
Hero of Card (Dxd)

Tells the story of a boy who longs for a hero figure in a book he is reading, one day the boy meets a mysterious man who comes suddenly when he is still engrossed in his favorite book. The mysterious man asked the boy "Do you want to be a hero?" asked like that, and of course, the innocent boy answered enthusiastically. "YES!" From there, the mysterious man gave something in the form of a ring with a symbol engraved Ω after giving the ring he spoke again "Promise me, that you will not give up on your wish" with eyes full of trust he stared at the innocent boy, as the boy's response was nodding while answering "Yes, heroes often experience difficulties but don't give up until the end!. and so do I!" eagerly answered. The man smiled happily at the innocent boy's answer and then unconsciously disappeared when the innocent boy turned his eyes briefly in a different direction, like an illusion but real because the ring the man had given him was already attached to the boy's ring finger. Furthermore, how the boy's story fulfills his childhood wish, stay tuned for his story.

Fuku_San · Anime et bandes dessinées
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48 Chs

It is your own responsibility.


Old Academy Building.

In one of the rooms, Rias was huddled in a corner of the room. She was desperate. Her plan failed and she was awakened by Yohan.

Rias must have realized that her actions just now would only add to the problem, and that wasn't all. Her pride as a noble would be destroyed for acting like a prostitute.

She was very embarrassed by this situation, but it couldn't be helped. Time was ticking and she had no plans to be able to oppose the engagement.

'Should I ask for help nii-sama?' However, if Rias did that then her elder brother's reputation would crack and create opportunities for people who disliked him to spread the cracks… that was what she was afraid of.

"No, not Nii-sama again." Rias of course realized that she couldn't always rely on her elder brother. Only this time, she had to be able to solve her problems.


While contemplating and thinking of a plan, suddenly something hit her bedroom door along with a black aura filling her room. It made her shiver.

"What!. Who the "Her words stopped when Sona entered her dark gaze. she stared at Rias with a piercing glare.

"Yaa~...What do we get here? Rias?" Sona said, every word that came out of her mouth seemed to imply her anger. It sounded normal but in Rias's ear, she heard a whisper of death.

Rias tried to act calm in front of Sona. To be honest, far from Rias's heart, she was very surprised that her friend and rival could act like this. According to her, Sona very rarely showed her emotions to other people. A woman who was very strict with herself themselves as well as others… showing this much emotion and what else the emotion that came out of Sona was anger.

"Ahem...Sona-san, wouldn't it be impolite of you to destroy my door?" Rias tried to act like she normally would, folding her arms under her large chest. Every time she moved the large object swayed with its suppleness. Sona stared intently at it for a moment. with a cold gaze.

"Hey...you owe me an explanation. Say, what do you want to do to Yohan?"She turned from staring at her chest to her eyes with the same gaze.

Rias was sweating because she felt Sona's gaze was very high and not only that, she felt that Sona was seriously angry… which made her unable to explain what happened properly.

Before Sona ran out of patience because she was waiting for her, she had to explain what happened but she needed someone here to accompany her, she couldn't explain calmly if Sona just wanted to stab her with a knife.



The two people who rushed into the room were the crew members, when they entered they were ready to fight but when they saw Sona cornering Rias they were confused and put their weapons back.

"Sona-Kaichou? what happened?" Akeno came forward and asked Sona who was cornering Rias in the corner of the room. Glancing at Akeno, Sona immediately calmed down and became herself again.

"It seems you misunderstood, there was no attack here. I was just angry at She for trying to involve Yohan in her problems." Sona said, the words that came out of her mouth shocked the two people.

"Wait, what about Yohan? Buchou, what are you trying to get him into!" Kiba was confused and asked the king of his, for Yohan is a good friend. Unlike most other boys who take advantage because he is popular. Yohan isn't like that, Kiba accepted him as a friend because of their different behavior. Making their friendship close, maybe they have little in common in the lives they live.

Akeno covered her mouth which was stunned and couldn't believe that she would willingly involve someone unrelated to the problem she was facing.

As for Rias, she was frozen silent. She didn't expect that her members would be so surprised like that. And she wondered how close they were to Yohan that they could react like that in front of her.


A few moments later.

Everyone gathered here. Rias and Peraage her, while Sona was only accompanied by Tsubaki who had just arrived.

Tsubaki herself was very surprised that Sona could be that angry at Rias who she had always been patient and tough with her. She stood behind Sona who was sitting on the sofa, and the same goes for Rias. The others stood behind their respective kings.

Rias fully admits her mistake, she was short-minded because she was pushed by an urgent situation, but Sona. could no longer tolerate Rias' behavior which was getting more and more absurd.

"Rias, you know that Yohan is part of my Peraage even though we had an agreement to give him freedom without any restraint from me." Every word that came out of Sona's mouth was a bit pressing. trying to get my peerage into your troubles?"

Rias's shoulders slumped, she already apologized to Sona but this time her apology was rejected, it was enough for Sona who always tolerated her.

Someone from Rias' peerage felt sorry for his king when he wanted to comfort Rias. He was stopped by someone who pulled him from behind.

The moment she turned around she was the academy's mascot. Koneko Toujou.

"Don't bother first" Koneko said to Issei who is a new member of their group. he wanted to protest but was intimidated by her stare so Issei gave up his intention.

"Listen to me Rias. I'll consider this problem over if you don't bother Yohan anymore." Sona said seriously which made the light return to her eyes.

"I understand Sona, really forgive me for being narrow-minded," Rias said pleadingly.

"Umm...Sigh. It looks like there will be a loosening in our relationship going forward but I hope you understand." Sona had finished the discussion and forgave Rias if she kept her promise.

Before leaving Sona suddenly remembered something and said it directly to Rias.

"Rias…if, you're desperate right now. Maybe Sister Hyoudou-san can help you" Sona said with a faint smile.

What Rias heard was very surprising, as well as Issei who suddenly asked.

"Wait! What's with my elder sister!?"Issei asked in an impolite tone which made Koneko stomp on his foot making Issei scream silently.

"You can find out for yourself and I'm sure Rias will know what he means," Sona said one last time to Rias and her Peerage leaving everyone confused but there was one person who understood Sona's meaning, namely Rias.

"Red Dragon Emperor Awakening" muttered her, she finally smiled happily as if her burden had been temporarily lifted.

Patréon has been launched, there are advanced chapters available there, if you can't wait for the latest update feel free to join in!


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