
The Long Past and the Longer Present

First: I don't own any work or character other than my OC who is on book cover!

Second: please if you have any critic leave a comment

Third: ENJOY xD


In one forgotten castle what lay in the middle of nothing but death wasteland and engulfed in nothing but seemingly eternal darkness one can see the light of thousands of lit torches slowly but surely making way to that castle and holding them is a mismatched band of beings from Bretons, High Elves, Dark Elves, and Wood Elves to Nords and Khajit with Lizardmen a truly a band of races marching as one with one and only one goal and that's to slay the lord of that castle the "Nightmare" a true example of unity...

No, no unity but greed and ignorance

???: Jord is it really wise to come there? I mean that Vampire didn't leave that castle for thousand of years, and its look like it doesn't want to change...

Now named Jord who is a prime example of "True Nord" clothed in iron-plated armor with beast skins underneath and barely concealing a body height of 6,9 and shaped like a bear

Jord: Nobody made you come with us elf, if you fear "it" so much maybe you should stay in that loving library of yours! but I have enough of your cowardice!

The High Elf just scows but stay silent and move to the back of the lines, he read about their target, the oldest vampire lord to ever be documented and just deadric princes are as old or powerful...

No, it isn't the length of life he fears but the history of said vampire, he is first documented more than five thousand years ago at the end of the Dominion Era, every book at that times were destroyed in war what was spamming entire of Nirn, everything that is known about the "Nightmare" is that be the end of the war "it" hide inside of a said castle and never come out...

A Castle which is told hiding untold riches of gold and artifacts from ancient Era, no it isn't a gold he wishes but the books and knowledge what are surely hiding inside...

Just if wasn't a "Dragonborn" who led them, that barbarian doesn't know the meaning of secrecy and speed! no, rather than a little but quick group of elites what would take vampire by a surprise,

He called for a campaign to slay the ancient evil!

No, he isn't worried about him, with this much cannon fodder he can just tag along...

NO, the worrisome is the sigh of the Magic Guild master when he said he come with them even through the master wish for every member of the guild to not come there...

He must know something but no matter who asked be it him, Dragonborn, or even a Kings he just repeated that it is lost cause, with the face what was a contorted into a version of Sheogorath worshiper...

No, it doesn't matter, with these numbers even Deadric Princes would have a hard time not speaking about a mere Vampire lord...



These fools weren't even able to see that in the darkness where their light didn't reach were shadows moving in such numbers that it seemed like an endless army until there were heard screams with started their battle for survival


In the said castle there was defeating silence what was now disturbed be outside screams and sounds of battle and voice speaking with dragon tongue

???: Che Che Che you are a very poor host Emrys! not even offer tea or Cheese! Even Im better!

Said Sheogorath who was now looking at the woman sitting in the throne chair which was on the castle balcony looking at the battle or better said a massacre...

%Look at the cover of the book for Mc Image%

Said Woman looked at her uninvited host with an apathetic look and said

Emrys: No the one who takes care of your host is Haskil and I HATE CHEESE!

She said with hostility, normally that would be a death sentence as nobody speaks with Deadric Princes in such a manner but Sheogorath just ignores it as he and his siblings long-ago acknowledged that Emrys if as powerful as them after that debacle where she with bare hands bashed Molags head around his entire domain...

Said Prince of Domination for the first time tasted his aspect from another side...

Oh and that time she set Hermanus mora library domain ablaze... truly he asked for it, giving her close family cursed books, he can't blame her for visiting him and making warning from him...

But enough of dillydalling

Sheogorath: So what are you saying about new Dragonborn? a current Hero who was destined to kill you?

at that Emrys just raise her white eyebrow and say without any emotion

Emrys: If he is truly the best Akhatosh can send then Tamriel as good as done...

She says as she looks at Dragonborn who is now being ganged up be Undeath dragons truly such irony...

pity she no longer can feel any emotion...

Sheogorath just raise hands into the air as if giving up and say

Sheogorath: No you have a truth that child is pitiful but no that isn't Akhatosh solution for you, but Im! SUPRISE! are you surprised?! such Twist!

at that, finally, Emry's head turns to him, and even without any emotion you could feel the mere presence of death that could give even Immortal Princes a lot of pain and she truly liked torturing them! just she would never imagine she would fight with Sheo who she truly never was in dispute with, no you can say he is the sole prince she likes or more like is able to tolerate...

Emrys: Oh? then why didn't you say it at the start? I always wanted to try your wabbajack on you ...

Emrys says as she magically summons wabbajack to her hand and points it at Sheogorath

Sheogorath: NO! NO! NO! that's isn't fair to use my darling against me!

He said in a maddening manner as he tries but fails at summing his weapon and you can see how his mad face turns to surprised and then to serious in a matter of seconds

Sheogorath: What have you done to my wabbajack?! Emrys?

He said in a serious and dangerous manner

At that Emrys just look at him and finally for the first time from the start of their conversation her face show emotion at with Sheogorath took a step back with a surprised and little terrified look in his eyes

for Emry's face is like his aspect mirror

Emry's face is full of madness such madness that even he a Sheogorath Prince of madness is surprised be its purity and a look of realization struck his soul

Sheogorath: So you finally lost it huh?

He whispers to himself in a tired and defeated manner unfit of his standing as he regretfully smiles at his long time friend, a Woman who from Hero and Champion of entire Tamriel fallen into an entity she would slay in her younger years...

But maybe, maybe there is still a chance to wake up that woman she once was, maybe there is still a chance to bring her back, for no matter what everyone may think of him...

The Deadric Prince of madness isn't ready to lose his last friend to the aspect of time!

Hey guys? What do you think? it has a lot of holes but I hope you like it!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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