
Hero of Card (Dxd)

Tells the story of a boy who longs for a hero figure in a book he is reading, one day the boy meets a mysterious man who comes suddenly when he is still engrossed in his favorite book. The mysterious man asked the boy "Do you want to be a hero?" asked like that, and of course, the innocent boy answered enthusiastically. "YES!" From there, the mysterious man gave something in the form of a ring with a symbol engraved Ω after giving the ring he spoke again "Promise me, that you will not give up on your wish" with eyes full of trust he stared at the innocent boy, as the boy's response was nodding while answering "Yes, heroes often experience difficulties but don't give up until the end!. and so do I!" eagerly answered. The man smiled happily at the innocent boy's answer and then unconsciously disappeared when the innocent boy turned his eyes briefly in a different direction, like an illusion but real because the ring the man had given him was already attached to the boy's ring finger. Furthermore, how the boy's story fulfills his childhood wish, stay tuned for his story.

Fuku_San · Anime et bandes dessinées
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48 Chs

Diodora chose the wrong opponent

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I am Diodora Astaroth, heir to the Astaroth clan. The Astaroth clan is famous for having a descendant of its clan succeed in occupying the seat of the demon king. And also giving birth to a genius who appears once every 100 centuries.

That's no exaggeration my elder brother is more genius than people know, he brought up a revolutionary invention that the history of Devils never thought of before, namely the Evil Piece.

And that keeps me from being in the shadow of my elder brother, and what I try is compared to his. It makes me stop being better than he.

But I'm not sad in the long solitude. because of what?, because of his creation I can dominate my people. I enjoy seeing the innocent face of a woman destroyed and it is an interesting spectacle for me.

All this time I've been constantly swindling these innocent girls out of the church… even though it could cause further tension between the races but I don't care… what's most important to me is to enjoy the innocent girls' moments of despair when I ruin them.

These girls are my toys…and so is Asia.

'Ahh~ just thinking about her makes me want to destroy that girl's mentality immediately'

I can't waste any more time. I made every effort to make a Holy Maiden like her get out of the enemy's nest but the crows failed to fulfill my small wish. They said to take out her Sacred Gear first before making her into my toy.

It's annoying but it can't be helped. They were able to go around divulging information about me betraying me and now the plans have changed. To hell with the deal, those crows are going to die soon after all.

They thought I was stupid and that the situation had gotten serious, I cut off all my ties with them and took my Asia again in the process. However, that man pushed through everything!

How dare he act like a prince in front of my lady!



I stared at the quite strong explosion below, the man hit my magic bullet and I poured a lot of energy to kill him.

Asia might get hurt but I can immediately reincarnate her. Things are starting to get troublesome.

Right now there was an attack maybe the devils in this area attacked them. I was lucky that they attacked the crows and I was able to focus on taking Asia without anyone noticing.

I started to descend to the ground and stared at the cloud of dust blocking my view but I saw a silhouette of a man standing behind the dust cloud.

'He's still alive after that attack?...heh, tough guy but it's good that I can torture him longer '

I thought of a good idea, approaching the man slowly, and just in case I created another magic ball to attack him if he rebelled.

After a few steps in front of the man. I felt strange and I don't know what it was. After thinking about what was strange, a fist suddenly hit my cheek and it sent me flying.

"Urg-...what's that punch!"

I thought I had been hit by Sairarog, it was so strong that it made my jaw drop.

That man must be the culprit.

I dodged by flapping my wings causing my body to be pushed back. After that, the man's fist hit the ground and shattered the ground.

'Why?...why do I feel goosebumps in front of this lowly being!'

He had become a different person-, no that's not it. he became a different person.was he hiding his strength? I saw him giving off a terrifying aura.


I swallowed my saliva, this is unacceptable. This man deserves to be killed, how dare he make me feel threatened like this?


With all my strength I threw a magical missile at him while roaring.



He roared again, accompanied by orbs of light aiming at me like before.

I activated my hero card.

[Masutatsu Oyama (Founder of Kyokushin Karate)]

Right after activating the card, the ball of light hit me and made an explosion enough to shatter the ground.

The ball of light could shatter the ground but not my body… and it allowed me to survive any follow-up attacks after that… luckily I had put the girl just now behind me and it made me a meat shield for her.

Even though it was hit by magic… my body was fine, instead, I felt like I was being attacked by a mud ball and it tickled.

Kyokushin Karate is a karate style created by Masutatsu Oyama, a Korean man who immigrated to Japan.

The flow of karate that he made was very different-not different from karate in general. And the most commonly known about Kyokushin Karate is.


Trained superhuman immune system. Because Yohan has magical energy in his body, he is incarnated as a Devil. Of course, this magical energy is distributed by itself throughout Yohan's body, making his body resistant to magic.


Of course, this guy was shocked to see that his attacks didn't manage to hurt me, even when he targeted my head all I could do was parry it with my bare hands.

It's too dangerous to let the enemy target your head even though your body is as hard as steel.

I advanced slowly and intimidated the man every time I took a step.

"D-Don't come any closer!"

The more magical attacks I receive, but I still survive. no matter how damaging the magical attacks he launches, they have no effect on me who has super immunity.

The reason why Kyokushin practitioners have bodies so hard is that those who attack them will feel pain as if they were striking a boulder. The answer was.




Which makes their bodies quickly adapt and shape the body to be as hard as a rock. And many people think about Kyokushin that Kyokushin practitioners are real madmen.

'How could I know this information?'

I felt confused with all the information that appeared in my brain even though I had never looked for information about Kyokushin myself and had only ever heard that it was one of the streams in the martial art of Karate.

This sensation… like I had fused with Masutatsu Oyama.


The man continued to taunt me until his magical energy was running low without him noticing, it could be seen how tired he was.

Because considering me unimportant makes the adrenaline in his body increase and without any plan just attacks me.

Maybe it's a feeling of fear at his. mah anything is not important, I have to beat his before the card's effect runs out.

The trial usage time is 5 minutes. And it's been 2 minutes since I used the card and there are 3 minutes left. I won't waste it, right?

As our distance got closer, he intensified his attacks with all the power he had until he created a ball of light the size of a car above his head.


With a roar of anger, he threw the ball of light at me. Falling from the ball of light towards me at a slow speed, I formed the posture of my body.

Intending to hit the ball of magical light with a punch… sounds crazy but I'm confident that with my current strength, it's not impossible to hit that attack.


A cloud of dew came out of my mouth as I exhaled and drew it back in. I did it to allow me to focus all my strength on my fist.

Have you ever seen karate practitioners use their punching techniques to extinguish a candle?

'Kyokushin Karate'

Closing my eyes to sense the senses while maintaining the strength in the fist… I felt the huge ball of light getting closer… and the moment it reached its reach that was the right time.


I threw a straight punch straight at the huge ball of light which was only one step away from hitting me.


The sound of a Sonic Boom came over me clearly, and after that, the orb of light that contained all of the man's remaining magical energy, split in two.

And disappeared after.