
Hero Society

Fanfic of my hero academia

Pop_CornDig · Anime et bandes dessinées
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96 Chs

Chapter 18 Deku: The Telekinetic Hero by sremiehzla

Stain Makes His Move

It was supposed to be a routine patrol. There were no signs that a villain would attack. Then again, there rarely ever are.

"AARGH!" came the sidekick's scream over Tensei's radio.

"Rebar, was that you?!" he asked quickly. "Where are you?!"

When there was no response, Tensei started doubling back on his patrol route. There were only so many places his sidekicks were supposed to patrol, so he shouldn't have had too hard of a time finding him. Then, as he was running, his peripheral vision caught a dash of red on the ground of an alleyway he passed. He quickly ran back and found the body of his sidekick, Rebar, laying limp on the ground covered in blood. And standing above him was a man who Tensei had hoped he'd never meet.

"Y-You... You are the hero killer! Stain!" he exclaimed. "How dare you?!"

"This man... is no hero," the villain said in his raspy voice. "To protect just for purposes of wealth or gain... This man deserves a day job, he's no HERO!"

"Stain! You are under arrest!" Tensei yelled as he rocketed at him.

Stain ducked under a punch and attempted to drive his sword up at the hero. With a burst of his engine Tensei dashed to the left, but Stain brought his leg up and kicked his head, knocking his helmet off. The Iida hit the ground and reached to activate his radio, but it was gone with his helmet. So, as he scrambled up against the wishes of his pounding head, he pulled out his phone to call his agency.

He didn't get the chance though, as he was kicked back down to the ground by Stain and dropped his phone in the process. The hero killer then planted his foot on the small of Tensei's back and ran his blade straight through his lower torso.

"GAH!" he yelled in pain, trying and failing to reach back and grab the metal weapon.

"Ingenium, the turbo hero, huh?" Stain mused as he slowly and deliberately pulled the sword out of Tensei's back. Then the hero felt his entire body go limp. "What kind of hero are you? Why do you do what you do?" The villain leaned his face down next to Tensei's, and the pro hero could smell the raw stench of blood on his breath. "Your family became extremely wealthy from being 'heroes'. Hmph, that doesn't sound very heroic to me."

Tensei tried to struggle, but his limbs wouldn't respond. On top of that, he was dizzy and his vision was slightly blurring from blood loss.

"All Might, now he's a hero," Stain continued. "He's turned down plenty of rewards in the past. Fame? Fortune? Meaningless to him. He's a hero for the sake of helping others. Someone like you, who profits from your supposed 'good deeds', can never stop me. Only ALL MIGHT, the one true hero, has permission to end me!"

"Ingenium, where'd you go?!" one of Tensei's sidekicks called from nearby.

"I think I saw him go this way!" another replied.

"Hmm, I should take my leave," Stain mused. "Take care, hero."

And just like that, he was gone. Tensei could hear his sidekicks nearby, and then he saw two of them run up to his side in the alley. While they talked about calling an ambulance plus backup from the agency, he looked at his phone. Its screen was splattered with his blood, and a notification read: Tenya Iida - 1 missed call.

"Tenya... Sorry..." he choked out before his eyes fluttered shut.