
Hero of Card (Dxd)

Tells the story of a boy who longs for a hero figure in a book he is reading, one day the boy meets a mysterious man who comes suddenly when he is still engrossed in his favorite book. The mysterious man asked the boy "Do you want to be a hero?" asked like that, and of course, the innocent boy answered enthusiastically. "YES!" From there, the mysterious man gave something in the form of a ring with a symbol engraved Ω after giving the ring he spoke again "Promise me, that you will not give up on your wish" with eyes full of trust he stared at the innocent boy, as the boy's response was nodding while answering "Yes, heroes often experience difficulties but don't give up until the end!. and so do I!" eagerly answered. The man smiled happily at the innocent boy's answer and then unconsciously disappeared when the innocent boy turned his eyes briefly in a different direction, like an illusion but real because the ring the man had given him was already attached to the boy's ring finger. Furthermore, how the boy's story fulfills his childhood wish, stay tuned for his story.

Fuku_San · Anime et bandes dessinées
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48 Chs

There's a lot I don't know.

<POV Yohan>

Done getting acquainted. Isami and I are now walking while talking. I told him everything I knew about Issei while he was at the academy, and what that man was doing.

"Heee. I see...sorry if my little brother does everything in his academy now...Issei just wait for you"

At the end of her sentence, she muttered in an annoyed tone. It seems like there will be bloodshed in the Hyoudou household when Isami comes later.

She also told him about herself, as Yohan already knew that Isami was Issei's elder sister and the eldest child in the Hyoudou family. She attended school in Osaka prefecture.

When asked by Yohan why she went to school in Osaka while her place of residence was in Kuoh. it turned out that this was the idea of her mother who is also related to Issei.

According to her mother, Issei's deviant behavior can affect her. Also, there is no guarantee that Issei will lust after his own older sister.

Even so, Isami often takes out her frustration on Issei as a form of making Iseei respect her. So Issei will be afraid of her and not target her.

But her mother still made Isami have no other choice, in other words, she had to obey her mother, even though Isami did everything she could to not leave the house and go to school in Osaka.

'Issei, you're the worst

Now I have my appraisal of Issei dropping below 5%. He is trash.

"Even so...he is still my little brother, I can't be angrier than this. No matter how many times I want to kill him, for making me go through all this"

She said in an annoyed tone, but there was no hate in the words she said. Even though Issei was like that, he was still her family.

'The nature of the two of them are very inversely proportional'

I was quite surprised with Isami that she wasn't the least bit affected by Issei's deviant behavior.

"Hee...mah, he is annoying...I don't want to talk about his dreams being bad but Harem King?... don't this country prohibit polygamy?"

I said while turning around to see her face, but what I saw she seemed surprised by my words.

"Err...Yohan-san, this is just my guess. Aren't you from Japan?"

Asked her hesitantly. She was suspicious, judging from my face, which is not similar to most people here, also the way I speak is not too fluent, maybe?

"Mm..that's right. I come from England".

I answered… it seems the fact that I'm not Japanese came as a surprise to her.

"Is that true!"

I thought she was disappointed but she wasn't, instead, she was more enthusiastic about asking about my country and my city. Seeing her autism without hesitation I told her a little about myself.


We talked for a long time without us realizing it. Then Isami's smartphone vibrated and when she saw who was calling her, suddenly she was surprised to remember something.

"That's bad!... Yohan-san, I have to go home first. My mom asked me why I haven't come home yet and she must be worried right now"

She said in a panicked tone.

"Ah..it's okay. it was quite nice talking to you"

I grinned slightly and that somehow made her blush.

"Aaa...I'm glad to talk to you too. Then... see you later. Yohan-san!"

Isami said that made us have to split up here. she immediately went to the other road on the left while I had to go to the right.

"Yeah...see you later"

I muttered while waving my hand at Isami's figure who was walking fast while carrying a suitcase.


The next day

I'm back at school after being absent for a day due to various events that happened to me. And I just want to reflect a little on it all.

The system doesn't send any more messages which means the update will be long and it doesn't know how long it will take for the update to complete.

That means I can't rely too much on Hero Cards now. And I'm currently on my way to where my solution is for now.

Sona might help me in learning something that will become my strength, maybe magic.


Knocking on the student council door three times, after that I heard footsteps from inside the room and opened the door for me.

Look who opened the door for me.

"Hey Tsubaki"

Tsubaki looked troubled by the movement on her face.

"Ah... What a coincidence you're already here. I was just about to pick you up, come on in."

She said, I entered the student council room but the atmosphere of the room was a bit, tense.

What I saw in that room, on the couch was a woman who was staring intently at a man in front of her.

While Sona seemed to shrink and turn pale next to the woman. But when she saw me all the colors on her face returned to normal.

They noticed my arrival which made the atmosphere of the room calm again.

Sona stood up and came to me whispering.

"You're lucky you're here"

"What's it to you?"

I was confused and asked.

"This has something to do with you killing a devil 2 days ago"

It wasn't that surprising, I already guessed the identity of the devil I beat up a few days ago. You could tell from the clothes they were wearing.

"So-tan...who is he?"

Suddenly someone called Sona a slightly strange name. It was only this time that I heard that she could call Sona So-tan.


Seeing her hands shaking when she wanted to answer, I ventured to replace her and introduce myself.

"I'm Yohan miss...Pawn her"

She's response caught my attention a little, when I finished introducing myself she immediately approached me and looked at me from various angles as if analyzing.

"Hmm...I see, Sona has told me about you"

She then reached out her hand to shake hands. Without thinking I held her hand, and at that moment I hallucinated. There was an angel of death sickle on my neck that was ready to take my life. Not only that, the pressure I felt when I touched her hand made me pale instantly...

"Introducing, I'm Sona's older sister. Serafall Leviathan, I hope we get along well...Yo-tan"




My brain froze for a while, then came back to my senses when she introduced herself.

"Ah... yes, so am I."

I spoke, nervously accompanied by a tremor in my body. After she released her grip that relieved me a bit. And what I felt before was the instinct of a small animal in front of its predator.

Patréon has been launched, there are advanced chapters available there, if you can't wait for the latest update feel free to join in!


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