
Hero of Card (Dxd)

Tells the story of a boy who longs for a hero figure in a book he is reading, one day the boy meets a mysterious man who comes suddenly when he is still engrossed in his favorite book. The mysterious man asked the boy "Do you want to be a hero?" asked like that, and of course, the innocent boy answered enthusiastically. "YES!" From there, the mysterious man gave something in the form of a ring with a symbol engraved Ω after giving the ring he spoke again "Promise me, that you will not give up on your wish" with eyes full of trust he stared at the innocent boy, as the boy's response was nodding while answering "Yes, heroes often experience difficulties but don't give up until the end!. and so do I!" eagerly answered. The man smiled happily at the innocent boy's answer and then unconsciously disappeared when the innocent boy turned his eyes briefly in a different direction, like an illusion but real because the ring the man had given him was already attached to the boy's ring finger. Furthermore, how the boy's story fulfills his childhood wish, stay tuned for his story.

Fuku_San · Anime et bandes dessinées
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48 Chs




I opened my heavy eyelids and saw the ceiling of an unfamiliar room.

"Where - Uh…" My head was throbbing as I was about to get up, after the pain wore off, I looked around and found myself in a familiar place.

'Isn't this Sona's room?' I guessed if Sona took me to her room again "Hmm?".

When I was about to stretch, my hand nudged something and I started to suspect whether Sona was healing like yesterday. I looked at the side of the bed and there was someone lying beside me, visible from the pile of blankets.

When the blanket was opened, I thought that there was Sona behind the bed. I also just realized that I was also naked.

Apparently, she was healing like yesterday. It made me feel calm and comfortable just by looking at her sleeping. She was also naked because she herself said that physical contact was required for healing. I got carried away that made her lose her virginity.

I feel a little guilty of her. As far as I know, a woman's virginity is very important. Maybe she wants to spend her first night with the man she loves.

Forget it, I have to take a shower soon. But before I go to the bathroom. I looked at Sona again and brought my face as close to her as possible while stroking her cheek.

"Thank you. Until now, you're the only one who saved me"

I whispered, actually I'm embarrassed to say that even though she's fast asleep. But I also can't help but say that I'm always grateful to her.


Oops, I guess. I took her to sleep. I hurriedly moved my face away and then covered her body again with a blanket, so she wouldn't get cold.

After doing that I also have to pack up immediately.




I started to wake up while rubbing my eyes.


When I groped beside me where Yohan was sleeping, I didn't find anyone there.

"Where is he?"

Still in a sleepy state when I was about to get up, I just realized that I was still naked. That made me suddenly awake and frantically look for my clothes.

After getting dressed, I looked for Yohan in every corner of the room and kitchen but didn't find anyone. But when I glanced at the dining table.

There was a pot placed there, and on top of the pot was a letter. Curious about what the letter contained, I opened it and read the letter while sitting at the dining table.

<Sorry to leave without saying anything, but I think it would be bad if I stayed there while waiting for you to wake up. So I decided to go home first, and also, please allow me to skip school today. I'll make you breakfast instead.

By: Yohan>

I involuntarily read the contents of the letter with a smile and was relieved that he seemed to be all right.

"Now let's see what that man-made for me."

Opening the lid of the pot made smoke billow out, it looked like he had not been gone for a long time even though the food he was making was still hot.

And what was in that pot was miso soup.

After seeing it, I immediately took a spoon and tasted the miso soup and the taste.

"Slurp... Mmm, this is delicious"

Without thinking anymore, I had miso soup for breakfast until the contents of the pot were gone.


After eating and cleaning the room and kitchen, I have another guest.


Yep, that's my Elder Sister. As usual, she is very cheerful when we are alone, but she can be very serious when talking about the topic of her work.

"Sis!... Can you not scream when you call me like that!?"

Even though I'm glad she is so concerned about me, the way she addresses me is so childish.

"Mou!~... So-tan! Calling you like that is my way of showing my affection for you! Unfettered from my status as a Demon Lord"

She said in a sulky tone, looking away and crossing her arms. Also, she puffed out her cheeks like a hamster when eating.

"Yes, yes yes... I understand"

I gave up telling her to stop. And opened my arms to invite her to hug me.


Instantly she stopped sulking, and when she saw me open my arms to hug her she made her jump towards me and hug me.


"So... how's it going?"

I asked about the captives we captured yesterday and what would happen to them next.

"Ah... Azazel already contacted me that the Grigori will be negotiating, after all, they are their fugitives"

Serafall drank the tea I brewed for her, then I asked again.

"Any information about the third person who gave them the orders?"

"Mm...they easily told me"

She answered, placing her teacup back on the table, and then her mood suddenly became serious.

"Looks like there's a pack of madmen who want to start another war"

Serafall said, her tone cold and deadly. I've rarely seen her this serious when it's just the two of us alone.

"They are endlessly wreaking havoc, and they are targeting you which makes me even angrier"


Now I understand… why she was so angry about the current situation, this isn't the first time I've been targeted by someone… but I'm still not used to feeling the feeling of being terrorized by a bunch of bad guys.

What's more from her talk, I quite understand that they are a criminal group led by someone quite influential in the supernatural world.

"For now you have to start being careful, if something suspicious happens please contact me immediately. Just in case I will put something in your study."

She said seriously, it's only natural to worry about me, but I think it's a little too much to put something in my study. And that even made me suspect that she didn't set the alarm but a camera, so she could watch over me in her free time.

"No need, Sis, that's too much, just alarm alert"


When I rejected her idea, she immediately panicked and approached me in a hurry.

"So-tan!...it's for your own good!... Onee-chan doesn't want you to get hurt even a bit by them! So please, be understanding!"

Serafall said, with a pleading tone and expression.

"No... Just not!"

I'm worried that if something accidentally happens again between me and Yohan, then she sees that Yohan's life will be in danger. Serafall will be very protective when it comes to my romantic relationship.

Patréon has been launched, there are advanced chapters available there, if you can't wait for the latest update feel free to join in!


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