
Hero of Card (Dxd)

Tells the story of a boy who longs for a hero figure in a book he is reading, one day the boy meets a mysterious man who comes suddenly when he is still engrossed in his favorite book. The mysterious man asked the boy "Do you want to be a hero?" asked like that, and of course, the innocent boy answered enthusiastically. "YES!" From there, the mysterious man gave something in the form of a ring with a symbol engraved Ω after giving the ring he spoke again "Promise me, that you will not give up on your wish" with eyes full of trust he stared at the innocent boy, as the boy's response was nodding while answering "Yes, heroes often experience difficulties but don't give up until the end!. and so do I!" eagerly answered. The man smiled happily at the innocent boy's answer and then unconsciously disappeared when the innocent boy turned his eyes briefly in a different direction, like an illusion but real because the ring the man had given him was already attached to the boy's ring finger. Furthermore, how the boy's story fulfills his childhood wish, stay tuned for his story.

Fuku_San · Anime et bandes dessinées
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48 Chs

Mutation Piece


After explaining the results of his examination, Ajuka immediately returned to the underworld to do his work as Satan. And only Yohan, Sona, and Serafall were in the student council room now.

Yohan was pensive after hearing the final report of the inspection. meanwhile, Sona was somehow cheerful and relieved. Serafall here didn't know how to react.

"Well...I also have to return to the underworld" Serafall said, "So-tan, come to my office in the capital this weekend." Sona nodded hearing her elder sister's orders and replied.

"Yes... before the weekend, I have work at home"

"That's good... then... bye-bye So-tan, Yo-tan... say hello to the others!" Serafall said. As she jumped into the magic circle she created and disappeared right after.

Now it was just Sona and Yohan who were still waving where Serafall had left. Then they turned to sit back down and faced each other. There was a moment of awkwardness before Yohan spoke.

"That's surprising, I'm worth 8 pawns. Isn't that great?" Yohan said, with a cheerful tone. It was unexpected that an ordinary pawn, could mutate the moment it entered his body.

"Mah... that's natural if it absorbs half of the magic energy of the three of us," Sona replied. She was also surprised but in the end, was very happy because Yohan was worth 8 pawns when put together.

But what's strange here is that they also ask about my strength, that mutation piece can reincarnate Yohan because he has something equivalent to a Longinus class Sacred Gear. she will observe his first.

It was a natural action, considering that Yohan didn't have anything to make him worthy of receiving the mutated piece even though he made the mutated piece.

But that's according to other repressions, while he deserves to take the mutation piece, because of the Hero Card system that he doesn't tell anyone about.

But Yohan knows that he can't always hide this power from the world. One day the Hero Card which is the core of his power will be known by others.

The reason why Ajuka can't detect a Hero Card is that the system is currently undergoing an update which makes the system silent. Besides, Yohan can't see the true form of the system, only the text used by the system to talk to him. Who's still running the system? a mystery to John himself.

"For now your problem is solved...and do you have any questions?" Sona said she brewed tea for her and Yohan.

While drinking her hot tea, she waited for a response from Yohan.

"That's right...what happened to Diodora?" Yohan asked, he was quite curious about the fate of that trash.

"Ah... As Ajuka said before, if he loses his inheritance rights as well as his influence within the upper classes, he is no more a low-class devil now and is now being held in a prison. In the end, he is treated very badly for tarnishing the name of Pillar Devil. . " Sona said .. while snorting she was happy to find the news .. she had always disliked Diodora.

"Anything else?" Sona asked again while sipping her tea again.

"Nothing but this isn't a question...it's just that yesterday I met Issei's older sister. Maybe what you guys expect in Issei is in her." Yohan said, which made Sona choke on her hot tea.

"Cough cough!...hah?"She was completely shocked by that fact.


After finishing her business with Sona and getting a satisfactory answer, Yohan decided to leave the student council room leaving Sona pensive as a result of the surprise information from his.

As Yohan left, Tsubaki entered the student council room and saw Sona who was pensive at her desk.

"The examination was quite longer than I expected, so I ordered the other members to go to class first-...Kaichou?" Tsubaki said but was ignored by Sona which made Tsubaki have to make her regain her senses.

"KAICHOU!"Finally said in a voice loud enough to startle Sona.

"Ah huh?...*Sigh* you're Tsubaki" Sona finally came out of her trance and returned to her strict identity again.

Then Tsubaki repeated her report.

"I see... that's good, it was indeed quite a long time ago and the results of the examination have also been said by Ajuka-sama himself," Sona said, finally she told what they had talked about when all the members of the student council except Sona left the room because Ajuka wanted to do an examination.

Tsubaki covered her mouth with her own hands, unable to believe what she had heard from Sona.

"Kaichou...is he the possessor or host of a Longinus-class Sacred Gear?" Tsubaki asked. Then Sona stood up and walked towards the window.

"No...Ajuka-sama himself said that he doesn't have any Sacred Gear in his soul." Sona answered, hearing that. Tsubaki became quite confused but Sona was sure that there was something in Yohan that he didn't know.

"It turns out that you are full of surprises, Yohan" muttered Sona, in a soft tone and blushed unconsciously.

But it quickly recovered so that Tsubaki, who had been daydreaming for a moment, didn't notice that Sona blushed for a moment.

Sona turned around, looking at Tsubaki with a serious look.

"I got another shocking piece of information," Sona said, walking back to her chair and sitting back down. "Find information about Hyoudou Isami"

Hearing that, Tsubaki was surprised "What?...wait Hyoudou!"

"Yeah... search all media. Information about Elder Sister Issei, Hyoudou Isami. We might get another clue about the whereabouts of the Crimson Dragon Emperor."


Yohan apartment.

Yohan went straight home when school was over, without changing his clothes. He immediately lay down on the tatami floor while contemplating the information he heard today. He also forgot his original purpose of meeting Sona before.

He suddenly thought of his idealism of wanting to become a Legendary Hero… and what he was thinking about was doubt.

Is what he is doing now, right based on his idealism or purely on his desires?

Patréon has been launched, there are advanced chapters available there, if you can't wait for the latest update feel free to join in!


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