
Hero of Card (Dxd)

Tells the story of a boy who longs for a hero figure in a book he is reading, one day the boy meets a mysterious man who comes suddenly when he is still engrossed in his favorite book. The mysterious man asked the boy "Do you want to be a hero?" asked like that, and of course, the innocent boy answered enthusiastically. "YES!" From there, the mysterious man gave something in the form of a ring with a symbol engraved Ω after giving the ring he spoke again "Promise me, that you will not give up on your wish" with eyes full of trust he stared at the innocent boy, as the boy's response was nodding while answering "Yes, heroes often experience difficulties but don't give up until the end!. and so do I!" eagerly answered. The man smiled happily at the innocent boy's answer and then unconsciously disappeared when the innocent boy turned his eyes briefly in a different direction, like an illusion but real because the ring the man had given him was already attached to the boy's ring finger. Furthermore, how the boy's story fulfills his childhood wish, stay tuned for his story.

Fuku_San · Anime et bandes dessinées
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48 Chs

My power isn't just this!

Patréon has been launched, there are advanced chapters available there, if you can't wait for the latest update feel free to join in!



I panicked a little when the sky which was dark and full of stars now turned like a dome because it was caused by someone.

Even though it was dark I could see clearly, it was a bit late when I noticed that my hearing became sharp as if all my senses were amplified. So this is what being a Devil is like.

Then one person came out of the intersection and faced me, under the street light. I felt like I was in a horror movie. because that guy who was like a mafia was looking at me with a murderous aura.


"It seems something is wrong here" I immediately became alert and looked around, because the streets were narrow I couldn't run anywhere and the only option was to return to where I was before, however.

'I guess I can try out the power of this Devil race.' I thought I'm especially curious about my current strength, from getting a strange power from someone mysterious to becoming a Devil by chance.

The previous card I kept in my pocket but I don't know how to activate it or should I say activate it?

Leaving that matter aside for now, I must now step forward to face this person whose intentions alone were already visible to me.

But when I stepped forward I instinctively jumped back.


And something exploded where I was standing before. I was of course stunned to see that, it's like what Issei's girlfriend did.

"Fine... they seem to be one of a kind" I muttered when I looked up at his female partner. By the way, she's hot too.

"We meet again human-no, Devil" The person who was under the street light, was already standing 10 meters from my place.

'Wait we've met?...ah!' I realized something, maybe when I lost consciousness against Issei's girlfriend who turned out to be a psychopath. I might have met his too.

"I don't know who you are. However, your intentions are very clear" I said, I was in an alert position.

"Well, you don't have to know who I am. But I'll never forget you for kicking me in the face! DIE!" Instantly he exploded in anger while throwing something similar to what Issei's girlfriend wore last night.

I dodged the spear, however.

'Why so slow' The spear was so slow in my sight, in fact, I easily dodged it. After that, he just used the spear as a distraction and attacked me with his long spear.


He's attack was easy I dodged it, and all I did was move my body lightly.

"FULL! YOU ARE SO THINKING ABOUT" He became irritated because none of the attacks he launched hit even though the distance between us was close.

"Move Dohnaseek!" A flying female voice warned her comrades, and the person reflexively jumped backward to avoid the large-scale oncoming.

"Shit!" I lifted my head only to see a huge object being created and dropped right on top of me.

I hurriedly jumped with all my might. However, the huge spear of light was already right above my head.


There was a powerful explosion that destroyed my surroundings within a radius of 5 meters.

"Haha!...big mistake you became a devil bastard!" he said, pleased to see the attack managed to hit me earlier.

How about that The woman who had flown earlier also descended to the ground while celebrating their fleeting victory?

Within the dust cloud… I survived but with quite serious injuries, this wound wasn't from the huge spear but from the explosion which sent out a shockwave.

I had a burn on my hand and it was very painful.

'Damn, I was careless! Thinking that I had already lost, was a big mistake!

"CQC!" A technique I learned from a volunteer uncle at the orphanage back then.

{AN: Close-quarters combat is a close-quarters combat situation between several combatants involving long-range weapons, usually firearms. It can occur between military units, law enforcement, criminal elements, and other similar situations.}

Pushing myself so I could dash forward and surprise the two of them in the middle of a moment of pleasure.

"What!" He wanted to stab me when he saw me, I immediately targeted him by taking his wrist and hitting adam's apple, instantly making him choke.

"GHAK!" He screamed in pain, what I did was not limited to that. After adam's apple hit his next move was to embrace his hand and slam him very hard to the ground.

"DOHNSEEK!" The woman who became the man's partner was surprised so she made an immediate counterattack by forming a short spear and trying to stab me from close range.

But unfortunately, I quickly disabled her weapon by twisting her wrist making her scream in pain.


Not when I got there, I then locked her hands behind her back. And in the end, those who were sure of their victory turned upside down.

"Well…tell me, who are you and what are you doing in Devil's territory!?" I asked in a threatening tone.

"Heh, why do I have to tell-" When she wanted to refuse I immediately twisted her joints again "AUCH! AUCH!"Screamed in pain.

"I was told by my comrades, about your war...so, are you guys here just to start or something different?" Again in a threatening tone.

With a pained expression, she finally opened her mouth.


'Boppers huh...so their target is indeed Issei' I thought analyzing the information.

"Damn I THOUGHT YOU WAS A REAL TAEKWONDO ATHLETES- AUCH! AUCH!" She was so noisy so I strengthened her lock a little more. Until she fainted.

"Haah~...it's getting worse" When I saw the situation I was in. Then I felt something coming towards me.

I dodged while carrying the woman who had fainted. when it was safe I looked again ahead.

Another spear of light stamped where I was standing before, then someone descended from the sky.

A small child in gothic clothing and an angry expression on her face.

"Shit, yesterday Raynare now you, Dohnseek! You're joining in too!?"She helped them embrace the man with her small body.

"It's very embarrassing for me to say this...You, you'll see!" She said and flew while carrying the man.

After the enemy was gone, I thought about bringing this woman to Sona for interrogation only.

"YOHAN!" Well, that's right. Just thought she would come here after all of her had finished.

"Sona...you're late, I've finished everything," I said complaining to her. Seeing me looking not okay with all my clothes dirty and torn and seeing me holding a woman made her curious.

"She .." Before she continued to ask, I cut him off.

"She is the one who attacked me...you can get something from her," I said.

She then thought while looking at the surroundings and this woman.

"Yes...I understand what's going on here. And it looks like we have to do a cleanup to expel them from our territory" She said. Seeing Her stare blankly ahead while saying things like that was quite scary for me.

"Yohan...can you help me bring her also I want to hear the details of what happened?" Asked her.

I thought for a long time before finally agreeing.

"Okay...but can I eat something first?"


I'm quite embarrassed that my stomach is rumbling at a time like this… and the groceries that I bought have already been turned into trash thanks to those who attacked me.

"hihihi~...alright, I'll order Tsubaki to prepare dinner for you," she said which made me confused.

"Why does it have to be Tsubaki?...ca don't you cook?" My question made her flinch instantly.

I want the readers to recommend what hero Mc will use next. And I will show this recommendation in the Excalibur arc.

Maybe two cards that will be used by Mc in that arc. So I suggest which Hero to use. because after that I will do a poll on my Patréon platform. Voting is not necessary to become a member so don't worry.

Fuku_Sancreators' thoughts