
Hero Society

Fanfic of my hero academia

Pop_CornDig · Anime et bandes dessinées
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96 Chs

Chapter 21

As Sasuke came to, his eyes slowly opened, a clarity in them he had never seen before. They were already sharp sure, but these were on another level, and the strength he could feel coursing through him even in this state was hard to believe.

Sasuke sat up, flexing his fingers a bit before a voice spoke up beside him.

''Can... Can I ask what you witnessed? I read some of the books you gave us to better understand you... It says the Mangekyo can only be awakened from a particularly nasty experience...''

Looking to his left sat Haku, food prepared to her left as she stared at him.

Sasuke sat up, shifting to sit, once he did she began to set a tray over the bed, setting his food down.

''I am unsure... I remember seeing the deaths of my parents over and over again, but the rest if blurry. If I focus, I can sense deep despair, but at the same time happiness I've not felt In years."

Haku seemed confused at the statement.

''That's... Good then, right?"

''It is, not only have I gained another power, but I have also gained some akin to absolution... I feel as if an invisible weight has been lifted off my chest, but I am unsure. That is why I took the chance with that seal, it is supposed to pull even the darkest fears, the darkest moments from a mind, even if you don't exactly remember them... I am unsure why I feel good after such an experience, but it must mean something.''

He began to eat, Haku seeing just how much he was eating bowed as she stood, leaving to go continue bringing him more food.

This continued for a long few hours until he felt ready enough to begin moving, as Haku used her ice release to create a mirror in the living room where Zabuza waited.

Activating his new eyes he looked into the mirror that was made.

''So what's the verdict kid?''

''Well, if we follow the research and texts of my family properly, then the left one is for Amaterasu, however there is slight variations... It seems following the techniques left have increased my eyes strength beyond normal means.''

That is what he was going with, the meditation and steps he took beneath the moon did help, but it was because of the strength offered to him by Hagoromo, it seemed somehow his left eye had mutated to a point that allowed not only the casting and creation of the black flames, but also the manipulation of it.

''The right, however... I am unsure, within the records we have, there is nothing that explains this one, it holds a mutation as well it looks like, but both are unknown."

Zabuza scratched at his head, he heard of the black flames before, but hearing that the kid had a stronger version of it at least was useful.

Haku spoke up. ''Is there a way to find out?''

''All Uchiha receive a sort of... Instinct on its first activation, so I guess I need to activate them properly to find out.''

''They're not already active?''

''Showing them, and using them are two different things. In its base stage, simply showing them doesn't take a lot of effort, and even less so for me. It's activating their abilities that cause the strain and loss of sight.''

Sasuke didn't want to activate them, whereas he felt something was strong was waiting for him once he mastered the eyes, the possibility of still losing his eyesight was something he was not ready for. IT would take awhile since he didn't plan to use them, even his normal stage sharigan was more powerful then any in history so far so he would be fine.

Standing up, Sasuke went outside to the training yard behind the house, followed by the two of them. They stayed near the house as he focused, channeling chakra into his right eye he activated it, there was a hiss of audible chakra as he did so and his chakra exploded outwards before it was suddenly focused.

Sasuke's first reaction to realizing what it did? Was laughing, he continued to laugh until he began to return to the other two, only then did he release the chakra he was channeling. When he did both Haku and Zabuza flinched from him.

''The fuck? So you can just teleport now?" Zabuza growled out, scratching at his head as he tried to hide the fact a kid just made him jump.

''Something like that... Apologies, but for now I can't let you aware of it.''

''Ahh... Something that cool? Alright."

Sasuke made his way back inside, now aware of what his eyes could do.

He could stop time, it wasn't for long, and he wasn't sure if it was universal or for only a small area, but he could still stop time, that or such a degree of rapid acceleration that he could move like time was frozen.

The second ability his eye had was 'Omni Sight', not only could he stop time, but for a moment. He felt like he could peer through time, even if it felt like only a second at the time.

That single second could save any life if they knew how to use it properly.

If only he had the freedom to know he wouldn't go blind with it's uses... But at the same time, did this mean that if he were to transplant another set of eyes, he'd gain a third set of abilities as well?

He had nothing to pass the consumption of chakra on, he would just need to find out. They had the possibility to be a limited use item, but in an effort to save his own life, or the life of a friend or family member? He'd use them as he must.

The lower numbers made a qualification match not worth it, as everyone would have a partner until the finals.

There was definitely a tension in the air, Sasuke noticing it easily as his eyes wandered lazily over the crowd, picking out multiple shinobi hidden amongst the civilians, all from Konoha. Apparently, them catching not just Orochimaru, but a spy amongst them as well made them tighten the leash.

It was also to note that the seat originally meant for Orochimaru to sit in, wasn't up there. Those that were a part of the village they came from noticed and were slightly nervous.

