
Hero: Regressed with villain system

When the once youngest hero with the highest potential was murdered by the hero federation, he regressed in time with a villain system. What would happen next? What else? The regressed hero with the villain system vowed to take revenge on everyone who wronged him. Chaos ensured. Partial inspiration from the comics and T.V. series 'BOYS.'

Eternal_Ruler_ · Fantaisie
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59 Chs

Malkis, is that you?

There were three dorms.

One for the students who are over the rank of 100. It was called the C section.

The second one was called the B section, which was for the students over rank 20 and under rank 100.

And the last one was the most obvious luxurious of all. It was called the A section, which was of course, for the best of the best students. Students who are under rank 20.

There was only one hierarchy when it comes to dorm admission and it was ranking.

If you don't show any potential you could still graduate but you won't become a licensed and authorized hero. You could do other normal work and for someone like that, the C section is more than enough. There is food and water when you're hungry and thirsty. There are showers when you want to take a bath. There are toilets when you want to take a dump and there is even a training hall for those who want to improve.

But all of this is shared. A room in the C section is shared by mostly 10 students. The bathrooms are common, you've to wait for your turn. The training hall… No matter how early you are, it will always be cramped. The food was okay. Not luxurious nor bad.

But if you have potential, you could be promoted to the B Section. Which is way better than what you've in the C section.

You will only share your room with one more student and you even have an attached bathroom. The food is good. There are multiple training halls for those who need them and it is not cramped like the C section.

And if you're one of the elites in 'potential and hardworking' then the most luxurious dorm room in the entire world is yours. Yours alone.

The A section can be said to be a private hotel room. It had all the facilities in it.

There is a luxurious attached bathroom, a private training room, a spa, and a café and the food was also luxurious. And the best part is that you don't have to share the room with anyone.

If you think the private training hall is too small for you, then fear not, there is an even bigger training room that can be accessed by all the members of section A. Due to its size, it never was cramped inside the training hall not to mention not many people leave their private training room.

All in all, the new students, all of them, regardless of their status were admitted to the section C dorm until their rank was evaluated and determined to be promoted.

This was to make awareness among the students. For them to work hard for the upcoming exams or be damned to live in this section until the next semester which would take 5 to 6 months.

And they were successful in doing so. The students that lived a life of comfort were having a hard time adjusting to the downgrade and they were already studying for the upcoming exams.

There was bullying and ragging across the dorm. Common students were the ones that were affected the most. The elite students used their identities to escape the bullies while the common students were already spilling blood.


Ten students were standing in a row in an empty classroom. Their expression was of utter fear. Fear of the three students currently in front of them.

Two of them were standing while the third one, who was squatted on the floor, was smiling very creepily and eerily.

He was the boss.

"You…" He pointed his fingers at a trembling boy. He was timid and downcast, as was the same case with the other students too.

He came forth a little. He adjusted his specs. Still afraid to look at the three bullies.

"What… type of bullshit hero wore glasses." He, along with his other two shenanigans laughed out loud.

"Come, come, come…" He gestured for the boy to come closer.

With a spirit full of fear and dismay, the kid walked towards him.

"Chu, chu, chu… Oh you poor thing," He made a voice with his lips and shook his head. "Come, come. Come closer." He actively gestured for the boy to come closer to him.

When the kid was closer, one of the standing bullies went to him and forcefully kneeled him by stomping on the back of his knees.

"Haaa." With a small cry, the boy came face to face with the boss.

Yet, the boy didn't dare to look at him.

The boss slowly raised his hands and started to grab the boy's specs. Though the boy tried to lean back in an attempt to evade, the bully who stomped him was right behind him blocking his way.

[Aren't you gonna help him?]

Among the ten students, our hero was also there. He was on his way from running away from the 'Defenders' When one of the bullies caught him.

'Why would I?'

[Aren't you a hero?]

'A good question but… never ask it again.'

He was not here to save anyone. If people can't even stand for themselves then there is no point in coming to one of the most prestigious academies for training the 'heroes.'

That was his mentality. He wasn't here to play hero, he wanted answers and he wanted to prepare for what was coming. Though he didn't fully get an answer from the headmaster, he was sure he would eventually spill out the truth, in time.

"No, no, please. Don't do it?

He heard a sudden pleading from the side.

It was the timid boy. He was begging the boss while the boss bully clutched the spec in his hand, threatening to break it.

[He must be of no use to you, does he? Or else, you would've saved him.]

'man you're getting annoying again. Look, there is no reason for me to indulge myself in their problems. Let's lay low for now.'

[Look at you, you speak like a generic novel MC. 'I'm going to lay low and avoid all the problems.'] The mockery was very evident.

'I think I'm beginning to understand them.'

"Malkis!!" The loud shrill reverberated throughout the room.


'What? What was that?'

"Yeah, that's better. So you do have a voice inside you, don't you?." The boss cynically smiled while grabbing hold of the kid named Malkis's hair.

"So, Malkis, what do you want to become when you grew up? 'Hunter' is out of the question, a 'Hero,' nah you're too pussy to be a hero. Is there any other job other than those two, John?" He sneered.

"Yes, there is. The useless 'Support's.' " The bully standing behind the boss answered.

"Ahh, I almost forgot about that. The useless types, who feed on the crumbs left behind by the Heroes." His grip getting too tight on the hair.

Malkis was crying now.

"But can he become a support? He doesn't even look like he could beat a walking stick." Loud laughter erupted from the three bullies.

Other students shuddered hearing it.

"Is there any other 'type' for the likes of him?"

The boss looked at the other standing students.

At that moment one of them raised his hands.

"Yes? Perhaps, you know it?"

"Yes, I do. Their type of people just spread for anyone." The boy with white hair and purple eyes answered.

"Oh, excellent word of choices and what would they be called?" The boss really enjoyed the boy's answer. He always hated other types of 'people' getting called by the title hero, there was only one type of hero in the world and that is the daring and dangerous ones.

Others are not even worthy of standing with them, let alone, being called the same name. 'Scums,' that was what he called the others.

So when someone else also shared the same hatred with him, he was extremely happy.

But the ecstatic boss was not ready to hear the answer that came out of the boy's vile mouth.

With a sly smile, the boy said. "Yo mama."