
Hero of Card (Dxd)

Tells the story of a boy who longs for a hero figure in a book he is reading, one day the boy meets a mysterious man who comes suddenly when he is still engrossed in his favorite book. The mysterious man asked the boy "Do you want to be a hero?" asked like that, and of course, the innocent boy answered enthusiastically. "YES!" From there, the mysterious man gave something in the form of a ring with a symbol engraved Ω after giving the ring he spoke again "Promise me, that you will not give up on your wish" with eyes full of trust he stared at the innocent boy, as the boy's response was nodding while answering "Yes, heroes often experience difficulties but don't give up until the end!. and so do I!" eagerly answered. The man smiled happily at the innocent boy's answer and then unconsciously disappeared when the innocent boy turned his eyes briefly in a different direction, like an illusion but real because the ring the man had given him was already attached to the boy's ring finger. Furthermore, how the boy's story fulfills his childhood wish, stay tuned for his story.

Fuku_San · Anime et bandes dessinées
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48 Chs

Get a Surprising Card


After talking for a long time, and finally, Yohan was told to go home, according to Sona it was better for him to rest in his apartment than here.

Because he had been ordered, without hesitation, Yohan returned to his apartment, besides, he also had a headache because he thought about what happened in that place.


"Now, what should I do with this" Now Yohan is lying on the bed looking at the updated system. Even though some features have been removed or the gacha box has been simplified. Yohan is still doubtful whether this update increases their power of his.

[KP: 180.000.00]

Glance at the Karma Point column, which is quite a lot, because so far Yohan has never bought a box, so the KP that he gets from the quest prizes that he completes has piled up.

With that much KP, Yohan can open 18 boxes. However, he doesn't intend to open that many boxes, so to try it, he opens 3 boxes first.

When Yohan's finger wanted to press the screen, he started to hesitate but a moment later he made up his mind and pressed the screen. The effect of opening the Box was the same as before there was a sound of music heard inside Yohan's head.






When what card did you get there was a flash animation effect. Yohan was stunned to see the card on the screen, closed his mouth, and his eyes couldn't believe what he saw. One of the kings who once ruled the English kingdom. Yohan has got a hero card with the same name.

The so-called Duke Lionheart, Richard I.

'Woaaah!...this is amazing!' He thought, then he put it aside and looked at the other cards.

'One of the mysteries and the great Priest of the kingdom of Russia who is told eternally.' Jack The Ripper and Grigori Rasputin! of this card's Hero.

'But what does Rasputin's class mean? Why is there only a question mark? But thinking about what the system said before is a class that the system doesn't identify. Is it dangerous if I use it? in its original history, it's strange why all the photos on this hero card don't match what history illustrates, but Yohan doesn't want to bother, because what changes the shape and characteristics of the Heroic Spirit in the Card is the work of the system.

"There is a dangerous possibility but, I still need this in an emergency" Yohan muttered, he stared instantaneously at Grigori Rasputin's card.

Pictures/photos, on the card there is nothing like Rasputin in history, his appearance is more similar to Asian men.

Not only that, but Yohan also looked for information through the site on his laptop. He got some useful information, but Yohan doubted whether the history told was helpful. But he still had to believe it even a little. And the 3 hours he spent looking for information from the hero card he got.


The next day

While Yohan was in class, many people stared at him while whispering with their friends beside them. Yohan didn't care about them, but remembering that yesterday there was an embarrassing incident, he couldn't help it.

What's more when recess came, and when he arrived at the canteen someone nudged his arm, when he glanced at it turned out to be Asia.


"What's wrong Asia-san?" Yohan said, he saw Asia as if he wanted to talk about something.

"Yeah...today, I didn't see Isamu-san. So I thought-"

"That she's having trouble?" Someone interrupted, and when she saw it was Sona who was walking towards them.

"Mmm...may I know. Sona-san?" Asia asked, actually she doesn't have many friends around her, there's only Kiryuu who tutors her in class, and Isamu who becomes her friend.

Sona sighed first. "Isamu is a Pawn, Rias. They are currently in a private villa on the hill belonging to the Gremory family. They are doing training there."

"Hmm...I see, it's no wonder Issei isn't there either. Turns out he's also following" Asia muttered. When heard by Yohan.

'Huh?...Issei too!'That surprised Yohan quite a bit, it was unexpected that Rias could invite his former pawn too for training even though it's no longer included in her Peraage. Rias still should complete what she promised Issei, namely Harem.

"Oh yeah... after I fainted yesterday, did something happen to the Gremory? Why did I look like Kiba after school when he was lethargic?" asked Yohan. Hearing his question, Sona thought before answering.

"That's her fiancé," Sona said in an unfriendly tone.

"Huh?" Yohan was confused.

Then Sona explained "Yesterday's fiancé came to earth, to invite Rias back to the underworld. their engagement day is approaching and because of that, Rias doesn't want to marry a man she doesn't love, that's her principle. It was quite hot in the old building. I was supposed to be there as a precaution but you fainted at the same time so I decided to visit you first. When I got there, people were gone" Sona said. Her hand was holding her shoulder and her dirty face, it was not like she usually acts like this.

You seem annoyed right? Yohan said. Likewise, Asia also agreed with Yohan's opinion.

"Wha?...no-, I'm not annoyed!" She denied Yohan's opinion "Haah...I'm just dizzy because my current work is piling up thanks to Rias. I'm even doing her part too!" Looks like she's having a hard time. mah, being Territory management is indeed a pain. Think of it like a real simulation to measure the ability of their leadership.

Without saying much more, Asia and I had to part with Sona because he had to go back to his room to continue his work. But before leaving, she told Yohan to meet her after school in the student council room.

There was something she wanted to talk about, and there might be something wrong that would happen to Yohan again.