
Hero of Card (Dxd)

Tells the story of a boy who longs for a hero figure in a book he is reading, one day the boy meets a mysterious man who comes suddenly when he is still engrossed in his favorite book. The mysterious man asked the boy "Do you want to be a hero?" asked like that, and of course, the innocent boy answered enthusiastically. "YES!" From there, the mysterious man gave something in the form of a ring with a symbol engraved Ω after giving the ring he spoke again "Promise me, that you will not give up on your wish" with eyes full of trust he stared at the innocent boy, as the boy's response was nodding while answering "Yes, heroes often experience difficulties but don't give up until the end!. and so do I!" eagerly answered. The man smiled happily at the innocent boy's answer and then unconsciously disappeared when the innocent boy turned his eyes briefly in a different direction, like an illusion but real because the ring the man had given him was already attached to the boy's ring finger. Furthermore, how the boy's story fulfills his childhood wish, stay tuned for his story.

Fuku_San · Anime et bandes dessinées
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48 Chs

Train Isamu (2)


"Okay everyone...please rest, we'll finish today's training first," Rias said to her members. They all felt relieved and went to wash before dinner.

Except for Isamu who was still pensive thinking about something, the woman had doubts in her heart. She felt lost with her own choices.

Seeing this, Rias had obvious worries for Isamu. She felt bad for them, she made them solve the problem she was facing.

The Gremory clan is known to be very affectionate towards their family even though their status is slaves if they are part of the Gremory then without hesitation they are given affection by the clan.

Because of that, this overly affectionate nature passed on to Rias so that she became too indulgent to her members to the point that she was also complacent and forgot about the big problems she would have to face later.

That was in the past, now she regretted why she didn't think of a plan to get out of this situation, now their time was short and Rias who didn't have much experience challenged a bastard who had more experience and numbers than Rias.

The hope that she has, for now, is Isamu, then someone unexpected and he is a member of her friends. That man is very mysterious somehow after 2 days of his awakening as a Devil he can defeat the Devil from the Pillar Clan.


When called Isamu gasped "Ah yes...Prez?" Approaching Rias and asking "What's wrong?"

Seeing Rias' worry that was visible on her face "Isamu-san, I'm sorry I forced this on you" Rias said. She said with obvious nervousness, as you can see from her trembling hands.

"Sorry...if we lose, I will take full responsibility. I don't want my troubles to bring disaster to you, I'm sorry" Said Rias, even though it sounds brave because she wants to take all the responsibility, but Rias is scared. She can already imagine how she will be a toy for that man for the rest of her life. every time she thinks about it her heart hurts a lot but the cause of this all happening is that she lacks insight and maturity.

"No need to apologize, Prez. We promised together that we would beat that bastard together" Isamu said, trying to calm Rias down. Seeing his faith in Isamu made his worries fade a little.

"Thank you...jaa~, let's go inside" Said Rias, inviting Isamu to immediately enter the villa.

Isamu nodded, along with Rias, and they entered the villa together.

However, their footsteps stopped after seeing someone familiar. a man dressed in a green t-shirt, and jeans. had short brown hair, black eyes, and a handsome face.

He stood in front of the Villa's door and was about to press the bell button, but his movements stopped when he glanced to the side where Rias and Isamu were walking towards him.

"Yohan?" They both said simultaneously. As they approached Yohan, he turned to face them.

"Hay~...am I disturbing?" Yohan said, casually speaking to those who were confused about why he could be there.


"I must say, I never asked Sona to send you here," Rias said. Right now Yohan and Rias along with the others were sitting in the big living room inside this villa.

Yohan and Rias faced each other, while Akeno giggled while setting tea and some snacks on the table. There was also someone giving him a hateful look.

"Haah...you didn't, but she asked me. Even though she was irritated with your attitude, you know Rias, she appreciates your friendship," Yohan said, which made Rias instantly soften and feel inferior to Sona for thinking badly of her.

"But Yohan-san, according to the rules we can't put you on the team because you are part of the Sitri Peerage" Akeno said. She guessed that the help was meant to add Yohan to the team.

"Ah, no... indeed my goal is here to help. But not to help you fight but to make preparations for war" Yohan said. Hearing this, Rias became interested and serious in the conversation.

"So...say what do you mean by preparation?"

Yohan grinned thinly and explained her plan.


"I can't believe it will work," Kiba said.

"Umm," Koneko also agreed with Kiba's opinion.

"It's a risky plan but it can work considering we are taking advantage of the enemy's arrogant nature. But that's up to Rias" Akeno had a different opinion.

"Huh?"Meanwhile, Issei was confused about what Yohan meant.

