
Hero of Card (Dxd)

Tells the story of a boy who longs for a hero figure in a book he is reading, one day the boy meets a mysterious man who comes suddenly when he is still engrossed in his favorite book. The mysterious man asked the boy "Do you want to be a hero?" asked like that, and of course, the innocent boy answered enthusiastically. "YES!" From there, the mysterious man gave something in the form of a ring with a symbol engraved Ω after giving the ring he spoke again "Promise me, that you will not give up on your wish" with eyes full of trust he stared at the innocent boy, as the boy's response was nodding while answering "Yes, heroes often experience difficulties but don't give up until the end!. and so do I!" eagerly answered. The man smiled happily at the innocent boy's answer and then unconsciously disappeared when the innocent boy turned his eyes briefly in a different direction, like an illusion but real because the ring the man had given him was already attached to the boy's ring finger. Furthermore, how the boy's story fulfills his childhood wish, stay tuned for his story.

Fuku_San · Anime et bandes dessinées
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48 Chs

Yakitori Vs Tomato


Arena, imitation academy.

The game had been going on for 10 minutes, and there were no signs of fighting so it looked boring, but in the next minute, a shock occurred in one of the academy buildings.

The building in question was the gymnasium, there Rias's two [Rooks] were fighting two [Pawns], one [Rook], one [Bishop].

2 vs 4

There was a shock caused by Koneko's pounding blow that shattered the ground, it didn't only startle the enemy but Issei as well, which made the man have to think twice when he wanted to irritate Koneko.

But the attack missed the intended target, her enemy was a young woman of Chinese descent who was gifted with shoulder-length black hair and turquoise eyes. Her hair has two Chinese-style buns on either side of her head, while the front features bangs that form a slight V on her forehead. Her outfit consists of a dark blue qipao with gold accents, a white sash around her belly, and black low heels. The qipao is open in the chest area, exposing her breasts and cleavage. she is a hand-to-hand fighter, and the martial art she practices is Kung Fu.

The woman was named Xuelan, the [Rook] piece.

"Hohoho~...want to finish me off in one punch? Little cat~" She said in a mocking tone, instead of being annoyed at the enemy's taunts, Koneko remained calm while throwing various punches and kicks at her. Koneko uses martial arts, Boxing, and also MMA.

But Xuelan dodged the attack but not all of it she could block. Then she covered her hand with fire.

While Koneko was busy with Xuelan. Issei was currently dodging the chainsaws from both directions.. while keeping a distance from the magic attacks aimed at him.

"Ahhhh!" Issei screamed, as he ran away from the twin little girls, who were swinging a chainsaw at him.

"Kill~ Kill~ Kill~," Said the twins as if they were playing. While avoiding the Chainsaw that was ready to mince his. Fireballs were shot onto his running track.


It was a heavy hit, but it would be a shame to think Issei ended up with just that. he was no longer a [Pawn] but a [Rook] which naturally his demonic power was converted into defense and strength.

Hit by a torrent of Fireballs, only making Issei's clothes slightly burnt.

"AHHH!...Hot! hot!"But Issei, who wasn't used to it, thought the attack was burning him so he rolled around frantically to put out the flames he thought were there.

The twins looked at Issei fairly flatly seeing his silliness in this battle.

Ile and Nel are two very young girls with turquoise hair, which they tie on one side of their heads with a yellow ribbon (the opposite of their sister's), and blue eyes. Both of their outfits consist of a sports uniform, which consists of a white t-shirt with blue accents, black leggings, and blue sneakers over knee-high socks, similar to Kuoh Academy's girls' tracksuit uniform, though without the logo. They also wear an orange bracelet on their left wrist. Both of their saws are blue.

"Nee Nee...Ile, is he pretending"

"Umm...I also thought the same, Nel"

They both stopped for a moment to watch Issei who was humiliating himself.

"AAHHH!" After thrashing on the ground for a while, he finally realized that his body was not burnt and immediately embarrassed Issei half to death.

"Ccc-...Cheating! Why didn't you tell me" Issei even accused his enemy which made his stupidity even more embarrassing?

"Forget it, the game...let's just kill him," Nel said seriously, and so did her twin, Ile. who agree with her idea.

You're right. Turning the chainsaw back on with a different expression, they swung the chainsaw again with killing intent.


Issei quickly stood up, and ran back from the twins, [Bishop] who was watching their drama, with a straight face said "Seriously?". Mihae is a young girl who is always seen wearing a Kimono with purple, orange, and pink patterns with her hair tied on the opposite side. and she couldn't believe what she saw in front of her was the ridiculousness of the battlefield.

But unfortunately, she was careless because she was just watching without helping her colleagues anymore. Meanwhile, her colleagues who fought Koneko had fallen and her body was thrown towards her.


"Issei-senpai...now!" Koneko who gave a signal to Issei, immediately made him serious and stopped running.


The twins who were already angry forcefully swung the chainsaw toward the approaching Issei. However, the twins didn't expect Issei could dodge their attacks so smoothly, while he touched their bodies.


After Issei passed the twins, then they knew that Issei was just pretending, when they both turned to look at Issei, that's when they realized his smile.

"Drees Break" muttered Issei while snapping his fingers, instantly tearing the clothes of the twins.


At the same time, Issei without pause continued his attacks on the remaining enemies.

[Bishop] Mihae and [Rook] Xuealn, were about to stand up but they saw Issei dart past them while touching their bodies.

"Hehehe~" Issei who had passed them both giggled while snapping his fingers "Drees Break!"

Their clothes met the same fate as the twins.




"Bastard!, you coward!"

While the girls who were victims of Issei's molestation, cursed him very badly but Issei didn't care and said.

"Hehehe~, Let's the game lady~" With the lewd tone and hand gestures he showed that made the girls scream in horror at the thought of what would happen.



Koneko elbowed Issei in the ribs which made the man bend over while holding his ribs in pain.

"Senpai...we should go soon," Koneko said in a monotone.

"Uuu-...uh, I understand, but can you not do that anymore" Issei pleaded but was ignored by her, and he was left by Koneko.

"Hey...Wait!"Issei ran towards the exit and in front of him was Koneko who was leading the way. The enemy thought the two of them were stupid, letting the Riser Peerage they defeated not be eliminated from the game.

But they were wrong, someone had already prepared with a wide-scale attack and that person was Isami who was ready with her current strongest attack.

"Crush!" Hit the red ball that floats in front of her.


The red ball hit by her swelled up to the size of a gymnasium, causing Isamu's attack to destroy everything along its path.

The enemies trapped in the sports hall couldn't move and just stood there until the red ball swallowed them all.

Patréon has been launched, there are advanced chapters available there, if you can't wait for the latest update feel free to join in!


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