
Hero in the Wizarding World

A loner aspiring to be a hero gets dropped into the wizarding world of Harry Potter. Getting the blessings and resources to realize his dream, our hero sets out to become a real Hero in the dark degrading world of Harry Potter. --------WARNING--------- Bashing of characters an integral part of the story! Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter world or any character from the HP universe

PrinceDragneel · Livres et littérature
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New Life and Blessings

As the eyes of the two residents of the room met, Luna's grey eyes finally settled into the emotion of relief as her hands covered her mouth and sobs wracked her body, as the realization that her mother was no more going to be a part of her upcoming life and the close person who saved her life was almost going to follow into her mother's footsteps, finally settled in, a continuous stream of tears flowed down her face.

Siegrain, feeling the same degree of loss in his heart, simply opened up his arms to Luna, who jumped towards him, grabbed him in a deathly tight grip, and began bawling her eyes out. Holding her close to himself, Seigrin himself felt his chest tightening with emotions as he remembered how close Selene was to him. Selene had been the one to rescue him Siegrain and his mother from the death eater attack while holding the toddler Luna in her arms. Selene had been a target of a curse that had destroyed her womb, but she had never let Siegrain and his family feel guilty about it. That was also why Siegrain had put his life on the line to save Luna. As the pair was grieving the mother's death who had given them her unconditional love, the sound of Luna crying alerted the resident of the house as a lady and Siegrain's mom entered the room in a hurry.

Siegrain looked up to see the entrants and despite being an adult in a child's body, the body reacted like a child itself and his control over his emotions broke and slightly controlled sobs broke out of him as he tried biting the bottom lip to silence himself. Looking at the conscious form of Siegrain trying to control his emotional state, Samantha felt a brief relief wash over her as she absorbed the fact that her child was now safe and conscious. The last week had been emotionally wrecking for her as her son had been rendered comatose after his attempt at saving Luna's life in the accident. The gentle and sugarcoated statements of the healer Xenophilius had arranged for Siegrain had apparently suggested that he might probably never wake up. The fact that despite the death of his wife, Xenophilius had made a priority to save Segrain and had delayed his wife's funeral promising the Macbeth family that Selene's last rites would be done only after Siegrain woke up, had kept Samantha in a slightly calm state. Luna had never left Siegrain after her mother's death and had to be forced to leave Siegrain for daily activities. The devotion shown by the Lovegood family ever since they had met the Macbeths had ensured Samantha that Siegrain's attempt at saving Luna was not a fool's errand. Relieved that her family, which now included the Lovegoods, despite the death of Selene, will have a future in which her son would be the elder brother to her niece Luna. Relaxing her body, she grabbed Luna and Siegrain in a tight hug as she waited for the children to calm down.

After almost five minutes, Siegrain had been able to bring his emotions under control. Luna, after crying her eyes out, had fallen asleep while clutching Siegrain, while he still kept his mouth shut as his chest hadn't loosened yet and he knew that if he opened his mouth, he wouldn't be able to control the bawling he was trying to suppress. He knew very well that he would need to weep and grieve later, but for now, he needed to keep silent to prevent Luna from breaking down. Looking towards the lady, expecting her to be a healer and maybe someone he recognized as she looked awfully similar to someone.

Noticing the questioning gaze of the young man who had put his life in danger for a girl he had no blood relation with, she recognized the emotional state of the young man and knew that he was in no condition to speak. Looking at Siegrain with a warm gaze, she proceeded to get him up to date with the current scenario.

"Hello, Mr. Macbeth! I am Andromeda Tonks, a healer working in St Mungos, the hospital for the British Magical Community. I think you it but I'll inform you about your condition. You were in a magic accident and you tried being a hero by attempting to save the little girl you hold. Her mother Selene did not make it. You, however, survived the disaster. You have been in a comatose state for ten days now and today is October 14, 1985, which I'm told, is your birthday. Since you have woken up, the funeral of Mrs. Lovegood will be held two days from now as Mr. Lovegood had postponed the funeral to the day you could attend the funeral after waking up. Are you with me so far?"

Siegrain stared at Andromeda Tonks for a while as her words assimilated into his brain and contemplated the happening during his unconscious state. Slowly, he connected the dots that he had woken up exactly on his birthday, not a celebratory day in the current scenario, but he realized that the Guide had landed him exactly where he was supposed to be with a backstory that covered the conditions that he had requested. He felt guilty that Luna lost her mother so early because of him. Still, after taking some time for himself, he nodded towards Andromeda Tonks, as he believed she had not given total information yet.

"Mr. Macbeth, while you survived the accident, you didn't come out without any effect though. Whatever spell Selene was experimenting with, the explosion of magical energy etched a few runes into the iris of your right eye, i.e. your red eye. Further, the sclera of this red eye of yours changed from white to deep marine blue. Further, the runes etched into your eye have some effects on your eyes. I am not a Master in the subject of Ancient Runes but I could make out that the pupils of your eyes would probably glow when infused with magic and would leave streaks when you move. It's interesting that the runes appear to be floating within the iris and rotate around the pupil. There may be other effects that I may not have uncovered but that's as far as I could understand. Now, you need a few potions to strengthen your digestive system and probably some for your muscles. Try to relax a bit and try to make the little girl relax a little. She hasn't left you for a single moment."

