
Hero of Card (Dxd)

Tells the story of a boy who longs for a hero figure in a book he is reading, one day the boy meets a mysterious man who comes suddenly when he is still engrossed in his favorite book. The mysterious man asked the boy "Do you want to be a hero?" asked like that, and of course, the innocent boy answered enthusiastically. "YES!" From there, the mysterious man gave something in the form of a ring with a symbol engraved Ω after giving the ring he spoke again "Promise me, that you will not give up on your wish" with eyes full of trust he stared at the innocent boy, as the boy's response was nodding while answering "Yes, heroes often experience difficulties but don't give up until the end!. and so do I!" eagerly answered. The man smiled happily at the innocent boy's answer and then unconsciously disappeared when the innocent boy turned his eyes briefly in a different direction, like an illusion but real because the ring the man had given him was already attached to the boy's ring finger. Furthermore, how the boy's story fulfills his childhood wish, stay tuned for his story.

Fuku_San · Anime et bandes dessinées
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48 Chs


Patréon has been launched, there are advanced chapters available there, if you can't wait for the latest update feel free to join in!



'I'm so scared' I thought, right now I'm hiding among the trees and covered by bushes, as ordered by that person. I have to stay here until the situation is safe.

It's been almost 10 minutes and the person hasn't come back, I'm now getting worried, scared, and confused.

I'm confused why my girlfriend has wings on her back and why she looks like she's going to stab me 'Shit, what the heck is going on '

In that anxiety, I even had time to ask for help with all my heart "No problem anyone, please help me!"

Like a miracle something came out of my pocket, it was a pamphlet that I got from onee-san sexy the other afternoon when I was waiting for my girlfriend. I stared confusedly at the pamphlet until it gave off a bright red light.

Because panic plus fear, anxiety, and confusion gathered into one, I immediately screamed because I thought it was something dangerous.

"AHHHHHHH!...NO NO, I DON'T WANT TO DIE YET. BEFORE HOLDING A FEMALE OPPAI!"The words immediately came out of my mouth.

"Hey!" A feminine voice sounded and the voice looked familiar. she shook my body as if telling me to look at her.

"AHHH...Huh?...Rias-senpai!" I forced my gaze to her and saw a buxom woman with a beautiful chest, and hair as red as blood and her gaze conveyed the charisma of someone dignified.

"What happened?" asked her in a soft voice. I felt like crying and hugging her. Just hearing her voice is a blessing for me.

"Sniff...Senpai I was-"I didn't have time to finish my sentence because suddenly a loud sound like something falling was heard.


"AAAH! THAT'S THEM!" I suddenly realized that the noise earlier might have been the work of that man and Yumma.

"I understand," Senpai said while staring intently at the loud voice, then she seemed to be calling someone, and sure enough. On the ground a magic circle was created and her friend who was also famous appeared.

"Akeno senpai? Wait what is that!?"I was wondering why Akeno could appear from the magic circle but my question was ignored because she was discussing something with Rias.

"Akeno looks like they called for reinforcements, I'll go there first and you take care of him" Rias was like ordering her friend already taking care of me.

Instantly my mind wandered imagining that chubby Akeno-senpai taking care of me.

"No Rias, I'll come with you...and he let me just sleep" Akeno opposed her, and to speed it up she approached me without me noticing and when I got close I realized while blushing to look at her beautiful face.

"Ah...Hello?"I said in an awkward tone.

"Ara~...Hello, too and sorry" she said before making me faint by poking my forehead with her finger.


Ah! My consciousness suddenly disappeared and I fell into darkness.



The kick from the accumulated rounds of balchagi hit the woman's face and ripened her nose


Not only that, but she also bounced to the ground from the force of the very hard kick, and shattered the ground where she fell.

Meanwhile, Yohan landed smoothly on the ground. Meanwhile, the woman fainted instantly when he hit her hard with this beautiful balchagi.

A moment later, a spear of light from a different direction aimed at Yohan who was standing 10 meters from where the woman had fainted. He dodged the spear attacks easily even if the number of them continued to increase it was still easy to dodge them like a circus performer.

When the rain of light spears finished and Yohan's distance was away from the woman who had fainted earlier, a man wearing a black coat as a mafia descended.

"Raynare" the man muttered when he saw the face of the woman called Raynare covered in blood from a broken nose bone and battered by Yohan's attack.

"HOW DARE!" He immediately got angry and turned his body towards Yohan but what he saw was a kick that was accurately aimed at his face.


"Arg!" The man winced in pain as his face received an attack from Yohan who until now still lost consciousness but his body moved on its own as if someone was controlling him.

When his gaze was focused while holding back the pain from his face, he felt the strange goosebumps that Raynare had also felt earlier.

'Strange...why do I feel goosebumps in front of this human, and also his blank stare? did he fight while losing consciousness?' Thought the man, he had to think of a plan to get out of this situation. the whole plan that they carried out neatly was now a mess what else was he already feeling the reinforcements had arrived.

"Dohnaseek!" a voice calling with a feminine tone appeared when the man who was called Dohnaseek glanced behind him to see another colleague of his coming downfield.

"Take Raynare now! We'll get out of here!" He shouted at a tall, curvaceous woman with brown eyes and long dark blue hair that covered her right eye. Her outfit consisted of a maroon top, like a trenchcoat with a wide collar, a mini skirt that matched shoes, and black heels. she is called Kala by her colleagues but her real name is Kalawarna.

"But?" If you don't understand why they have to retreat when their enemy has already been defeated, you can see his situation.

"The plan failed! And that Devil will be here soon! I'll hold him for a while and you hurry and get Raynare away from here!" After saying that Dohnassek was attacked by another kick from Yohan.

However, this time he was not caught off guard and he could dodge the attack earlier. He countered the attack earlier by creating a slightly long spear, not to be thrown, but to stab into Yohan's body. stab but use the technique as well.

Dohnassek found it strange why none of the attacks he launched hit him. Was it his nimble footsteps or-.


Roundhouse Kick hit his chin making him suddenly choke.


His strong attack.

"DOHNASSEK!" Shouted when giving a sign to his, when glanced at when he was carrying Raynare on his shoulder and currently flying in the air.

"Shit!..Human...I will remember your face" Dohnassek's last words were when he flew after the crowd, Yohan could only stare at them from below because there was no place for him to reach them because he was already in a wide field different from Raynare's previous case when they are still surrounded by trees.