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Lol, maybe it's because I wrote it badly but I'm sure there is said that Klein helps her to get into form with training, and more than once it's said that Klein views Willow as his surrogate daughter he helped to rise... Willow belongs to someone other, any who read previous fic know to who... And even if not, why it would by ntr? Willow and Aegis aren't yet in relationship other than mother and son.
What? What ntr? You mean the snippet about future where army assault netorare universe to bring all those scumbags to justice?
A freaking lot. xD
It would by more explained later, it was already written but do take in mind that it's not an iron born fleet but iron born presence. There is difference.
Red head Secretary and Alexandrias girlfriend, Alexandria is Pyrrhas mother
Don't ... Just... Don't ... Plus really? Schnne being mean on member of family? Nahhh...
Are you actually old enough to even read this? I mean, you don't understand what BI means? Or are you just stupid? Please, I will leave this comment of yours there so everyone knows your opinion, but I will delete your one-star review because the reason for yours for it is just stupid, if you don't like BI MC then don't even review works, you little child...