
Hero of Card (Dxd)

Tells the story of a boy who longs for a hero figure in a book he is reading, one day the boy meets a mysterious man who comes suddenly when he is still engrossed in his favorite book. The mysterious man asked the boy "Do you want to be a hero?" asked like that, and of course, the innocent boy answered enthusiastically. "YES!" From there, the mysterious man gave something in the form of a ring with a symbol engraved Ω after giving the ring he spoke again "Promise me, that you will not give up on your wish" with eyes full of trust he stared at the innocent boy, as the boy's response was nodding while answering "Yes, heroes often experience difficulties but don't give up until the end!. and so do I!" eagerly answered. The man smiled happily at the innocent boy's answer and then unconsciously disappeared when the innocent boy turned his eyes briefly in a different direction, like an illusion but real because the ring the man had given him was already attached to the boy's ring finger. Furthermore, how the boy's story fulfills his childhood wish, stay tuned for his story.

Fuku_San · Anime et bandes dessinées
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48 Chs

First time Sona (Lemon 18+)

Patréon has been launched, there are advanced chapters available there, if you can't wait for the latest update feel free to join in!



"Haah~" Really, I don't know what happened to me when I was hugged like this by Yohan, it felt like something inside me was picking up the ace.

"Wait Sona...we shouldn't be doing this" Yohan also seemed to understand but I couldn't hold it in any longer.

"Chuu~" And unconsciously kissed him, only a momentary kiss but he seemed very surprised.

"Haah~...Yohan~..me...me!" Looking at Yohan who was still silent, it was also noticeable that he was blushing to the ears.

'Ufufufu~...Sweet guy~'Seeing him react like this makes me want to keep teasing him.

Wait a minute...since when did I start having such perverted thoughts!

"You started it" Yohan muttered when I doubted my identity, he suddenly took another kiss but this time it was messy and long.

"MMM~"I widened my eyes not believing that I could be in this situation, I wanted to push him but our difference was so big that I could only give up.

{AN: In this state, they both fall in lust}

This man dominated the kiss ferociously as if he had done it with someone else.

"PUAH!~...Haah~" And finally our lips separated to take a breath. I gulped the saliva that was mixed with his. Even though it's disgusting, I don't mind.

Our eyes stared at each other, our position changed to Yohan looking at me from above while I lay down.

It looks like he's a little hesitant to start again because maybe he thinks that this is wrong. But if it's him, I don't mind doing it.

After all, he has also become my fiancé since beating me in a chess match.

I touched his cheek gently as he said.

"Yohan~...I don't mind if it's you" Gently stroked his cheek then he took my hand while replying.

"Are you sure?" Asked his. I nodded gently as my answer to his question.

With that, Yohan no longer had any doubts and came back to take my lips and we kissed ferociously until it made a noise all over the room.

In this condition, I have to do something first so others don't hear us by casting sound suppression magic all over the room. I'm sure no one will hear at this hour, but I have to do it just for safety.

Yohan felt something and he asked.

"What is it?"

"We don't want the others to know what we are doing here do we?" I said. Yohan understood and waited for me to finish putting up the sound barrier.

When finished, Yohan without permission again immediately hugged me from behind while turning my head to seize my lips again.

"Ah~...you're so aggressive" I groaned as he boldly groped my body.

"It's your fault for teasing me... Do you think I can hold this? I'm still a man" Yohan said.

"AH~" I moaned quite loudly. when he fingered it, I felt like my head wasn't thinking normally anymore and I started to enjoy this.



Without hesitation, Yohan laid Sona back on the bed and continued their kissing session.

Without prior preparation, Yohan dared to insert his finger into Sona's vagina, he was not as surprised as before instead experiencing the pleasurable sensation he felt made him groan loudly.

"AHN! W-Wait Mm~ a minute!"

Yohan relentlessly moved his finger inside and even kissed Sona who told him to stop.

"I'm addicted when I hear you moaning, Sona," Yohan said, teasing her until she blushed and hit Yohan's chest lightly.


"Hehehe...nee, I'll ask again. You're okay with this?" Yohan confirmed again. Is she sure to take this to a higher level?

"Can you not keep asking?" He said in a breathless tone, then he grabbed Yohan's head and brought him closer to his ear, and whispered.

"We've got here...and now I want to do it with you so do it" whispered her. That made Yohan feel surprised by Sona's decision. made him feel guilty for having doubted her.

Without thinking further, Yohan lifted one of Sona's legs and held it like that. Yohan's penis pressed against her vaginal lips while also whispering in Sona's ear.

"I hope you don't regret this"

Sona had just realized that Yohan's cock size was much bigger than she thought, but she didn't regret it. Instead, she was curious about it.

Looking at Sona who was turning pale, Yohan couldn't help but smile and said.

"Don't worry, I'll take it slow"

And Yohan pushed his back slowly inserting the big cock into Sona's body.

"ARGGG!" Sona screamed in pain as her blood lining burst. Seeing this Yohan didn't stop and kept pushing his hips until his cock touched the wall of Sona's uterus.

"Ukh~" Sona blushed slowly groaning softly as her vagina got used to the size of Yohan's cock.

Yohan gave mercy by waiting for Sona to get used to his size. And after a while of waiting, it was finally seen that she looked better.

Seeing Yohan waiting for her made her have to tell Yohan to continue immediately.

"Yohan~...you can move now," She said. When she was told, Yohan immediately pulled and pushed his hips in a unified rhythm.


Moans and clapping filled the room. Thanks to Sona's magic the room was muffled and couldn't be heard by anyone from outside. The speed of the rocking of his back made Sona's tongue stick out and made an indecent face. Her glasses rattled and she moaned incessantly with the sound of clapping...


"Ahn~ Ahn~ Yess!~....So big!~...Ahn~"

So much pleasure that Sona received made her lose her identity for a moment. And Yohan didn't hold back to lift that plump ass. Even though she had a small chest, her ass was quite tempting.

"Ooooh! Yohan~...I-.I-.cumming~!"

"Me too!"

Yohan sped up his rhythm until it made Sona feel like she was going crazy. and a few moments later Yohan felt something was going to come out and so did Sona.

And one strong push made them both cum simultaneously.

"CUMMING!~" Sona screamed as her eyes rolled back.

Yohan's fluids continued to fill her uterus until he had a small lump on his stomach and when he released his penis, he immediately released his semen and wet the sheets.

"Haah~ Haah~" They both panted heavily with each looking into the other's eyes. That look made Yohan kiss Sona's aunt again and this time a deep kiss made them both enjoy each other.

After the kiss ended, Yohan fell asleep on Sona. But that didn't matter to her, even considering Yohan's sleeping face like a baby's.

She was happy to see Yohan's sleeping face while stroking his hair.

"I love you, Yohan." The one sentence that came out of Sona's mouth was her deepest feeling, and she whispered it to Yohan who was sleeping on her body.

It was a feeling Sona had been harboring for so long.