
Hero of Card (Dxd)

Tells the story of a boy who longs for a hero figure in a book he is reading, one day the boy meets a mysterious man who comes suddenly when he is still engrossed in his favorite book. The mysterious man asked the boy "Do you want to be a hero?" asked like that, and of course, the innocent boy answered enthusiastically. "YES!" From there, the mysterious man gave something in the form of a ring with a symbol engraved Ω after giving the ring he spoke again "Promise me, that you will not give up on your wish" with eyes full of trust he stared at the innocent boy, as the boy's response was nodding while answering "Yes, heroes often experience difficulties but don't give up until the end!. and so do I!" eagerly answered. The man smiled happily at the innocent boy's answer and then unconsciously disappeared when the innocent boy turned his eyes briefly in a different direction, like an illusion but real because the ring the man had given him was already attached to the boy's ring finger. Furthermore, how the boy's story fulfills his childhood wish, stay tuned for his story.

Fuku_San · Anime et bandes dessinées
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48 Chs



Being in a daze, Yohan felt that trouble was coming to him. He was then told to sit down, while Serafall moved beside the man who was there before Yohan.

"Um... So, your name is Yohan?" The man who had the unusual hair color asked his.

"Yes. I'm Yohan...sorry who are you?" After answering his, Yohan now turned to ask. Everyone who heard except Serafall had a strange reaction.

"Hohoho~...sorry for late introducing myself. I'm Ajuka Beelzebub" Ajuka introduced himself elegantly even though it was just a hand gesture.

'Wow...what's wrong with me...wait, could this be related to that matter?' Yohan thought that two Great Satans had come to see him to discuss yesterday's cleaning operation.

"I'll just go ahead, the reason I came here to see you is related to my younger brother that you beat up." Without frills, Ajuka immediately said his purpose here.

Yohan's face did not feel guilty at all, even though he had calculated that this would happen.

"You don't seem surprised?...do you already know?"Ajuka was curious about Yohan's reaction, which was normal, even though he was in front of Great Satan.

"However, my actions may violate your laws. But you need to know that he deserves to be beaten up by me," Yohan said without the slightest doubt in his tone and expression.

While Ajuka just grinned at Yohan's bold statement, everyone in the room admired his courage to speak fluently even to make such a bold statement in front of Great Satan.

"What an interesting child" Ajuka muttered, "To be honest, it was Diodora's fault. He went too far as the heir of the Astaroth Clan, Diodora has no heir rights now. We've already investigated his criminal trial. I'm quite disgusted hearing that report, he did such a disgusting thing that could cause the gap of Heaven's Faction to widen even further now… and what's worse is that the fact that he was planning to enter a terrorist group was also exposed."

Hearing his explanation, Ajuka seemed to be very bothered by his little brother's behavior. That person was truly born to be trash.

"For that, I thank you for stopping his further actions, if he manages to take the nun. I don't know what Heaven's Faction will do to us. Whale." Ajuka shuddered, he remembered something unpleasant about that strongest human.

'It will be bad if I don't save her' Yohan thought, after Ajuka finished telling his story, it was Serafall's turn to attract attention.

"No need to worry about that girl," Serafall said. "what we have to worry about here are the pieces So-Tan implanted into your body"

Hearing that, Yohan thought quickly. 'Evil Pieces? what's with that

"You mean Evil Piece right? I was told that my value is only one pawn, right?" Yohan confirmed by glancing at Sona who was standing aside.

"Ah yes-...You're right, but during the process of incarnation, you became a Devil. There was a strange phenomenon." Sona explained what made Yohan tilt his head in confusion. "There was nothing strange at first, but after a while, the piece entered your body. The Magic Energy from me, Rias, and Akeno were sucked into your body, until our energy was only halved."

"In addition, the energy that your body absorbs is high-class Devil Energy. Which made us wonder what's wrong with your body, it's obvious it's because of the Evil Pieces" Serafall added to Sona's explanation.

"Yes. I originally wanted to observe first and wait until summer break to bring you to Ajuka-sama for an inspection, but he happened to be here so I think it's fine to do it now" Sona continued her explanation.

When he heard that, Yohan pondered while looking at her palms. He just found out that something like that happened when he passed out. Sona who didn't tell him felt guilty enough.

But it's different from what Sona thought that Yohan was disappointed because no one told him. inside his mind, he was panicking.

'Wait, are they aware of the Hero Card System?' While rubbing the golden ring on his ring finger.

"It won't take long, Yohan-san. It won't hurt either. I was just going to check what happened. The Evil Piece I created reacted like that when it was inserted into your body" Ajuka said.

He persuaded Yohan so that he could finish his work, and get new data about her discovery so that Ajuka could fix his problems.

Ajuka besides serving as Satan, is also a science maniac of magic. The person behind the development of the technology used by the Devil is now thanks to his genius research and thinking.

Meanwhile Yohan, he is in a dilemma. Not sure if he will carry out the examination. However, if he refuses then Yohan will not respect Sona and the two Satans in front of him.

"Okay... just check it out," Yohan said, after making up his mind without hesitation he agreed to be checked.

Hearing Yohan who looked relaxed, made Sona a little relieved, but she had to properly apologize to Yohan for hiding many things from him.

"Then...let's get on with it," Ajuka said. He stood up and told Yohan to take up a bit of space, therefore all members of the student council were told to leave for a moment except for Sona who still wanted to be there.

Serafall saw the familiarity of the two while Ajuka was preparing Sona's tools and Yohan was scorching. Being observed by Serafall made her suspicious of what kind of relationship her Younger sister had.


The examination process takes one hour, where the process is removing the Evil Piece from Yohan's body while Ajuka takes the Piece to be examined.

It doesn't end there. Yohan has to do a body check by scanning. This is similar to an E-ray beam, but it's a magic version.

"This is surprising," Ajuka said. He was surprised by the final results of his inspection of the Evil Pieces. Serafall who was curious immediately approached Ajuka and asked.

But their conversation was not heard clearly by Sona and Yohan, Ajuka whispered something into Serafall's ear. So she could show expressions like that.

"Really?...you're not wrong right," Serafall said, after hearing Ajuka's answer he was equally surprised but not sure about it. that's why she reconfirmed what she heard.

After finishing with Serafall. he glanced at Yohan and Sona who were staring full of curiosity. then without long, Ajuka also explained what he got from the results of his examination.

Patréon has been launched, there are advanced chapters available there, if you can't wait for the latest update feel free to join in!


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