Sasuke felt a spike of intent and his eyes landed on Gaara, who had been mean mugging him the entire time. When his eyes locked with Gaara's, the intent only seemed to grow larger, of course, Sasuke didn't help when he flashed his normal Sharingan's, which would be considered a taunt.

The intent spiked more, Gaara's eyes widening only slightly before he was pulled away by his team, the intent remained for a good bit.

The matches were called, all the same except a few minor fights no longer around, Sasuke was looking forward to the fight between Lee and Gaara the most, purely because it was such a hyped scene.

Just like before it was Sasuke's turn first against the guy who could steal strength with a touch, an interesting technique for sure.

As Sasuke landed in the arena, he stood on his side of the announcers, stretching his neck a bit as he waited.

The moment the bet was called Sasuke blitzed forward, moving faster then his opponent could react to as he took a mean right hook to the stomach.

It lifted him off his feet and tossed him like a rag doll across the arena. However he was still able to pull a bit of Sasuke's chakra with the contact, and as he slammed against the wall creating multiple cracks he was still able to keep himself conscious.

Only to catch a flying knee to the nose that forced him deeper into the wall.

The man went limp after the second hit and was quickly pulled out of the wall by medical ninja who began his treatment on route to the medical section just outside the arena underneath the stands.

''Cold as Ice Sasuke, you didn't even give him a chance to show off his gimmick.''

Sasuke chuckled as he landed. ''Yes I did, he could steal strength when he touched someone, basically portioning off a bit of someone's chakra and taking it as his own. Adding to his own chakra, and physical strength.''

''That's... Actually pretty cool?'' Naruto's brows raised at that.

''Didn't help him all that much though?'' Sakura spoke up, shaking her head.

''It could be useful for us in a situation where we are fighting against multiple opponents with no time to rest, shake me if something interesting happens, I'm going to start copying how it's done into a few books...''

''Oh shit, you actually stole it that quickly?!'' Naruto got excited, something about draining the life of someone he was fighting seemed so cool.

Kakashi who was listening in on them shivered suddenly, imagining an army of Shadow Clones... All who could drain someone's strength... Wouldn't that strength still end up back in Naruto? Oh god...

Kakashi silently prayed. 'If there is a Kami, please never turn Naruto against us, I do NOT want to fight him in a serious battle... Actually, don't let Sasuke deflect either, he could most likely end a lot of people before they realized they were being targeted.'

The fights then began to progress as they did in the anime, with only the occasional shift in tactic from someone on Konoha's side, as small things changed for even the people Sasuke didn't interact much with.

One of those things was watching Ino get thrashed around by a chakra strength enhanced Sakura, netting her the victory and allowing her to go into the next rounds.

A break was taken for a day as it had gotten dark, and by the time they arrived back in the morning, it was time for Naruto's fight with Kiba, which...

For the general purpose of not explaining just why Naruto was far more a hack than he was in the anime, Kiba got thrashed around. Poor Akamaru couldn't even bite through Naruto's skin due to how much chakra enhancement he was using on a constant basis.

Sasuke was prepared for it, but watching Hinata get beat like that really didn't sit well with him, but he didn't get involved. It was already pushing it when Naruto suddenly stepped in to interfere in the fight, because when Naji won, there was a moment he didn't stop his advance.

The same heated discussion happened between the two of them and Naruto came back to the stands practically foaming at the mouth, seeing one of his friends get that badly hurt by their own sibling was harsh.

Especially for someone like Naruto who believed siblings, no matter by how should care for each other. As he and Karin had grown closer over the weeks she's been around.

There was a soft noise as Lee stepped to stand next to Sasuke, right before his own match was about to begin. ''Sasuke... I would like to apologize for my hasty actions from before, and I would like to thank you for opening my eyes properly to just how dangerous this world really is... I have to ask you as my rival... How do you feel about Gaara of the Sands, my opponent?''

Was... Was Lee gathering information on an opponent?

Sasuke lifted his head from his book as he turned to look up to Lee, then to Gaara. ''He's dangerous.''

Lee's brows furrowed slightly, but his eyes burned with determination. ''Thank you Sasuke.'' He turned, walking back towards his team.

''Hey, Bushy brows!'' Sasuke called, looking over at him.

Lee turned around, his bushy brows lifted.

''Let's start as friends first, then we can be true rivals!''

Lee's eyes shined like diamonds before he suddenly burst into tears, turning to run to his team.

Guy was waiting for him, tears streaming and open arms as they had a manly embrace.

Kakashi released a tired exhausted breath. ''Oh, Kami what have you done...''

Sasuke slowly grinned, turning back to look back at his teacher. ''Ensure that you don't fall behind in taijutsu training of course. Guy will be so moved by his Student, pseudo-Sons new rival, he'll want to.... Rekindle the flame with his old Rival.'' Sasuke used a small bit of transformation jutsu to make his brows thicker and wiggle them in a suggestive manner.

Naruto burst into laughter and it got Sakura giggling as they watched the color drain from Kakashi as his head fell into his hands.