
Hero of Card (Dxd)

Tells the story of a boy who longs for a hero figure in a book he is reading, one day the boy meets a mysterious man who comes suddenly when he is still engrossed in his favorite book. The mysterious man asked the boy "Do you want to be a hero?" asked like that, and of course, the innocent boy answered enthusiastically. "YES!" From there, the mysterious man gave something in the form of a ring with a symbol engraved Ω after giving the ring he spoke again "Promise me, that you will not give up on your wish" with eyes full of trust he stared at the innocent boy, as the boy's response was nodding while answering "Yes, heroes often experience difficulties but don't give up until the end!. and so do I!" eagerly answered. The man smiled happily at the innocent boy's answer and then unconsciously disappeared when the innocent boy turned his eyes briefly in a different direction, like an illusion but real because the ring the man had given him was already attached to the boy's ring finger. Furthermore, how the boy's story fulfills his childhood wish, stay tuned for his story.

Fuku_San · Anime et bandes dessinées
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48 Chs

The Day Before the Decisive Match


As an apology, Yohan accompanied Isamu for a walk in the Villa area. He was amazed to see the night sky full of stars. But despite his admiration, there was doubt that was still embedded in her heart.

"Nee...will I succeed tomorrow?" Asked Isamu suddenly, after talking about the beauty of that night to Yohan.

"If you do it right, then there is no reason that you can lose. After all, dragons are superior to birds," said Yohan, expressing his opinion.

Hearing that, Isamu's face showed disappointment. He didn't expect such an answer from him. Yohan realized that he said something wrong.

"Let me correct this, this is my opinion about your development for 3 days. Isamu, you are doing this half-heartedly" Yohan said, he realized when training her. worried in her heart.

Hearing that, Isamu's shoulders trembled, then he stopped walking. "Yohan-san, I-"

Yohan knows that Isamu is currently at his emotional peak, what Isamu is doing is solely to protect his younger brother. Not for himself. To be honest in his heart, he never wants to be a part of the supernatural.

It just happens in her life.

Therefore, Yohan patted Isamu on the shoulder and stopped him from continuing to speak.

"Isamu...even though we haven't been friends for that long, listen to this. I'm not very good at cheering someone up. All I can say is that no matter what happens I will save you" Yohan said, sounding corny, but it had a meaning to it.

"Hehe-... hahaha!" Isamu even laughed loudly, when he heard that cliche statement.

"Funny huh?" asked John.

"That's funny you know. You really can't cheer someone up if you do it ends like this" Isamu mocked Yohan if he could never cheer up someone who was down.

"Is that so?...mah, I've never been encouraged by anyone, not even Edward's uncle. He taught us how hard the world is and as men. what we want to achieve is success" Johan said. being born as a man means you are ready to carry a heavy burden on your shoulders, not weak, both physically and mentally.

Hearing that, Isamu was silent for a moment. He thought about Yohan's words in his mind and then asked "Nee...has Yohan-san ever felt hopeless?"

It was Yohan's turn to be silent thinking about Isamu's question, then he remembered the day when he felt so hopeless.

"Ever..." He walked past Isamu and looked at the lake "Even worse". After a few minutes, there was silence at that time. Isamu felt that the man in front of him had a huge weight on his shoulders more than anyone she had ever met.

"I also have a younger sister, she is an innocent and cheerful girl, she is cute and will become a beautiful woman in the future. Since our two people died, I am responsible for taking care of her. As a good brother, I try my best what I could do…and felt I had taken good care of her, but on that day…as if dissatisfied with our misfortune, fate gave my sister a rare disease that is almost impossible to cure" Yohan took a deep breath before continuing.

While Isamu's eyes widened in shock, he did not believe that a calm man like Yohan could have such a sad story.

"The disease attacks the nerves of her brain so that the effect is the same as a brain tumor, but that's not all. The development of drugs for her is very difficult to develop because the disease is rare and only a few in this world have her. The doctor explained that maybe the cause of the disease arises from genetic factors. ...at that time her age was 10 years old while I was 12 years old, at that time I cursed fate, God, and everything powerful because of how desperate I was at that time. But if I just slumped, what would happen to my sister? thus, I couldn't surrender to fate. At that young age, I did every form of work I could to earn money, to keep my sister's life-sustaining devices in place. And so it was until 5 years passed, I continue to provide money to maintain my sister's life until now. u who don't want her to die, are causing this endless suffering." He continued, Yohan's shoulders trembled when Isamu saw him from behind. At this time he was full of emotion, if what Yohan was doing according to normal views then he was wrong because he continued to give suffering to her sister under the pretext of healing her, but from the point of view of an older brother, he just wants to fulfill his duties as a good older brother, namely to protect and look after his sister.

Isamu heard Yohan's story of low self-esteem, he felt that he could not be compared to Yohan, as a brother.

"Sorry, for making you listen to my sad story. It's even weird. You were the first to want to confide in me, but the opposite happened" Yohan said, he turned to look at Isamu, who now had unstoppable tears, hearing sad stories made her feel sad too.

"Sniff...Hearing your story, I now want to see your sister."Isamu said, while his hand wiped away her tears.

Yohan now feels complicated, "Mah, she is currently still in the national hospital, in London. The reason I want to continue my education at the academy is that the Kuoh academy provides very large accommodations from the schools that I always wanted to go to, because of the money. can sustain my sister's life for the next 3 years." He informed.

"Yosh!...now, I have no doubts anymore, thank you Yohan-san, thanks to you the doubts in my heart disappeared. And I won't lose tomorrow's match!" Isamu suddenly felt excited after getting enlightened by Yohan's sad story.

"Umm...fight, and don't push yourself," Yohan said while showing a tough pose. Then he accidentally saw the watch in his hand, which showed that it was already late.

"Waah... looks like, we have to go back soon. Isamu we have to go back soon" Yohan showed his watch to Isamu, who realized that it was getting late and decided to go back to their respective rooms,

"Come on, let's go back. Yohan-san!" Isamu said when she passed Yohan and her head turned back.

"Yeah...I'm right behind you" Yohan replied, following Isamu from behind.

Patréon has been launched, there are advanced chapters available there, if you can't wait for the latest update feel free to join in!


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