
Hero of Card (Dxd)

Tells the story of a boy who longs for a hero figure in a book he is reading, one day the boy meets a mysterious man who comes suddenly when he is still engrossed in his favorite book. The mysterious man asked the boy "Do you want to be a hero?" asked like that, and of course, the innocent boy answered enthusiastically. "YES!" From there, the mysterious man gave something in the form of a ring with a symbol engraved Ω after giving the ring he spoke again "Promise me, that you will not give up on your wish" with eyes full of trust he stared at the innocent boy, as the boy's response was nodding while answering "Yes, heroes often experience difficulties but don't give up until the end!. and so do I!" eagerly answered. The man smiled happily at the innocent boy's answer and then unconsciously disappeared when the innocent boy turned his eyes briefly in a different direction, like an illusion but real because the ring the man had given him was already attached to the boy's ring finger. Furthermore, how the boy's story fulfills his childhood wish, stay tuned for his story.

Fuku_San · Anime et bandes dessinées
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48 Chs

Calm returned for a while


"Huuf...this is the last one!"

I do pull-ups in the park because there are tools available to the public there, so once a week I come here to do outdoor exercises because I always do simple exercises in my apartment.


After finishing the exercises, I took a deep breath and looked for a seat to lean on. Then I remembered the golden box that I got, so I immediately opened the box.

Thinking of a system in mind to bring up the system in front of me, other people can't see this and those who do see me are just pressing on empty water.

After receiving the rewards from the quests I completed, I suddenly got a message from the system again.

[Congratulations to the host who has completed the quests given by me so far. I'll just be brief about the reason for sending you this message.

For various reasons I had to forcibly update the Hero Card system, and I can't answer the reason why. but you have a problem with this update. That is, the card you have will be lost, but I will replace the lost card by rewarding you with 100 thousand KP.

During the update, the host cannot access the system for a while. I will let you know when the update will be finished.

By: Omega]

After reading the message, it made me dumbfounded. Now I'm in my dilemma, the origin of my current power is this Hero Card. So when another monster from the supernatural world disrupts my life, it makes me powerless, and just become an ordinary human again.

While pondering… I realized something.

'That's right, I'm now devil!..what should I focus my attention on this system for? I'd better ask Sona to teach me some magic spells!'

Stupidly I forgot the potential of becoming a Devil, after being cheerful again I immediately stood up while drinking water.

When I've relaxed the exercise a bit, I intend to return home to the apartment. I've asked Sona's permission that I'll be absent and asked her to take care of it so I don't have to worry.

Also, I was absent from work for too long, and it's time to go back to work. Along the way home, when I looked to the left that made me stop walking and stare in that direction.

There was a small child, who was sad as he looked up at the tree.

'It seems he is in trouble, I better help'

My heart moved and my body followed my heart's desire, so I decided to approach the kiddo and ask him what was making him sad.

"Hey...what happened?"

I asked the boy, he raised his head only to look at me due to the big height difference. Making me crouch down made it easier for him to talk to me.



"Anoo...on top, my friend Saggy can't get down"

At first, he was nervous, it's normal for a child like him to be nervous when he saw me approaching him.

His pet seemed to be stuck on a tree branch, without lingering I stood up and intended to climb the tree without looking up again.


I think I heard the sound of a branch breaking.


A feminine scream sounded above me, as I raised my head. What I saw as time slowed down were red panties that hit my face causing me to fall to the ground.



A woman was moaning in pain, and in her hands was an Angora cat with gray fur.


The cat rebelled and managed to escape from the woman who had just fallen to save her. no-the cat just returned to its owner.

"Anoo...Sis, you're sitting on someone"

The cat's owner's son told the woman that she was sitting on me.


Then she came to her senses and immediately turned around to see behind her where she was sitting.

"Hello~...I'm a cushion"

I greeted her kindly, but because of our falling position, she screamed.



And, I get slapped. And my daily life is perfect today.


I felt the heat on my cheeks, maybe the slap left an impression. And the woman who slapped me was giving the boy goodbye.

"Mmm?...somehow I feel a bit familiar with her?"

It was a strange feeling, after all, we had just met but for no reason, I felt she resembled someone I knew.

Then she came up to me after the boy who spoke to her left. when she was only one step away from me, she bent down and shouted.


When she bent down like that, I could see the mound swaying violently. I wonder if all the breasts of this country's women are always this big.

"Umm…umm, please stand up immediately"

First, I told her to stand up because the sight was dangerous for me. If she finds out, I can get one more slap.


She complied with what I said instantly making me relieved.

"I don't mind about that, it was just an accident after all"

I did say that but it hurt a bit like being hit by a large sack from a height of 2 meters. There's no way I would say that to her. She looked relieved and muttered.

"Is that so... Haah, thank goodness. I thought you might be injured."

"Ha ha ha"

I heard her mutter, I could only laugh awkwardly. Then she reached out her hand as if inviting me to get acquainted.

"That's right!… I am Hyoudou Isami"





My brain stops functioning for a moment when I hear her.

'Since when did Issei have a sister? - no, more than that she is also very pretty in Rias's class!'

I can't understand this, why… what happened to my world?

Isami Hyoudou was a beautiful woman. brown hair like issei but long reaching down to her back, she wore a pale brown one-piece dress and also a small bag slung around her waist. she seemed to be a year older than me.

"Anoo?...do you have any injuries?"

Thanks to Isami, I came back to my senses from my reverie. When I saw her hand still outstretched I hastily took her hand and introduced myself as well.

"I'm Yohan."

After shaking hands we both pulled our hands back and smiled at each other.

"From your surname...is Isami-san his Issei's sister?"

When I asked about Issei, she suddenly froze for a bit before answering again.

"Hahaha...that's right, he is my little brother. He didn't make trouble at his academy right?"

Judging from the expression on her face and the awkward laugh she gave, I can confirm she is Issei's elder sister.

Patréon has been launched, there are advanced chapters available there, if you can't wait for the latest update feel free to join in!


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