
Hero of Card (Dxd)

Tells the story of a boy who longs for a hero figure in a book he is reading, one day the boy meets a mysterious man who comes suddenly when he is still engrossed in his favorite book. The mysterious man asked the boy "Do you want to be a hero?" asked like that, and of course, the innocent boy answered enthusiastically. "YES!" From there, the mysterious man gave something in the form of a ring with a symbol engraved Ω after giving the ring he spoke again "Promise me, that you will not give up on your wish" with eyes full of trust he stared at the innocent boy, as the boy's response was nodding while answering "Yes, heroes often experience difficulties but don't give up until the end!. and so do I!" eagerly answered. The man smiled happily at the innocent boy's answer and then unconsciously disappeared when the innocent boy turned his eyes briefly in a different direction, like an illusion but real because the ring the man had given him was already attached to the boy's ring finger. Furthermore, how the boy's story fulfills his childhood wish, stay tuned for his story.

Fuku_San · Anime et bandes dessinées
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48 Chs

Tragedy (3)

Patréon has been launched, there are advanced chapters available there, if you can't wait for the latest update feel free to join in!



Realizing that it would be useless to run towards a wide field because it would become an easy target for the psychopathic woman, Yohan chose to run towards the trees while avoiding Her wide-reaching gaze while in the air.

After successfully entering the trees, Yohan was a little relieved, but he remained alert because the woman was getting angry.

"IT'S USELESS TO HIDE,DAMT IT! "The woman screamed in the air while circling the tree area.

Lowered Issei and glared at him "Stay here and don't make a sound or run, you understand?" Yohan could no longer be friendly to his. Feeling a dangerous pressure coming from Yohan immediately made him just nod and even cover his mouth with his own two hands.

After placing Issei who became obedient in the safest place according to him, it was then when Yohan moved to think of a plan for how to deal with the creature.

Then an idea occurred to be able to paralyze her, while checking what was in his pocket and found a pen.

'Only one chance' thought he as he moved to counterattack.


The woman looked up from the sky, she was annoyed at a human who had dared to damage her face with a bicycle tire. It was an insult for a superior being like her to be treated like this by an ordinary human.

While looking for the human who made her face like that, she found traces of blood on the ground and immediately went downstairs to check.

"Huh... run like a mouse, when I catch him. I won't make his death easy, I'll torture that human to death," he said with an angry face.

The place where the blood trail was found was in the middle of the trees… and it was suitable to be a counterattack stage for Yohan.

When the woman's eyes continued to trace the blood trail they stopped because of the bushes that were in the way, when she was about to walk following the blood trail suddenly the bushes in front of her swayed.

"Aha!" Sure her target was in the bush, but she immediately attacked the bush with a spear of light.

However, when checked by her, there were only scorched marks due to being stuck with her spear.

"Tsk...just a squirrel" When she complained because she had the wrong target, that's when Yohan was standing on a tree branch right above her with cold eyes looking at her as if his prey had eaten the bait he set.

At that moment, Yohan immediately jumped onto the woman's back, making her suddenly flinch at their sudden arrival of his.

And without a doubt, the pen he was holding stabbed into the woman's neck making her shriek as she struggled to make Yohan release his grip.

"How dare!" Annoyed because Yohan didn't come down, she hit her back against a tree.

"GHAK!" Making Yohan choke and loosen his grip that's when the woman took the opportunity to grab Yohan's hand and with her strength slammed him as hard as she could.

Until Yohan hit a tree hard enough.

"Haah...Haah...Haah...damn, why do I have to go through this just because of one human!" She complained while releasing the pen stuck in her neck.

Yohan at this time no longer has the energy, the throw was hard enough to worsen his condition of his who had been injured quite badly.

In his blurry vision, he looked at the woman who was ready to kill him with the spear of light she created instead of quickly killing him. The woman instead rambled on about the bad luck she had for taking on the mission.

When in a state like Yohan hallucinating seeing something in front of him, it looks like a transparent screen but has words in it.

The word is.

[Conditions have been met!]

'What?' Suddenly Yohan heard a mechanical voice inside his head.

[Starting Card Hero system operation]

The chatter of the woman earlier was ignored by the mechanical voice inside his head and it continued rapidly.



[Host starts in the critical state!]

[Start Trial of Card Hero!]

'What happened?' Yohan kept wondering what exactly had happened to his.


Then Yohan heard something like Gacha music in a game. but his consciousness quickly faded because of the bleeding he had earlier.

[Force Enable Trial Card]

[Choi Hong-hi (Founder of Taekwondo ITF)]

[Card activated]

By hearing the last sentence of the mechanical voice Yohan's consciousness disappeared.


"Heh...just now I wanted to kill him and he just died?... I thought humans were very weak...you're lucky because you die earlier humans" Said the woman in an uninterested tone.

'Now only the human who has the sacred gear is left...damn, because of the neat plan I made just now it's messed up!' Staring coldly at the human who was thought to have died by her, with a spear of light in her hand. she wanted to stab the man to vent her frustration.

But when the tip of the spear almost hit the man's chest, suddenly something happened.


The woman who had wanted to kill him earlier was pushed by the kick of the man who was thought to have died earlier.

"What!?" She was of course surprised by the changes that occurred, why did the man who had died rise again with a dangerous aura that made her shiver?

The man was standing where his head was still bleeding and also in critical condition. But his eyes staring blankly at her made a strange feeling of goosebumps.

The woman earlier became even more irritated because she felt trembling in front of ordinary humans.

"Shit...Shit...Shit!.You bastard human! Know your place!" She said angrily as he threw the spear of light he was holding.


The spear just passed his and stuck in a tree while he ran towards the woman quickly. when it was almost close to her. He turned his body and kicked her in the stomach making the woman choke.


But it didn't stop there, another kick immediately attacked the woman's right temple, causing her to stagger.

"Onore...Onore onore Onore!!!...Kisama!-" The woman kept swearing but Yohan continued to attack ferociously.

{AN: A little bit of anime-specific words is fine!}



'Damn...at this rate, I'll lose!'Her thought as a storm of kicks rained down on him. she couldn't stay here forever. This place was very difficult for her to throw spears while being the perfect place for Yohan because it was surrounded by trees.

'I have to fly, beat taekwondo altet in a place like this don't joke! I attack not to paralyze but to kill!' He thought while spreading his wings making Yohan immediately alert and retreat.

The woman slowly flew up and looked contemptuously downwards where humans were destined to remain on the ground.

"Hahahaha! Now you're nothing more than an ant crawling on-"When she wanted to curse and insult Yohan. Her words stopped when she saw with disbelief what she had seen.

'What the hell is this guy!'

Yohan was jumping between tree branches and reaching her in the sky and a split second at that moment only one thought came to the woman's mind.

"It's so beautiful" after seeing the view of Yohan doing balchagi with the full moon behind him as a background.

{AN: Reference from Taehun Seong (How to Fight) The scene where he balchagi against Ji Yeonwoo in the Taekwondo vs Kyokushin arc. Meanwhile Taehun with a sunset background and Yohan with a full moon}