Isamu tried to understand the meaning of Yohan's plan and Rias thought about what decision he should make.

'This plan is very risky considering I have to sacrifice 2 of my members to catch Riser off guard, but picking the right timing is the difficulty' Rias thought. Yohan's plan was simple but risky. This took advantage of the opponent's arrogant nature, where they had to make the opponent bring out their best technique. to make the opponent run out of steam. lastly, they have to prepare the ultimate attack to end it all.

"Even if we agree on this plan, you have to deal with his subordinates first... so you don't run out of energy when fighting his subordinates. I will train Isamu because she has all roles here." Yohan explained. Isamu was surprised when his name was mentioned, meanwhile, Kiba opened his mouth after thinking.

"Even so, it's risky since we provoked the emotions of a high-class noble, he and his family may have a grudge against us. This will be a troublesome matter considering that his family is a huge influence due to the medicinal elixir that only they can concoct." Kiba said, he just agrees with Yohan's plan but the impact they will receive later is also big.

And that will affect the underworld economy.

"For that matter, take it easy" the voice of someone who wasn't part of the group was heard and he appeared from behind Rias without anyone noticing.

Yohan immediately became wary of this man, even though he looked friendly but Yohan instinctively knew that this man was bad news.

Hearing that, Yohan lowered his head and turned to look at Sirzechs directly "That's right, there's a saying. One has to take a risk when one wants to change one's life. This plan I made based on that saying" Yohan said, making Sirzechs' eyebrows slightly raised.

"Hoo~" The other people who heard the conversation were amazed by Yohan's thoughts while people avoided dangers more, while he thought of walking through those dangers to change his life.

There were a few minutes of silence before Sirzechs started talking again.

"I've wanted to meet you for a long time... when Ajuka and Serafall told me about you unusually getting a mutated piece and it's the first time since the Evil Piece was created." Picked up the cake on the table and ate it casually even though a serious conversation was going on.

"Someone strange and mysterious. that's what I think of you" Without hesitation, Sirzechs expressed his thoughts.

"Then...should I be proud when you pay attention to me?"

"Hmm~...not really, I don't care what you think of me either. However, the plan you proposed to my sister is what makes me even more attractive to you. It's very risky and will greatly affect our politics, of course, because people can be sensitive to their own emotions." Then his back leaned on the sofa. With a sharp look when he saw Yohan while his hands folded together.

"Let's carry out that plan...I can help by making a bet with Lord Phenex where he won't be able to avoid it." Said Sirzechs which surprised Rias.

"ONII-SAMA!" Rias, who had been silent before, spoke up, wanting to protest her brother's arbitrary decision against her.

"Rias...I know you're trying to be independent without my help or our family, but as a brother, I can't just close my eyes to see my own sister's misery." Turning his gaze towards RIas behind the couch.

"At least let this little brother of yours provide a little help," Sirzechs said, in a pleading tone to Rias.

"Nii-sama" Rias was a little moved to hear that. Because Sirzechs begged like that, she also agreed to accept a small help from her brother.

"Then!~...enjoy the rest of your time to practice, I have to get back before she comes here"He stood up and walked over to take space."Jaa~, see you all later!"Said his for the last time, then he disappeared after the red magic circle swallowed his from below.


Underworld, Sirzechs Office.

Sirzechs suddenly appeared from the teleportation circle in his office, looking around, making sure no one was in his office.

"Haah~, luckily it's not too late"


Just now Sirzechs was relieved that there was no one in his office, but he was wrong. Someone was waiting for them, he was just hiding there.

"GYAAAK!"Sirzechs was very surprised by the arrival of her who was suddenly behind him. He stepped back a few steps backward and made a mess of some of the papers piled up on the table.


Grayfia was a beautiful young woman who looked to be in her early twenties with long, back silver hair featuring long braids on each side with a small blue bow at the end, while the rest was left loose ending in twin braids and red eyes.

she is seen wearing a blue and white French maid's dress with long sleeves and a white maid's headband on her head with red lipstick as a cosmetic accessory.

Her face smiled but her aura said no, for someone of Sirzechs' caliber to even feel goosebumps when faced with her.

Two things scared Sirzechs. firstly being hated by Rias and secondly being disciplined by Grayfia.

know, if this looks ridiculous... someone who stands at the pinnacle of underworld society... looks like that.

However, I don't like the Sirzechs depicted in the original canon… where he is a man who has a serious and dignified appearance.

In my story, I made a major overhaul of his character traits where as Sirzechs in this story is an easygoing, friendly, and lovable guy regardless of what people think of him being scary.


Patréon has been launched, there are advanced chapters available there, if you can't wait for the latest update feel free to join in!


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