
Hero of Card (Dxd)

Tells the story of a boy who longs for a hero figure in a book he is reading, one day the boy meets a mysterious man who comes suddenly when he is still engrossed in his favorite book. The mysterious man asked the boy "Do you want to be a hero?" asked like that, and of course, the innocent boy answered enthusiastically. "YES!" From there, the mysterious man gave something in the form of a ring with a symbol engraved Ω after giving the ring he spoke again "Promise me, that you will not give up on your wish" with eyes full of trust he stared at the innocent boy, as the boy's response was nodding while answering "Yes, heroes often experience difficulties but don't give up until the end!. and so do I!" eagerly answered. The man smiled happily at the innocent boy's answer and then unconsciously disappeared when the innocent boy turned his eyes briefly in a different direction, like an illusion but real because the ring the man had given him was already attached to the boy's ring finger. Furthermore, how the boy's story fulfills his childhood wish, stay tuned for his story.

Fuku_San · Anime et bandes dessinées
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48 Chs


Patréon has been launched, there are advanced chapters available there, if you can't wait for the latest update feel free to join in!



An awkward situation occurred, when Sona asked Yohan to sleep at her place and it surprised him, but the reason that She gave made sense.

"B...but, you don't mind?" Asked Yohan a little nervous.

"Ah...Yeah, I'm also nervous but look at yourself first. Didn't you get hurt fighting them!?" Sona pointed at Yohan's wound which was quite bad.

Yohan had cleaned the wound to some extent and allowed it to heal naturally. However, for Sona, the wound was quite bothersome to the eyes.

"Okay...so, what are you going to do?" Yohan wondered what Sona would do to his wound. She was silent for a moment with her head down.


"WOAH! WOAH!...WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" Yohan shouted while turning his face away. Sona slowly took off her clothes until there was no cloth left on her body.

"Aaa... I don't want to do this either, however... this is one of our race's ways to heal you. Using physical contact." Sona started to explain the reason she took off all of her clothes. Because this was the first time she was showing her body to someone. man. so she covered the important parts of her body with her hands.

"Wait!... What kind of weird way is that!?" Yohan was confused by this sudden change in atmosphere. He said with a different look because he didn't dare to look at Sona.

"A...come on! what are you waiting for? You also have to do the same thing!" She said in a high tone.

What Yohan heard made him freeze for a moment.


Skip the time.

'In the end, I was persuaded' Yohan thought, at first he refused to use this healing method which he thought was absurd. But after Sona persuaded him by saying something that sounded threatening to Yohan.

Leaving He with no other choice… and this was their situation. Lying on the same bed as Sona hugging Yohan from behind.

'Ukh...if it's like this I can't sleep!' Yohan thought. He didn't stop blushing because the serious situation made him not calm.

But just as Sona said. He felt that the wound he was in was slowly closing on its own. Yohan was still amazed that this healing method worked while Sona as well as he was blushing every time.


"Ah!...yes!" When he heard Sona's voice, Yohan was immediately surprised as he stammered.

"You can't sleep either," he said.

'Ukh!...every time she talks, I can always feel her breath!' Yohan thought even there.

"Yes... I'm awkward with this situation so it makes me not calm at all" Yohan replied.

Sona also thinks the same.

"Erm...are we going to be like this until morning?" asked Yohan.

"Mm...to maximize healing we have to do this until morning" she replied.

Yohan is now in a dilemma, in his life, he has never been in this situation at all and tries his best not to act embarrassingly.

"Bb...I see!" Yohan muttered.

While Yohan was still wandering in his mind, Sona felt her heart was about to burst out.

'Awawawa!...why am I doing this!' It's the same with Yohan, he is also in her dilemma.

'When could I be this bold!.. I have to tell Yohan to never talk about this to anyone! this is for her survival!

The longer Sona hugged Yohan from behind naked so she could feel his broad back.

'This person has a fit body, does he often practice?

'Woah~...look at his tight stomach muscles, usually I'm not interested in this and only hear about it from other people but feeling this directly, is very different' Gradually Sona began to be curious about Yohan's body.

Thinking of this. she remembered their previous chess match. it was not her first defeat.3 years ago she was beaten by Yohan somewhere in England. this story is simple. she went there just to accompany her sister to meet someone in England. there was some time spare time for her to just take a walk enjoying their free time to get rid of the stress from the troublesome life as the heir of the clan. delivering the ordered goods and his age at that time was 15 years old while Sona was 16 years old. That's where their story began. Sona was a little arrogant because of the stress while Yohan kept apologizing for the mistake of bumping into her. And it ended in a chess match. Sona was very confident in defeating Yohan and humiliating him in the match but she is wrong Judging Yohan is simple as he is a rising star who suddenly appears in a national chess match and comes out victorious. With a few trick tricks, Yohan manages to win the match. the academy is Sona.

"Anoo...Sona? Can your hands not touch my body like this?" Yohan started to get distracted because of what Sona was doing which made his lust peak.

Instantly she realized from her daydream "Kyaa!...no, don't get me wrong! My hand did this subconsciously!" Sona returned to her true self and let go of her embrace and pushed her away from Yohan.

Realizing that Sona was doing things that she shouldn't have done as a top-class devil, made her very embarrassed. If there was a hole, she wouldn't think twice about sticking her head in that hole.

Yohan didn't even expect that all this time the person he knew as the student council president who was popular among the kids could act like an ordinary girl.

'That's true, she's still a girl.' Yohan had misjudged Sona from any angle. Then he mustered up the courage to turn his body to face Sona, who was curled up.

"You misunderstood" She muttered.

Yohan bravely took action, namely hugging her.

"Eh?...EHHHHH!?"Sona didn't expect that Yohan would be so brave but what he said was even more shocking.

"You said that we have to do this until morning...are you going to let me have this ugly scar?" He said, pointing to the bandaged wound on his body.

Hearing Yohan says that made Sona's mind complicated and she didn't stop blushing. But a moment later she accepted her and felt Yohan's tight chest on her forehead.

'Warm...so this is how Rias feels when she sleeps'

{AN: For the record, Rias has a bad habit of sleeping while not wearing anything "naked"}

Sona felt Yohan's body holding her, there was a difference in height between the two, and thanks to Yohan's consistent training routine, he had an athletic body that was rarely possessed by people of his age because most other children had their things to do.

'Haah~.' The embarrassment she felt gradually faded and was replaced by lust. She felt safe when Yohan hugged her like this and for some reason, she liked his smell.

Yohan also didn't blush anymore and tried to sleep but he felt someone's hot breath. When he opened his eyes, it was seen that Sona was staring at him with lust.