
Hero of Card (Dxd)

Tells the story of a boy who longs for a hero figure in a book he is reading, one day the boy meets a mysterious man who comes suddenly when he is still engrossed in his favorite book. The mysterious man asked the boy "Do you want to be a hero?" asked like that, and of course, the innocent boy answered enthusiastically. "YES!" From there, the mysterious man gave something in the form of a ring with a symbol engraved Ω after giving the ring he spoke again "Promise me, that you will not give up on your wish" with eyes full of trust he stared at the innocent boy, as the boy's response was nodding while answering "Yes, heroes often experience difficulties but don't give up until the end!. and so do I!" eagerly answered. The man smiled happily at the innocent boy's answer and then unconsciously disappeared when the innocent boy turned his eyes briefly in a different direction, like an illusion but real because the ring the man had given him was already attached to the boy's ring finger. Furthermore, how the boy's story fulfills his childhood wish, stay tuned for his story.

Fuku_San · Anime et bandes dessinées
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48 Chs

Less Convenience

Patréon has been launched, there are advanced chapters available there, if you can't wait for the latest update feel free to join in!



"Err?...somehow I feel saved from something?" Yohan muttered. I had a feeling that somehow I should be more grateful to Sona.

I was currently in class and doing well in class. However, after recess, I didn't feel well and decided to go to the school clinic.

'Looks like I'm not getting enough sleep' I thought, realizing what the problem with my health was. Indeed, I haven't been getting enough sleep recently due to various successive events. From meeting the Fallen Angels to making out with Sona.

Speaking of her… I feel like I've seen her somewhere… but when? Thinking about it makes me sleepy then fall asleep afterward.


"Hey-" Someone nudged me. woke me up, in a still sleepy look I saw someone's silhouette in my view.

And when I focused it turned out to be Sona.

"AHHH!" Makes me instantly surprised to see her.

"Hey!?"She must be angry because she felt offended.

"Ahem...that's not it Sona-san, I was just surprised." Turning in a different direction.

"Haah... forget it. there's something I want to talk about" She started getting serious after that. made me a little confused but realized something because of the conversation earlier this morning.


"So…when are you guys going to start?" I asked her. After being told the details of the story, I started to understand that her elder sister, asked her to clear this area of intruders.

"We're having an operation tonight...and I know it sounds selfish to ask you to do it but...can you help me?" It's rare to see her act this cute when asking for help. wait didn't she act cute when we did that last night?

"What are you thinking about?" Sona started to get suspicious when she saw my facial expression which was slightly red when I thought.

"Ahem!... I'm just being support, right?"I asked.

"Umm...I won't give you hard work, you can rest easy" She nodded her head. Sona knew my limits and didn't recklessly put heavy work on me. Of course, I have to thank her. I'm still new to her world after all.

"Well...let's do it!"I agreed to join in on their cleanup operation tonight.

a series of events and it makes me a little tormented.


At night.

Sona gathered all the members including her friend who turned out to have the same popularity as Sona, namely Great Ojou-Sama Rias Gremory along with her members as well.

I already knew… before she was gathered here. Sona gave me a lot—not just me but the entire student council details of her attack… as well as who else was involved in this operation.

Rias Gremory…the heir of Gremory Corp who equals Sitri Corp…I just didn't expect that she was part of the devil too…and it makes me wonder if all the famous corporations in the world are also supernatural societies?

"Eh?" This time I was taken aback when I saw someone I knew so well.

"Kiba!" looked at the man who was approaching me.

Yuuto Kiba is a handsome young man with short blonde hair, blue eyes, and a mole under his left eye.

Like me, he wears the Kuoh Academy boys' school uniform, which consists of a black blazer with white accents over a long-sleeved white shirt with a black bow around the collar, black pants to match, and brown shoes.

"Hi, Yohan" greeted Kiba. He has a sword that has two blades hanging from his waist.

"Wow... this is unexpected, Kiba. You're also a Devil? If other girls found out they would have changed your nickname to Prince Demon" I joked a bit with his. Even though my joke was stale.

"Hehehe...that's not true. I'm also surprised that you were recruited by Sona-Kaicho." He said as if I was someone who was calculating.

"I changed like this not because I was recruited...it's like a coincidence to save my life which is being threatened" I explained.

"I see...I also heard your story from the prez. So I hope you feel comfortable and quickly adapt to your current situation" He sounded like he was trying to cheer me up while tapping my shoulder.

"Yes thank you"

"Ah!...you are!" A familiar voice called out to me. So I turned towards him and saw Issei looking in surprise with a finger pointing at me.

"Yo~"I just waved towards his and turned back to look at Kiba while making a confused expression/

"Yeah~...we're in a team," Kiba said briefly.


It turns out that Issei is only worth 1 pawn. What Sona and Rias suspected was not what they expected. They suspected that Issei had something special in him even though his appearance and attitude turned out to be that he was unexpectedly special. But after further investigation, he isn't anything special.

And what he only has is a low-grade Sacred Gear called Twin Critical. which Kiba told me can double one's strength.

'That's already amazing' I thought. If Issei is trained properly, he can be very dangerous but it seems Rias looks so disappointed.

Even though she managed to hide her disappointment, if one were to look closely, one could see the change in expression on her changing face.

Apart from Issei and Kiba… there is Akeno Himejima, and it is not so surprising to see Rias and her always together wherever they are.

And there's also Koneko Toujou. I once mistook her for an elementary school child. And that angered her to the point of hitting me hard. Even though her body is small, her strength exceeds that of a normal adult.

If she is a devil then it is natural where the great power comes from.

The addition of members carrying out this cleaning operation also made me doubt a little whether I was needed there.

"Attention!" Sona shouted in front of us all. making all the focus on his.

"We all received a request from Leviathan-sama to clear our territory of intruders. Their headquarters location is at the old church at the foot of the hill and as a matter of fact, their numbers are 3 mid-class Fallen Angels. The rest of the rogue exorcists they brought over from various unknown numbers of places. no don't underestimate them just because they're mere humans. ..this might get dangerous so are you guys ready!" Only Sona gave a spirited speech like this.

'Why do we look like we are going to war?' I thought amazed by the contents of the speech.

"HAA!" The others said in unison while Issei and I were confused and just went with the flow.

"Then...the cleanup operation begins!"