
Hero of Card (Dxd)

Tells the story of a boy who longs for a hero figure in a book he is reading, one day the boy meets a mysterious man who comes suddenly when he is still engrossed in his favorite book. The mysterious man asked the boy "Do you want to be a hero?" asked like that, and of course, the innocent boy answered enthusiastically. "YES!" From there, the mysterious man gave something in the form of a ring with a symbol engraved Ω after giving the ring he spoke again "Promise me, that you will not give up on your wish" with eyes full of trust he stared at the innocent boy, as the boy's response was nodding while answering "Yes, heroes often experience difficulties but don't give up until the end!. and so do I!" eagerly answered. The man smiled happily at the innocent boy's answer and then unconsciously disappeared when the innocent boy turned his eyes briefly in a different direction, like an illusion but real because the ring the man had given him was already attached to the boy's ring finger. Furthermore, how the boy's story fulfills his childhood wish, stay tuned for his story.

Fuku_San · Anime et bandes dessinées
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48 Chs

Change (2)

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Yohan was still able to move even though his enemy had retreated, and he remained standing there until Rias and the others found him in a state where the environment around him was damaged and there was a burnt smell on the ground.

Rias was already several meters in front of Yohan, she wanted to get closer but was hindered by the strange goosebumps she felt when she was 10 meters away where Yohan stood blankly.

"Rias...he, a student at the academy right?" Asked Akeno who was beside her, she also felt familiar with Yohan's face and it was true that he was one of the academy's students to be precise a 2nd grader.

"Yes...but, what're these goosebumps feeling. is this coming from-" She didn't have time to finish her sentence because Yohan suddenly moved towards them.


Sensing danger, Rias and Akeno immediately jumped backward far from behind and sure enough, Yohan was still chasing after them even jumping and circling in the air to do another balchagi.


The kick didn't hit the two of them but hit the magical shield created by Akeno to block the impact of Yohan's powerful kick force. Even her magical shield cracked.


And broke, because it was made in a hurry in a short time... but the two of them managed to avoid the kick by flying high enough into the sky.

Above the sky, they talk to each other.

"What is it?" Rias asked curiously.

"That is Taekwondo! Is he an athlete?" Akeno answered and also asked back because she was also curious.

"Don't know but one thing is certain, we have to paralyze him first?" Rias said, her friend nodded in understanding, and a moment after her hand was raised towards Yohan.

"I agree" replied Akeno, where at the tip of her hand a yellow magic circle was created and a flash of electricity also appeared.

But when he wanted to paralyze Yohan, he suddenly fell as if he had run out of energy.

The atmosphere suddenly became silent, even though they had been acting cool earlier. but it ended like this. and Rias and Akeno went down to check on Yohan's condition while being wary of his.

*Knock* *Knock*

While poking Yohan's body with a twig to see if he had fainted, after making sure that the two of them then turned his body and saw that he was seriously injured.

"Akeno immediately checks his condition!" Rias immediately ordered Akeno to check Yohan's condition. After being checked by her.

"Not good...he lost a lot of blood and possibly suffered a brain concussion from being hit by a hard object," Akeno said. "So what should we do?" She continued to ask after she had finished checking Yohan's condition.

Rias then thought hard 'I have to get that boy who we suspect has that Longinus-type sacred gear. But this guy also has potential… Aaah! what should I do!' Her mind became complicated because she had to bet on two choices.

"Rias!" But suddenly someone came, and she was Souna Shitori the student council president.

"Sona?...why are you here?" Rias asked curiously.

"You ask why?...of course to see this chaotic situation!" She answered in a high tone while glancing at the damaged surroundings.

Rias somehow felt guilty and turned her gaze in another direction...Souna then glanced slightly at the body of the man who was lying down and the current state of life and death. before finally focusing on the man because he knew him well.

"YOHAN!?" She was really surprised and even quickly approached Yohan, seeing his state like that. For some reason, she panicked and hurriedly asked Akeno who was in front of her.

"What happened to his!?" Souna asked or called Sona Sitri.

"In short he, he's dying and Rias is taking a long time to make a decision" Akeno answered while teasing Rias too in her words.

"Rias!?"Sona demanded an answer from Rias because she seemed to be ignoring Yohan in this state.

"I'm worried Sona" Rias replied briefly, Sona wanted to know more clearly but understood what she meant and immediately became angry.

"About that again!? So you think someone's life is that cheap!? Well, if you don't want to just let me help him" Sona said while reaching for something after creating magic and her hand took something inside there.

When the hand was out, it was clear what was holding her hand was a box containing a blue chess piece. Then Sona took a chess piece after that the box was returned. Then she put the pawn on Yohan's chest.

A moment later a miracle occurred as a dazzling blue light was created and shone down on the three of them.

"Just one?" Rias muttered with a bit of disappointment. Sona didn't listen to her and hoped that it would work.

But the three of them miscalculated where the blue light just now had a stinging blue flash them… making them instantly become alert.

"Hey...is the process really like this?" Rias asked, but again the two people ignored her. They were both also curious about what happened to Yohan's body. Why didn't the reincarnation process match what they had seen so far?

While the three of them were thinking hard about the strange phenomenon in front of them, Akeno then realized that something was gathering.

"Nee... Is your magic power gradually disappearing?" Akeno said in a panic.

Sona and Rias immediately became aware that their magic energy was being absorbed by Yohan and not just them. Yohan's body absorbed magic energy from the air as well which made strange occurrences and amazement in the eyes of the three of them.

Yohan's body was slowly recovering, and the wounds were magically covered a moment later after absorbing enough magic power, a shockwave occurred. the aftermath made Akeno, Rias, and Sona retreat a few meters backward.

And when they looked focused on Yohan's body again, they saw a blue pillar of light soaring into the sky, that moment only lasted for a moment.

Then it calmed down again but the three women didn't feel calm at all.

"It's over?" Muttered Rias with eyes that couldn't believe what she saw before. They were both afraid to check on Yohan's condition because of the strange phenomenon just now but not Sona.

She kept stepping forward to check Yohan's body, while Sona was busy checking on Yohan. They both hesitated to step forward but took courage.

Then Sona finished checking on Yohan's condition making Akeno ask her.


"Mm...he's fine now" Sona replied with a feeling of relief as well as the two of them.

"But...what was that magic wave earlier? It absorbed half of my magic power!" Rias asked curiously.

Sona looked sarcastically at Rias which made her uncomfortable but she was also curious and only speculating.

"I don't know, I'm also not sure what it was... however, maybe something extraordinary happened to him" Sona replied, making her dissatisfied with the answer given.

Then Sona sighed heavily while looking at Yohan's sleeping face with a peaceful face.