
Hero of Card (Dxd)

Tells the story of a boy who longs for a hero figure in a book he is reading, one day the boy meets a mysterious man who comes suddenly when he is still engrossed in his favorite book. The mysterious man asked the boy "Do you want to be a hero?" asked like that, and of course, the innocent boy answered enthusiastically. "YES!" From there, the mysterious man gave something in the form of a ring with a symbol engraved Ω after giving the ring he spoke again "Promise me, that you will not give up on your wish" with eyes full of trust he stared at the innocent boy, as the boy's response was nodding while answering "Yes, heroes often experience difficulties but don't give up until the end!. and so do I!" eagerly answered. The man smiled happily at the innocent boy's answer and then unconsciously disappeared when the innocent boy turned his eyes briefly in a different direction, like an illusion but real because the ring the man had given him was already attached to the boy's ring finger. Furthermore, how the boy's story fulfills his childhood wish, stay tuned for his story.

Fuku_San · Anime et bandes dessinées
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48 Chs

Determination Day


The day he has been waiting for is in sight, for Roas today is the day when he must change the fate given to him for the sake of his dreams and his friends.

Meanwhile, there was a fight between Peraage Rias and Riser's fiancé Rias, before the match. Yohan was waiting in a special room where he could be with Sona. His new girlfriend.

Even though it wasn't Yohan's intention to have a romantic relationship with the opposite sex, he still felt responsible for what he did with Sona. Even so, feeling pampered like this wasn't bad for Yohan.

"Nee...I think this position is a bit uncomfortable"

"What?...you don't like my thighs?"

"It's not like that... Tsubaki will be back, so I think we should act normal first"

"Muu~…I understand, my elder sister will come to see me soon after all."

Sona understood and let Yohan get up, what the new lovers did was Sona gave Yohan a thigh pillow.

Even though Yohan had refused and said it was embarrassing for those who were still in a relationship, in front of the dog's eyes Sona made him give up and lay his head on Sona's thigh.

Tsubaki would be arriving there soon, so they decided to end the activity. When the third person came, Yohan and Sona returned to their normal behavior as if nothing had happened.

"Sorry for my delay Kaichou" Tsubaki slightly bowed in front of Sona, while she just waved her hand.

"No problem Tsubaki, sit down," Sona said.

Hearing that, Tsubaki got up and walked to the side of the sofa, and sat beside her, while Yohan sat slightly away from the two of them.

While Sona and Tsubaki were talking, Yohan was thinking about something, namely the success of her plan which had been neatly arranged but still had a chance of failure.

"Yohan...what do you think about Rias and the others during the few days you were there?" Sona asked shocking Yohan who was thinking.

"Ah... They're pretty good, their members are also generous to Rias which makes their time together impressive." Yohan answered.

"Hmm... it's true, it's not like me who prioritizes contracts, the way Rias recruits her maids by giving affection is something to be proud of, not all Devils in the underworld want to do that" Sona said.

"But, can they succeed against Riser? Their enemy is a Rating Game veteran not to mention Riser's innate ability is Phonenix which allows him to regenerate as long as there is a supply of Magical Energy" Tsubaki suddenly said.

"Yeah...but how fast it regenerates depends on his magic supply, if Rias and the others attack him directly then they lose first because they run out of magic supply"

"Then, will they lose?" Tsubaki asked curiously what Yohan meant.

"Yes, if that's what they do...however, you guys just calm down...just watch this match and analyze how they can beat the phoenix"

Hearing that Tsubaki fell silent and focused on the hologram screen showing the battle arena of a complete clone of the academy.


In the Arena.

Rias and the others were preparing to put their plan into action. The members included.

Rias [King]

Akeno [Queen]

Kiba [Knight]

Issei [Rook]

Koneko [Rook]

Isamu [Pawn]

Issei should no longer be considered as part of Rias' Peraage, but Rias thought that if it was okay to make that perverted man enter her peerage, besides to make up for the mistakes she made. So she had to take care of Issei under her care now. he tries to be strong to get Rias's attention and doesn't want to lose to his older sister.

They were fighting with a total of 6 people while the enemy numbered 15. So at least everyone was guarding 2 or 3 enemies. While being outnumbered Rias also lost in the experience.

It's a good thing that their opponent underestimated she and her comrades, and didn't take this fight seriously. Rias was able to take advantage of Riser's arrogance to subvert his.

It was already 5 minutes into the game, but both parties were still on their respective bases. However, in the next minute, Rias and the others had finished with their preparations and finally decided.

"Everyone, be careful," Rias said worriedly.

"Don't worry, Prez. We'll do it according to plan" Kiba said, the others also agreed with Kiba.

"Rias...take it easy, whatever happens...we will win this match" Akeno approached Rias and patted her on the shoulder.

"Haah...alright...everyone!...let's kick that bastard's ass!"


They all became excited after seeing Rias' confidence return.


Inside the student council room, within the academy's Mock Arena.

"That woman is serious if she can beat me?"

"You better be careful brother, I can see if she is serious in this game. I can warn you not to let your guard down"

"My sister, Ravel. You don't need to worry. Let that woman have hope in her. Think about defeating me. Let's see how she does it."

The two people who were arguing were Riser and his sister, Ravel. The two of them were watching casually with Riser's [Queen] who was sitting on his lap right now while pampering Riser with her erotic body movements.

Ravel became a bit disgusted with her brother, the reason he wanted to be part of his Peerage was for the experience, but Riser made his Peerage his harem. person.

It was Riser's bastard nature that made Ravel dizzy and fed up, even so, his ability in fighting could not be underestimated, even by the members of his peerage.

The standing riser that made his [Queen] naturally move to the side of the couch.

"Now~...Let's see how capable you are, Rias-san" he said, looking at the hologram screen with sharp eyes.

Patréon has been launched, there are advanced chapters available there, if you can't wait for the latest update feel free to join in!


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