a part time job or something, I'll support you. Hell, if you want to get into politics, Rikiya would love to have you." I blinked as I realized what I just said. "But if he touches you, I'll turn him to ashes."

Rei rolled her eyes and snorted, smiling slightly. "I'm not really sure what I want to do."

"That makes two of us." I let out a long heavy sigh. Really, all I wanted to do was to have more moments like this, spending more time with my family. "Why don't you become the pro hero, and I'll be the mom?"

"Oh, I'm sure that'll work out great," Rei smiled and looked up at me. "Yoga, Pro Hero, I'm starting to think you just want to see me wear form-fitting pants."

"I'm kind of serious. If you want to become a hero, I'll help you. Besides, it'd make my days easier if I was around you more often." I kissed her forehead and held her close, Shoko still between us looking like she had no idea what the hell was going on. "But, I don't want to put you in danger either, or force you to do something, so, what do you want to do? I'll support you however I can."

"I'm not sure, maybe write? Paint? I could go back to college and figure things out there." Her face scrunched up in an adorable way. "I don't know."

"Well, Shoko," I poked our daughter's cheek and watched her glare at me. "What do you think, what should Mommy do?"


"I don't think we're having another kid. Try again."

Shoko's face scrunched up, and then she looked at her mother. After a moment, she made some adorable, not quite toddler, not quite baby noises before her face scrunched up.

"Seriously?" Rei laughed, standing up and holding Shoko at arms length away. "It is not my job to change your diaper."

Shoko just pouted.

What did she want to do, huh?

I couldn't even tell her what I wanted to do.

"Here," Rei handed me, Shoko. "You can change her."

"Huh?" I stood, Shoko tucked under my arm like a sack of rice. "If I'm doing this, I'm not doing it alone!"

"Huh?" I picked Rei up and tossed her over my shoulder. "Enji! What! Put me down!"

I laughed, ignoring her flailing limbs as we made our way towards Shoko's baby room.