
Hero of Card (Dxd)

Tells the story of a boy who longs for a hero figure in a book he is reading, one day the boy meets a mysterious man who comes suddenly when he is still engrossed in his favorite book. The mysterious man asked the boy "Do you want to be a hero?" asked like that, and of course, the innocent boy answered enthusiastically. "YES!" From there, the mysterious man gave something in the form of a ring with a symbol engraved Ω after giving the ring he spoke again "Promise me, that you will not give up on your wish" with eyes full of trust he stared at the innocent boy, as the boy's response was nodding while answering "Yes, heroes often experience difficulties but don't give up until the end!. and so do I!" eagerly answered. The man smiled happily at the innocent boy's answer and then unconsciously disappeared when the innocent boy turned his eyes briefly in a different direction, like an illusion but real because the ring the man had given him was already attached to the boy's ring finger. Furthermore, how the boy's story fulfills his childhood wish, stay tuned for his story.

Fuku_San · Anime et bandes dessinées
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48 Chs

What's that got to do with me?


Park, Kuoh Town, Morning.

After solving Asia's problem the night before, calmly started to come over me again.

Right now I'm doing light exercise, and I've been here for 1 hour. The sun hasn't risen yet because I still have a lot of time before going to school. I do a short marathon around the city while waiting for the sun to rise.

While running I thought about Asia. she was the victim who would be sacrificed to extract her sacred gear. luckily I saved her at that time, I found out before Diodora broke his deal with the fallen angels.

Raynare intended to extract Asia's Sacred Gear… and make it her own. That girl was completely alone and that made her easy to trick.

'At least she has started a new life here' I thought, I really can't bear to see her continue to suffer. Because her innocence is easy for her to be used by others. inside that church.

Supervision for her was very strict, even the smallest things had to be watched over. Likewise, the right to freedom was stolen from her, which made the church where she used to live like a prison in a cage. And Asia was a bird in that cage.

Even though she is close to the pope now it doesn't mean her life is fine under the tutelage of another church. In the end, the title of Holy Maiden is only a form of tying a chain around her neck.

"Well…at least, I have to make sure she doesn't experience all that again while she's here, what else Sona said, that she's going to admit Asia into the academy soon" I muttered, I subconsciously ran to the foot of the hill.

Right in front of me was an old church that had been abandoned long ago, but in a place like this, Asia still wanted to be there. I was amazed by her tenacity to stay strong in any situation.

Shifting the railing, I stepped into the church grounds and was in front of the entrance.

*Knock!* *Knock!* *Knock!*

Knocked on the door a few times and waited. A few moments later I heard footsteps from inside approaching the entrance. When the door was opened I could see Asia who was already well dressed even though the sun had not yet risen.

"Yohan-san!" She was quite surprised by my presence here, my clothes consisted of tight pants covered by shorts, while the top consisted of a sweater.

"Good morning!" I greeted her while waving.


Kuoh, morning.

"Uhh…that was not bad" I muttered, I'm on my way to the academy now. The reason I did the shoulder massage was that previously I helped Asia to repair some damaged parts of the building inside the church.

Several parts of the building have been quite damaged, as a result of the fighting that occurred a week ago. such as a leaky roof, the walls of the church that have been damaged and overgrown with moss, and others.

Repairing the damage certainly won't be done in a few hours, therefore I only repair what I can fix, and the rest are waiting for help from Sona to renovate the church to arrive.

Thinking that without realizing it I was already in front of the academy gate and saw Tsubaki and Momo who were doing the inspection. Then I greeted the two of them "Morning...Tsubaki!, Momo!"

Hearing my voice, they turned to look at me simultaneously waving their arms "Morning, to you too. Yohan-san"

After greeting them, I just walked past them. Restarting the quiet academy life… that's what I thought… I don't know how I got kidnapped I think I was going to go to the toilet for a bit.

The perpetrator of all this is Rias Gremory, it's surprising that she dared to do this. I don't know what her purpose is, but she seems to be worried about something.

"Yohan!" Her screamed. We are currently in the sports equipment storage shed. This place is a little far from the main building because it is surrounded by trees.

I was strapped in and sat watching her chest continue to sway as she bent down just to meet my eyes.

"Err...huh?" I said, stuttering in this strange situation.

"Can I ask for help!?" She asked, with eyes full of hope.

"Umm...what help?" I asked her back. I was really confused about this situation. How can a woman who usually looks elegant in front of everyone, now not much different from an ordinary girl?

There was a moment of silence before she answered "Please take my virginity!" she asked hesitantly to say those words.




It took me a while to process the information. "Huh!?" …why should I take your virginity?" when I asked again. she didn't hear her at all and immediately took off her clothes so that only the bottom was left.

"Woah! Woah! Woah!.what are you doing!"I screamed, she has lost her mind to show her assets to me. we are not even friends!

I pushed my gaze to see her naked body, as a form of respecting her as a woman, but she looked disappointed and even surprised.

"Do I not look satisfactory to you?" Asked her, she even doubted her own body. How can a man like me not be tempted at all?

But she was wrong. I almost lost control earlier. It's really dangerous, I just went too far with Sona.

"No... you're beautiful I admit that, but Rias... I can't take advantage of a girl in trouble... could we talk about this first... who knows I might be able to solve your problem even though there isn't much I can do" I said, closing my eyelids .true temptation was very heavy.

Hearing that. Rias seemed hesitant to continue this and put her clothes back on. When it was finished, her face was somber and her eyes were also empty.

"Anuu...can you untie this rope?" I said while showing my tied hands.

"Umm," She answered like she lost her life. when I was about to untie my bond suddenly the barn door was shattered.


Light began to enter my view, a human silhouette moved toward us. When I was wondering who she was but hearing her voice I already knew who was coming.

"What are you doing here?"

Patréon has been launched, there are advanced chapters available there, if you can't wait for the latest update feel free to join in!


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