
Hero of Card (Dxd)

Tells the story of a boy who longs for a hero figure in a book he is reading, one day the boy meets a mysterious man who comes suddenly when he is still engrossed in his favorite book. The mysterious man asked the boy "Do you want to be a hero?" asked like that, and of course, the innocent boy answered enthusiastically. "YES!" From there, the mysterious man gave something in the form of a ring with a symbol engraved Ω after giving the ring he spoke again "Promise me, that you will not give up on your wish" with eyes full of trust he stared at the innocent boy, as the boy's response was nodding while answering "Yes, heroes often experience difficulties but don't give up until the end!. and so do I!" eagerly answered. The man smiled happily at the innocent boy's answer and then unconsciously disappeared when the innocent boy turned his eyes briefly in a different direction, like an illusion but real because the ring the man had given him was already attached to the boy's ring finger. Furthermore, how the boy's story fulfills his childhood wish, stay tuned for his story.

Fuku_San · Anime et bandes dessinées
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48 Chs


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No spaces!



In front of Kuoh Academy's gate, Souna Shitori who is the student council president, and Tsubaki Shinra as her deputy are talking with the gatekeeper.

Souna looked around to make sure no more academy students came, after making sure she looked at Tsubaki while nodding her head.

"Sir, it's time to close the gate," Tsubaki said to the gate guard, the guard then stretched out his watch.

"Yes, it's time. You guys please come to class. I'll just close the gate and don't worry about the students being late because I won't tolerate them," said the gatekeeper to Souna and Tsubaki.

"In that case, I'll leave the rest to you, sir," Souna said last to the gatekeeper "Come on Tsubaki, we have to get to class soon too" Invited Tsubaki.

"HA!, Kaichou" Tsubaki replied.

The two of them walked away to enter the building, while the gatekeeper immediately closed the fence. It was at that time that something happened.

"WAIT!" Shouted a teenager with brown hair, gray eyes, and a tall body. Kuoh's men's uniform consists of a black blazer with white accents over a white shirt with vertical seams, a black ribbon on the collar, and black pants to match. and brown shoes.

Was running in a hurry towards the gate. Souna, who had wanted to enter her class, stopped seeing the behavior of a teenage boy.

Even his expression looks dizzy with one hand supporting his head while muttering "I knew it" even Tsubaki also muttered in a tired tone "Hey again"

Seeing the youth, the academy's gatekeeper hastily closed the gates as he had previously told Souna that he would not tolerate any tardy academy students.

The teenage boy who was already running at full speed glanced ahead and realized that the gatekeeper would not open the gate to him.

It was only 100 meters away and the gate was already half closed, sure that the boy did not have time to catch up and it was true that the gate was already closed when the boy was 10 meters away. But instead of stopping the boy continued to make the gatekeeper silent because after that he jumped 2 meters high with a beautiful somersault over the fence, even the gate guard was amazed by the jump.

Until finally landing smoothly on the ground, the teenage boy had time to greet the gatekeeper.

"Morning Mr. Satou!" Said the teenager in a friendly tone greeting Mr. Satou, the gatekeeper.

"YOHAN!" After waking up from his dumbfounded, the gatekeeper Satou immediately became angry because of Yohan's dangerous behavior.

"Sorry, sir! Just get angry later." Realizing that Satou would scold him, the teenager who was called Yohan ran away in a hurry, ignoring the harsh words that came out of Mr. Satou's mouth.

But when he wanted to enter the building, he saw that Tsubaki and Souna were waiting there. Within 10 meters, Yohan wanted to take another way but time was running out and he could only hope that Souna would let him go this time.

"Why stop?" Souna said, looking sarcastically at Yohan, for a moment he became nervous when he spoke.

"Ah...Morning Kaichou" he said. Souna wasn't the only one who stared sarcastically at him Tsubaki also did the same thing.

"Haah...come in, you'll miss class later," Souna said in a resigned tone, Yohan just wanted to find an excuse so he could escape punishment. But unexpectedly today Souna was kind to him.

"Yes..if so, excuse me" Yohan rushed into the building but after passing Souna, he heard the strict woman whispering to him.

"Go to my room after the break" Hearing that, Yohan flinched for a moment and his mind wandered somewhere, suddenly his feelings hurt because they didn't match the expectations he had in mind.

"Hey!?" He said weakly walking away.

After Yohan walked away, Souna sighed again. Seeing this Tsubaki tried to make her feel better.

"Kaichou I'll make tea later," Tsubaki said, Souna then responded.

"Yes...later, we also have to go back to class" After saying that the two of them walked away too toward their respective classes.


Skip the time.

Luckily Yohan still had time to enter class on time, and after class was over break time arrived. Remembering Souna told him to go to the student council room after recess made him weak. Because Yohan thought that he might just skip lunch again.

Along the way, for some reason, he suddenly remembered when he entered this academy, even though Yohan was a foreign student, who received a scholarship to be able to study at this academy.

Yohan, 17 years old, lives in a cheap apartment 5 km from the academy location, is a British citizen, orphaned since childhood smart in school from elementary to junior high and that made Kuoh academy interested in attracting him to enter his high school to this academy.

The reason he wanted to study at this academy was because of the opportunity to get a job and continue his studies at the university which was directly sponsored by Kuoh Academy. and also someone hopes for him even though biologically not biological family but for Yohan, the caretakers of the orphanage where he grew up are his parents.

And the reason he chose to live in a small apartment instead of an academy dormitory that had been specially prepared for foreign students like him, was that he was the only male in the dormitory.

It wasn't long ago that the academy changed mix so there weren't many male students enrolled, therefore there weren't many enthusiasts because it used to be an all-girls academy. Another reason was that he didn't want his focus to be distracted by alluring flowers.

{AN: The meaning of the flowers that I wrote are female students}

Even though the academy is looking for the best apartment for him, Yohan instead chooses the cheap apartment on the grounds of a nice and quiet environment, because it is his wish so the Academy cannot force him and make him live in the apartment he likes. met the expectations of the academy and Yohan agreed.

And here now, Yohan, whose childhood yearned for a hero and became one of them, struggles to survive in the rigors of modern society while maintaining his dream of becoming a hero.