
Hero of Card (Dxd)

Tells the story of a boy who longs for a hero figure in a book he is reading, one day the boy meets a mysterious man who comes suddenly when he is still engrossed in his favorite book. The mysterious man asked the boy "Do you want to be a hero?" asked like that, and of course, the innocent boy answered enthusiastically. "YES!" From there, the mysterious man gave something in the form of a ring with a symbol engraved Ω after giving the ring he spoke again "Promise me, that you will not give up on your wish" with eyes full of trust he stared at the innocent boy, as the boy's response was nodding while answering "Yes, heroes often experience difficulties but don't give up until the end!. and so do I!" eagerly answered. The man smiled happily at the innocent boy's answer and then unconsciously disappeared when the innocent boy turned his eyes briefly in a different direction, like an illusion but real because the ring the man had given him was already attached to the boy's ring finger. Furthermore, how the boy's story fulfills his childhood wish, stay tuned for his story.

Fuku_San · Anime et bandes dessinées
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48 Chs

Tragedy (2)

Patréon has been launched, there are advanced chapters available there, if you can't wait for the latest update feel free to join in!



At the cafe where Yohan works.

Yohan couldn't stop thinking about it. Issei brought his girlfriend there...and it also happened that he was the waiter. The situation made him feel complicated.

'Calm down Yohan...get rid of that first, you have to work professionally' Yohan thought, becoming refocused as he brought a small note to the table Issei was sitting on.

"Ahem...have you chosen the menu sir?" asked Yohan with a friendly smile, seeing him who works as a waiter come. Issei then told the food he chose on the menu.

"Ah...one Omelette and one apple juice," Issei said then he glanced at his girlfriend who was in front of him, as if he knew what her boyfriend was thinking then he ordered too.

"Just the same please," she said while giving Issei a smile that made the man blush when he looked at her.

Seeing this, Yohan didn't know what to do but 'Shit...I'm envious too!' and that's what he thought while maintaining his friendly demeanor.

"Okay...two omelets and two apple juice will be delivered immediately!" After saying that Yohan then hurriedly left there and gave the note to the kitchen staff.

While waiting for the food to be ready, Yohan then thought 'It seems Issei doesn't know me... well, I don't want to get acquainted with him either. Besides being perverted he is also stupid. His thought, besides that Yohan also focused on his girlfriend and looked a little longer.

And suddenly.

*DUG!* *DUG!* *DUG!*

His heartbeat was racing again, he even broke out in cold sweat instantly in that state Yohan wondered in his mind. 'Again?...damn, I even feel goosebumps, what is this. or a psychopath who will attack the target when he is off guard?' There were so many questions in Yohan's head.

"YOHAN!" Someone shouted from behind him making him come back to his senses and looked back to see the kitchen staff who looked angry.

"Ah yes... SORRY!" His voice immediately took the tray in the chef's hand and brought it to Issei's table.

At that time Yohan's condition began to improve again without him realizing it at all.

"Two omelets and two apple juices are ready, please enjoy!" Yohan said when he placed the food the two of them ordered on the table and after that left there in a hurry but glanced at Issei's girlfriend once in a while.


Skip the afternoon.

"Haah~...even though he only daydreamed for a while" Yohan complained, he should have gone home earlier but because at his previous workplace, he was negligent for a while and it was seen by the boss of the cafe owner made him be punished and as a result, he had to increase his working hours until late in the evening.

Yohan kept pedaling his bicycle and when he arrived at the central park he accidentally saw Issei who was with his girlfriend, enjoying their time together without thinking about tomorrow. Seeing this Yohan stopped for a moment and stared blankly at the two of them.

'Even so, the person who was considered trash by the entire academy besides his comrades had his happiness and I've become humbled by judging people too quickly. but he also respects Issei for being a real man and getting his happiness.

"I shouldn't be watching their happiness like this" Yohan muttered, with a sigh he pedaled his bicycle back, however.

*DUG!* *DUG!* *DUG!* *DUG!*

His heartbeat was beating fast again, and this is the second time today if you count yesterday, it happened three times. This was not normal according to Yohan.

