
Hero of Card (Dxd)

Tells the story of a boy who longs for a hero figure in a book he is reading, one day the boy meets a mysterious man who comes suddenly when he is still engrossed in his favorite book. The mysterious man asked the boy "Do you want to be a hero?" asked like that, and of course, the innocent boy answered enthusiastically. "YES!" From there, the mysterious man gave something in the form of a ring with a symbol engraved Ω after giving the ring he spoke again "Promise me, that you will not give up on your wish" with eyes full of trust he stared at the innocent boy, as the boy's response was nodding while answering "Yes, heroes often experience difficulties but don't give up until the end!. and so do I!" eagerly answered. The man smiled happily at the innocent boy's answer and then unconsciously disappeared when the innocent boy turned his eyes briefly in a different direction, like an illusion but real because the ring the man had given him was already attached to the boy's ring finger. Furthermore, how the boy's story fulfills his childhood wish, stay tuned for his story.

Fuku_San · Anime et bandes dessinées
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48 Chs

Yakitori Vs Tomato (4)

Rias fought Riser and Ravel alone in the sky. She maneuvered while throwing POD (Power of Destruction) balls, when the ball touched an object then, regardless of the shape of that object, it would disappear, no. More precisely, it was destroyed.

Of course, he looked very strong, however… it was a pity that Rias's POD attack had no effect because the man could regenerate lost body parts, he didn't even feel pain when his limbs were shattered.

"Kuhahahah!…Rias, stop your stupid struggle and kneel before me!" Riser said, scorning Rias to make her surrender.

However, Rias was not bothered by the insults. Instead, she replied his.

"Kneeling? Huh!, looks like you've mistaken Riser. The Gremory clan won't lower their heads in front of a bastard like you!" Rias exclaimed. And that managed to make Riser annoyed, you can see it from the twitch on his face.

"Bastard you say!?... Okay, if you want to keep fighting then do it!...I'll show you what despair is!...and I'll enjoy it a lot!" Riser said, with an irritated tone.

"Hey Brother!, she just provoked you! don't be temperamental now!"Ravel shouted from a distance warning her brother not to be provoked by Rias's words.

"Humph! You just stay there Ravel. Just watch your brother make that woman kneel in front of me!" Riser said snapping at Ravel not to advise him.

Then Riser seemed to be overcome with emotion, he fiercely attacked Rias. Again and again, he continued to launch attacks that made a rain of fire that continued to burn the forest.

At the same time, Rias maneuvered with her devil wings, avoiding a barrage of fireballs and flames that blindly attacked her. Of course, all of those attacks were impossible for Rias to avoid, even some of them hit her but weren't too fatal, and she decided to use her POD. to create a shield made of solid POD. that makes Riser's fire attack unable to penetrate it.

"Kahahahaha!...what's wrong, Rias! Can't move?" Said Riser in a disdainful tone.

Seeing her brother's stubborn behavior made Ravel shake her head so she forgot something important.

That is, Rias's other Peraage.

"Hello Miss~" Akeno said, suddenly behind Ravel.

"Huh!?" Ravel got goosebumps and was shocked, she quickly pulled away and turned around to see who surprised her.

Akeno just waved her hand with a warm smile, when Ravel realized that only the two of them were left.

'Shit!, how could I be distracted! you stupid Brother!… because of you we have been caught in their trap!' Ravel thought quickly.

As thought, quickly all the remaining members of Rias surrounded her from all directions.

"You better give up, Miss," Kiba said firmly to ask Ravel to surrender.

"Umm...I won't hurt you if you give up immediately" It was Isamu's turn to speak who also strictly told her to surrender herself.

"Yakitori, give up quickly," Koneko said in an even tone and even expression.

"Ufufufu~, I hope you accept our kind offer," Akeno said giggling while covering her laughing mouth with her hand. "It's okay, we won't torture you" The friendly one had turned scary.

Ravel judged her current situation to be very dire, even so, she tried to stay calm and find a way to get out of the situation.

'Hey, stupid Brother!' Ravel quickly contacted her brother, via telepathy.

"This voice…Ravel?" Riser immediately stopped her barrage of attacks towards Rias and listened to Ravel's telepathy first.

'Listen to me, and don't be stubborn just yet. We are currently at a huge disadvantage, the enemies are more numerous than I thought. We only managed to take down one enemy piece while we lost all of our pieces. While they still have that Sekiryuutei' Ravel said, through telepathy Riser glanced towards his Younger Sister who was being surrounded by enemies.

'There's no other way, we might get scolded after this. But I also don't want to lose to them, bro. Use it!' Riser was surprised to hear his sister, who wanted to use the Fenex clan's ultimate technique.

"Ravel...you know what the consequences are if we use our ultimate technique and you want to use it only against them? It turns out you're crazier than me" Riser said, between being impressed and mocking Ravel.

the consequence of the Phenex Clan's ultimate technique was a reduction in life span, not only that. but the user could die if they were not strong enough to withstand the side effects of the technique.

Even so, Ravel and Riser had a trick to be able to get rid of those side effects. However, they couldn't remove their age reduction. That's why this technique was forbidden to use only in trivial circumstances.

'I know that very well, but our father already made a bet with Sirzechs-sama. If we lose here then the loss will be on our side. Therefore, we can't lose here. For the sake of our honor as Phenex!' Ravel said.

Hearing that, Riser got excited and without thinking, he replied "I like that!…let's show them, how the immortal Phoenix was born!" As soon as he said that, Riser's body burned together with Ravel's.

Rias and the others immediately became alert, and also intended to thwart their plan, but the flames protected them so they were not easy to approach or attack.

All they could do was watch the transformation scene that those Brothers and Sisters were about to perform.


The flames that covered their bodies slowly turned their bodies into flames, in two different places, the flames flew closer to each other, and when they merged, the flames grew bigger and bigger.

Gradually the great fire formed a bird that was spreading its wings.

In Egyptian mythology, there is a kind of sacred legendary firebird. This firebird is described as having very beautiful red and golden feathers. It is said to live as long as

long as 500 or 1461 years. After living that long, the bird will burn itself. After that, from the ashes, emerged a young bird. The bird's life cycle is like reincarnation, rising again after death, then appearing as a new person.

The bird's name.



Patréon has been launched, there are advanced chapters available there, if you can't wait for the latest update feel free to join in!


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