
Hero of Card (Dxd)

Tells the story of a boy who longs for a hero figure in a book he is reading, one day the boy meets a mysterious man who comes suddenly when he is still engrossed in his favorite book. The mysterious man asked the boy "Do you want to be a hero?" asked like that, and of course, the innocent boy answered enthusiastically. "YES!" From there, the mysterious man gave something in the form of a ring with a symbol engraved Ω after giving the ring he spoke again "Promise me, that you will not give up on your wish" with eyes full of trust he stared at the innocent boy, as the boy's response was nodding while answering "Yes, heroes often experience difficulties but don't give up until the end!. and so do I!" eagerly answered. The man smiled happily at the innocent boy's answer and then unconsciously disappeared when the innocent boy turned his eyes briefly in a different direction, like an illusion but real because the ring the man had given him was already attached to the boy's ring finger. Furthermore, how the boy's story fulfills his childhood wish, stay tuned for his story.

Fuku_San · Anime et bandes dessinées
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48 Chs


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Yohan, when he wanted to go to his place of work, accidentally saw someone he knew. Not the whole academy knew him.

"Issei?...and who's next to him!" Yohan was quite surprised that a woman dared to approach the man.

It's nothing, Issei is known as a pervert, even though he is so famous not only at the academy. There are several cases where he is often talked about by customers at Yohan's place of work.

Apart from that, he was hated by all the girls in the academy and as a result, he often whined with his peers about the boyfriends that Yohan thought were impossible for them to get if their deviant attitude was not changed.

"I'm curious about what happened, but... I also have to work early" Yohan wanted to cross the bridge that Issei also crossed with the woman.

Because he didn't want to spoil their beautiful moment, Yohan decided to take a shortcut and even had to jump over a concrete fence as high as the fence he had jumped over this morning.


Skip the Day.

Yohan is currently on his way to the academy, walking and not in a hurry. Yesterday he was late not because he was on purpose but because he was tired from work. After all, he got two shifts because his co-worker was sick.

As a result, Yohan wakes up not on schedule even though he always has to exercise regularly to keep his body fit at all times. Even though he could have missed his regular exercise but still insisted on doing it.

"Haah~...at least today I have more rest time" Yohan muttered while stretching his hands up. Yesterday his co-worker recovered so he didn't have to take his colleague's shift again.

When it was a few meters away from the academy gate, Yohan looked with blurry vision ahead and something in front of him made him suddenly awake.

"Huh!?"He was so surprised that he made a strange expression, Yohan was watching Issei being held by the woman he met yesterday.

'I wish yesterday was just a prank but...heh, seriously!?' While rubbing his eyes again to make sure the scene in front of him wasn't an illusion.

But seeing Issei's partner like that, being surprised and even making strange expressions like Yohan's made him even more certain that this woman was crazy enough to want to date a creature named Issei.

However, if Yohan thought about it again, he and Issei didn't have any relationship, it's just that the person in front of him was famous throughout the academy, so he was surprised.

"Mah...it was his luck to have a girlfriend at a young age" Yohan muttered while passing by Issei and his colleagues.


Skip the time.

School ended just like that, without any interesting events for Yohan. But that wasn't a problem for him, after all his goal here was just to learn not to seek other sensations.

As usual, he also worked the night shift because tonight was a weekend night so the customers who came were slightly more. By the way, Yohan worked at a cafe located 1km from the academy.

And Yohan also glanced at Issei's girlfriend who was waiting in front of the gate, stared at the woman a little longer then suddenly his heartbeat was beating fast.


"Haah...Haah...Haah...damn, I've never felt this!" Yohan muttered while looking down at the woman who became Issei's girlfriend, smiling innocently when his girlfriend came.

Meanwhile, Yohan, who was breathing heavily, recalled where he had felt the sensation he was experiencing.

'True... I've never felt like this when I was being chased by a mad dog in my town! This is a sign of danger!' thought Yohan.

His heartbeat suddenly raced as a result of the human subconscious system warning the body of imminent danger. It could be categorized as a special ability to sense danger and was rare among humans themselves.

And Yohan had it, watching the pair leave that's when his heart rate returned to normal. And this made him even more convinced that something was wrong with the woman Issei was dating.

Yohan then thought back on what action he would take next 'I and Issei are just strangers, not friends, not acquaintances either, but should I let him be with such a dangerous woman? and if I let it then what about my ideology about heroes?' Lots of questions in his head.

But soon he decided 'I shouldn't be speculating about his girlfriend just because of my gut feeling... well let's watch what happens next. , and he immediately left the academy to go to work while Issei's problem, the action he took at this time was to monitor the woman's movements first.

As Yohan left the academy, someone was watching from a distance and it was Souna.

"Why was he...just now bending over like he's in pain and now he's fine?...haah~" With a sigh, Souna felt confused by the random behavior of this one academy student.

sometimes he can make a mess and sometimes he also acts strange and random making his character unpredictable. Then he returns to the student council room to do his work and forgets about Yohan.


Another day

It's the weekend now, and a couple of new lovers are happily dating while Yohan is focused on staring at the woman beside Issei.

Why could this happen, if Yohan has a different shift on weekends where his schedule is morning? While he is on duty at the cafe while serving customers suddenly Issei comes to bring his girlfriend to the cafe where he works.