Also, the rhythm was getting louder as if to give a signal to him to act immediately, but he didn't have to do anything because he couldn't find the problem.

When her gaze was focused on Issei and his boyfriend but he focused on his boyfriend where his gut told him. he had to act immediately, seeing Issei who was in a happy mood because at this hour was the peak of his date and he was happy to get gifts from his girlfriend.

"Issei come closer," Said him girlfriend told him to come closer, he happily approached because he knew what was on his mind. he pursed his mouth while closing his eyes hoping to get a kiss at the end of their date.

But what he got was not a kiss but a hot object that would penetrate his chest.

"HEEEY!" Suddenly someone's voice was heard from beside them and it was Yohan who was pedaling his bicycle as hard as he could. Issei immediately opened his eyes and saw his girlfriend holding something like a spear but glowing.

Issei realized that he saw she who wanted to stab him and quickly opened her real mask, but they didn't realize that they weren't the only ones in that place.



Yohan crashed his bicycle which was at high speed when the front tire of the bicycle hit Issei's girlfriend's temple, instantly making her bounce a few feet meters to the side.

Issei was silent for a moment, watching the scene in front of him just happen. There were so many questions in his head but before that.

"Yuuma!" He was so stupid he didn't realize that he was being targeted by his girlfriend who almost succeeded in carrying out her heroic act but was interrupted by Yohan who happened to be there making the plan she made fall apart.

While Issei. was burning with emotion seeing his girlfriend being treated arbitrarily by Yohan. at that time he grabbed his collar while staring at him with an intimidating gaze.

"Who are you, asshole. Why are you taking on an important moment in my life!" he said in a high tone and also tried to intimidate Yohan.

"I hope you calm down...you wanted to be stabbed by her" Yohan tried to explain why he did that but Issei didn't want to hear any excuses from him.

"Hah!…what are you saying!? How could Yumma-" Before Issei could finish what he wanted to say, Yohan pushed him away to avoid something dangerous that was headed their way.


"WHAT!?" Issei was surprised by what he saw now, the fountain that was still good was now destroyed by the explosion but the strange thing was why he could be pushed away.

"Damn! Damn! Damn!...Damn!, how dare that human makes a wound on my face!" Shouted a woman whose voice came from the sky.

Hearing that voice, Issei immediately raised his head to see who she was but how shocked he was when he saw who the woman was.

"Y...Yumma!?"Issei widened his eyes when he saw that his girlfriend had black wings on her back and the clothes that she was wearing before changed into skimpy clothes suitable for a certain fetish.


"Cough Cough Cough" Yohan who survived the explosion tried to stand up but his balance was disturbed. when his hand touched his head. he felt something when he saw it was blood.

'Damn... it looks like I was hit by rocks that floated up from the explosion earlier' thought Yohan, forcing himself to stand up even though his condition at that time was unconvincing.

In contrast to Issei who looked fine. Yohan was even quite seriously injured when his head was hit by a floating rock due to the explosion and his body was very dirty from water and dust when he rolled 10 meters from where Issei was currently standing.

Staying focused on the person who caused this to happen, Issei's girlfriend.

"What kind of creature are you?" asked Yohan in a weak tone. he asked that question after seeing the black wings of the woman who used to be Issei's girlfriend. Normal humans can't have wings on their backs.

"For what someone who immediately died knows" Her answer in a cold tone that stabbed while conjuring light and forming it into a spear in her hand.

This incident shocked and amazed Yohan. Because that woman miraculously created and formed light in such a way. But only for a moment, Yohan's amazement because the woman threw the spear of light again.

Yohan immediately ran towards Issei while dodging the spear of light thrown by the woman.

"What!?...don't come closer!"Issei immediately became scared when he had to suffer the same fate as Yohan but it was a shame because from the start the woman's target wasn't Yohan but he.

But Issei didn't realize it while Yohan was conscious, so after reaching where Issei was standing he immediately carried his away from that place, running while dodging the rain of spears