
Hero of Card (Dxd)

Tells the story of a boy who longs for a hero figure in a book he is reading, one day the boy meets a mysterious man who comes suddenly when he is still engrossed in his favorite book. The mysterious man asked the boy "Do you want to be a hero?" asked like that, and of course, the innocent boy answered enthusiastically. "YES!" From there, the mysterious man gave something in the form of a ring with a symbol engraved Ω after giving the ring he spoke again "Promise me, that you will not give up on your wish" with eyes full of trust he stared at the innocent boy, as the boy's response was nodding while answering "Yes, heroes often experience difficulties but don't give up until the end!. and so do I!" eagerly answered. The man smiled happily at the innocent boy's answer and then unconsciously disappeared when the innocent boy turned his eyes briefly in a different direction, like an illusion but real because the ring the man had given him was already attached to the boy's ring finger. Furthermore, how the boy's story fulfills his childhood wish, stay tuned for his story.

Fuku_San · Anime et bandes dessinées
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48 Chs

You call this food!

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Speaker,Dialog sign " "

Thought, dialogue sign ' '

System, Dialog sign [ ]

Contacts, Dialog sign < >


Sona's body immediately stiffened when Yohan asked whether she could cook or not. She also broke out in cold sweat and her mind was busy looking for ways to answer the question or divert it.

"Why are you, Sona? Your body is shaking like that" Yohan was curious why Sona was suddenly silent and her body was trembling.

"Uuuh...that, yes I can cook!" Her answer was nervous which made Yohan even more curious.

'Why do I feel like I'm stepping on a mine?' Yohan thought when he suddenly got goosebumps. "Ooh.. that's good," Yohan said.


In the girl's dorm

'Damn it, this isn't a room! this is a house!' Yohan thought when he looked around the room which was full of Aesthetics. Starting from household furniture, and wall paintings to the distinctive smell of wood, it made the room not a room but a home.

He was now there on the pretext of wanting to eat while telling the details of what happened before he sent the woman who had become his enemy to Tsubaki.

At the dinner table, Yohan was still amazed that Sona could make his room like this, but remembered that her family is rich and owns a well-known company in the world called Sitri Cooperation and one of the companies that support this academy.

While thinking, Sona suddenly came from the kitchen carrying a pot.

'Ooh... it's done, is that soup?' Yohan thought when he saw the small pot in Her and Sona's hands put the pot on the table and when he opened it.

'Urg...what's that!?' Yohan couldn't express his surprise because the contents of the pot were something beyond his head.

Called soup, how come the color is purple, and the aroma stings the nose? And there are also lots of fillings such as carrots and potatoes that have not been perfectly sliced.

"What are you waiting for Yohan?...please eat," Sona said. Even she turned her face when she saw her cooking.

'Hey...look. This is your cooking!' Yohan thought cursing her in his mind.

"Eeeto... Sona, can you tell me what this is?" Yohan asked, forcing himself to smile.

"Mm...Food?"She said,flat tone.

'YOU CALL THIS FOOD!' Yohan shouted in his mind. He couldn't stop thinking how this woman could mention this as food.

'I'm sure this is sour liquid' thought his when he glanced at the contents of the pot which was still bubbling.

Seeing Yohan's expression like that. Sona was a little saddened by her cooking ability... from a young age, she wasn't talented at cooking at all. Even though she was interested in it and wanted to learn.

But every time she tries it always ends like this.

Yohan, who saw Sona lower her head like a desperate person, made him feel guilty about her.

'She might have been trying to make this' Yohan thought positively.

"Ahem...we don't eat this, let's make it again. This time let me help" Yohan said while inviting Sona again to cook with his help this time.

Seeing Yohan's hand inviting her, Sona slowly regained her confidence.

"Mmm," she mumbled.

Then the two of them cooked in the kitchen together. Sona made a lot of mistakes but Yohan patiently directed her while he also cooked dessert.


30 minutes later.

Various foods are already available on the table. Because Sona's fridge has lots of food ingredients even though she can't cook properly.

As Yohan thought, he had tried but always failed because no one guided him properly.

"WOAH!" Sona was amazed by her cooking, different from before which was like sour liquid. This one can only be called food.

From the way of presentation to the appearance and., the seductive aroma makes others unable to bear to eat it immediately.


"ITADAKIMAS!"The two of them compactly carry out Japanese customs even though they are both not Japanese citizens, even so, the place they are eating now is in Japan, and according to them, they must follow the eating etiquette of this country.

"MMM!...DELICIOUS!"The two of them compactly expressed something. But it doesn't matter as long as they are both unconscious.

They make four dishes that come from one country.


Miso Soup.


Chicken Katsu.

And their dessert is a pudding made directly by Yohan.

Sona and Yohan ate the food they made with gusto, even Sona was touched and couldn't believe that she managed to make food that was food.

'There are lots of ingredients in the fridge, her. Because I was confused about what to make, I made all of these, some of the recipes I got from where I work.' Yohan thought as he put the tempura into his mouth.

And looking at the rice thinking 'It's lucky I changed the rice again otherwise we'll eat while tasting the detergent'.

Luckily he survived that.


After a few minutes.

And finished enjoying their meal and it was time to tell what happened to Yohan when he was attacked by a fallen angel.

While eating Yohan's delicious pudding.

After a long explanation from Yohan. Sona also received the information and thought about their next step.

"I'm sorry, Yohan, even though you are still new to our world and I even dragged you into our problems," said Sona, slightly lowering her head.


A child as smart as Yohan chose to stay rather than be adopted. Even though there were so many people who asked him when he was young. However, he had his reasons for being able to stay in an orphanage rather than living in a stranger's house who wanted to adopt him.

"Yeah...now we can't stay silent anymore as if we don't see what's going on...I'll talk to Rias first about this. Let's end the conversation tonight. Yohan you can sleep here first because they might attack you when you sleep.."

"Huh!?"He was completely shocked by what Sona said.

"Yy...Are you sure?" Asked Yohan to make sure.

"Yes!... this is also a form of my gratitude because of you, I can now cook real food!" Her reply was full of gratitude for teaching her to cook properly.

"Ah... yes, I'm quite impressed," Yohan said a little happy with Sona's compliment.

'But sleep huh… am I going to sleep here!? in her room!'Thought Yohan.