
Hero of Card (Dxd)

Tells the story of a boy who longs for a hero figure in a book he is reading, one day the boy meets a mysterious man who comes suddenly when he is still engrossed in his favorite book. The mysterious man asked the boy "Do you want to be a hero?" asked like that, and of course, the innocent boy answered enthusiastically. "YES!" From there, the mysterious man gave something in the form of a ring with a symbol engraved Ω after giving the ring he spoke again "Promise me, that you will not give up on your wish" with eyes full of trust he stared at the innocent boy, as the boy's response was nodding while answering "Yes, heroes often experience difficulties but don't give up until the end!. and so do I!" eagerly answered. The man smiled happily at the innocent boy's answer and then unconsciously disappeared when the innocent boy turned his eyes briefly in a different direction, like an illusion but real because the ring the man had given him was already attached to the boy's ring finger. Furthermore, how the boy's story fulfills his childhood wish, stay tuned for his story.

Fuku_San · Anime et bandes dessinées
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48 Chs

What Devil?...Me!

Patréon has been launched, there are advanced chapters available there, if you can't wait for the latest update feel free to join in!



The display is as I remember, but there is a special column on the left where it shows the quest page that will be given by the system.

'Right, the system said earlier that he used the trial card by force. which character of the card did I use?' That's right, I wonder. Who and what powers did I gain when using the trial card?

But I don't have any more information about that… I feel the situation I'm in is complicated. But I have to find out exactly what goal that person wants to achieve and why he entrusted this ring of extraordinary power to me.

Making up my mind I set my new goal now, which is to find out the purpose of that person giving me this ring.


Suddenly the alarm rings showing the time 8 am.

"Haah~...alright let's forget about this or I'll be late again" I muttered while taking a towel and after that entered the bathroom to take a shower.


Skip Time.

Even after class I still think about the system until I ignore the teacher who is explaining the theory in front of me.

Previously I had met Issei and he looked confused, wondering about his girlfriend...his colleagues thought he was crazy but this surprised me that no one remembered Issei's girlfriend. Even though Issei directly boasted about his girlfriend a few days ago to his colleagues.

It's like someone deliberately covered up the fact about Issei's non-human girlfriend.

"Yohan!" Suddenly I heard Mrs. Nishimiya screaming very close to my ear to make a strange hum.

"Are you daydreaming?" She said in a relaxed tone but with a dangerous aura. This made me laugh awkwardly when I saw her large figure in my vision.


'Haaah~...this is the first time, I'm being punished directly by the teacher' I thought, usually the only one giving punishment is Souna Kaichou.

While carrying a bucket filled with water in both hands and standing in the hall until Mrs. Nishimiya's hour ended.

When I pondered, suddenly someone came and when I looked at her it was Tsubaki.

"Eh?"She looked surprised to see me getting punished.

"Yohan...you got the punishment from Nishimiya sensei?" Tsubaki asked, I just nodded to answer her question.

"Okay, I won't ask again... I came here, to tell you that Souna Kaichou wants to meet you during recess and she said that you should come" Tsubaki said.

"Okay... I'll come later," I said, she nodded in understanding and turned away just like that.

'Haah~...what now' I thought, my situation right now is already complicated and Souna wants to meet me?.


Skip the time

Now rest, before going to the student council room. I have to eat something first, also I didn't have breakfast this morning and as a result, I'm starving now even my lunch portion is also big.

Done with my lunch. I complied with Souna's request to come to the Student Council room immediately. On the way, I saw Issei and his comrades planning something. seeing their lecherous expressions. I knew what they were planning.

'Oh my gosh, why didn't Souna expel the three of them from the academy?

I also ignore them, anyway they must be battered again after this.


Arriving in front of the student council room, I stopped for a moment and knocked on the door to make sure there was someone inside.


Then there was the sound of someone's footsteps from inside approaching the door…and opening the door for me.

"Come in Yohan...Souna-Kaichou is waiting for you" said Tsubaki who opened the door for me.

"Uuh" Tumben she opened the door, I usually only open it myself. Was she ordered by Souna?

When I entered, I saw a line of student council members consisting of 5 women including Souna, and one man who looked at me with an instant gaze that made me uncomfortable.

I just walked until I faced Souna who was smiling at me as if she had been waiting for me.

Then she seemed to give a code to Tsubaki where Tsubaki slightly lowered her head and returned to the line.

"So what was I called here for?" I asked curiously what reason I was called her.

"Ahem...Yohan, let's talk" She started the conversation by coughing on purpose.


Then she invited me to sit on the sofa while she elegantly drank her tea. Then Tsubaki suddenly placed a chess box on the table. It seemed she was ordered by Souna.

"Can you play this?"Souna asked, it looked like she wanted to talk about something while playing chess.

"Take it easy... I'm the English chess national champion" I said honestly, there were some reactions from Souna's colleagues who were as surprised as the male members.

"Hee...if that's the case, then this will be an interesting match," he said. He didn't seem bothered at all, instead, he was even more excited in her eyes.

She opened the chess city and gave me a code for which side to choose. I chose the black side. Then the two of us arranged the chess pieces.

After finishing, without thinking Souna moved her pawn.

"Before getting to the heart of the matter, I asked you something...do you remember anything last night?" Souna's sudden question surprised me. It seemed like she wanted to mess up the game by making my composure collapse.

But you're wrong. I hate losing, what else about this game?

"Yeah... I remember last night's events as if I had a dream but I know it's reality. But I don't have concrete evidence," I said while moving my piece.

"I see... then this will be easy. OK without further ado. What I saw last night was an incident that was beyond human reason and the creatures you encountered last night were supernatural beings like in a fairy tale. They are Daten-shi or shorter. fallen angel" Souna said while moving her horse.

While processing the information, I thought of a way to properly aim my pieces.