After delivering the last piece of information, Andromeda left the room to let the people in the room have time to get adapted to the current situation. Siegrain found himself in a state where he was held by a sleeping Luna and a relieved mother who hadn't spoken a word since she had entered the room. Seifrain decided to refrain from speaking and let himself relax in his mother's arms and take his time to get up to his situation.

The rest of the day passed in a blur. Firstly he was given potions for getting his body to a normal state. It was discovered that his magic reserves had taken a boost due to a large influx of magic, though the boost was not insanely huge, just slightly higher than an average child. There may have been some other effects as well but he didn't have any time to determine that. He found out that Xenophilius had taken him to the Tonks' home as he knew that being a muggle-born, Seigrin would not have received proper care. Xenophilius had repeatedly thanked Siegrain for saving his little Princess. Siegrain could see that Xenophilius was in pain but had been staying strong for Luna. Siegrain realized why Xenophilius was so weird in the movie. His emotional stability had taken a severe hit and staying strong for his daughter never let him have the chance to properly grieve the loss of his wife. When Siegrain's father Mystogan came in for a visit after being told of Siegrain's awakening, Siegrain decided to take Luna home with him so the adults could have the tie together.

Two days later, the funeral of Selene Lovegood was held as she was buried under the trees of the orchard close to the Rook, the Lovegood's home. After the funeral Andromeda had taken the kids home and left Samantha, Mystogan and Ted Tonks took Xenophilus out to a different place, probably to allow Xenophilius to let out his pain. While the adults were out, Siegrain was introduced to the Tonks' daughter, Nymphadora Tonks. Even at eight years old, she had a punk-style dress up. She had introduced herself as Nymphadora Tonks, probably not knowing the meaning of her name yet. Fortunately, Siegrain and Luna had been allowed to call her Nym and very quickly she had gotten attached to Luna, because even as a kid, Luna had a very beautiful sing-song voice that had a mystic air in it. Both Siegrain and Luna were glad to be in Nym's company and very quickly the adults could see a budding children's romance between Siegrain and Nym. Luna stayed with the Macbeths and often Nym would come to the Macbeths for a sleepover and she would sleep in the same room as Siegrain, with Luna sandwiched between the two.

Sensing that Luna was in the company of people who loved her and kept her safe, Xenophilius decided to have Luna live at the Macbeths. Mystogan however, browbeat Xenophilus into moving in with the Macbeths and going to Rook only for work. Mystogan and Samantha didn't want Luna's father to be absent from her life, so, in November, Xenophilius moved in with the Lovegoods and bought a small section of property adjacent to the Macbeth Bungalow to set up a magical home. This would allow the kids a connection into the magical world and the Tonks could floo in close to Macbeth's house.

After the Lovegoods joined the family and things settled down for a bit, Siegrain decided to check upon the blessings that he was supposed to receive. Taking a morning to meditate, he received a mental message for his blessings.

"As stated by the guide, you have received blessings from two Gods:

Blessings of Goddess Hestia: Similar to Bell Cranel, you have received the love and blessings of Goddess Hestia. As an effect, you gained skills Realis Phrase and Argonaut.

Realis Phrase grants quick growth. The rate of growth is dependent on the desire to be strong. A strong desire means greater growth in strength.

Argonaut skill is currently locked and will be unlocked on reaching Level 2

Blessings of God of Masses Ganesha: Staying close o Lovegoods caused the second blessing to be biased towards animals or magical beasts. You have gained skills Pashupati and Garuda.

Pashupati skill makes you an animal empath and all beasts, mundane or magical have a high chance of becoming your friends. Close contact may allow you to gain the animal language from the familiar.

Garuda skill grants the user ocular powers of a Garuda. Farsight and strong dynamic vision. The current vision is limited to Hawkeye. Specially immune to serpentine ocular magic (immune to serpentine hypnotism and Basilist stare to name a few). High chance of your animagus form being a magical avian species.

Your status is not something like a gamer that you can pop out anytime.

The blessings allow you to pop into the entrance area of Babel. You can check and update your status through the status board edicts at the entrance of each floor of the dungeon.

Currently, at level 1, you can have access to only the dungeon of Babel in Orario for 24 hours every day. The travel to and from the dungeon will be through a spatiotemporal portal allowing you to come back at the same instant you left this plane.

An increase in Level will allow access to more dungeons and more time in the dungeons.

All dungeons will be like a game dungeon, meaning you'll not meet any of the characters from Danmachi or other series you get dungeons from. You will only meet NPCs. The currency can be taken out in form of Galleons or British Pounds or any other currency based on conversion rates.

1 Valis = 1 pound

5 valis = 1 Galleon

For initial ease of dungeon diving, a familiar pack and a newbie pack have been issued and can be picked from the guild hall after adventure registration in Babel."

After checking out the message, one of Siegrain's biggest worries about getting petrified by the Slytherine's Basilisk was put to rest. It was often said in a lot of fanfics and forums that Parseltongue was good for healing spells. Now he was thinking of which language to learn first. He assumed that the Avain language, Feline language, Panther language, and similar other languages ought to have a similar specialty.

He waited for a few days as things settled down and fell into a regular routine. One fine day, Siegrain decided to go to the dungeon and start accumulating strength and money. Since a newbie pack was already given, he knew that he didn't need to prepare something special for the trip. Thinking about going dungeon diving, he was bound to get dirty and probably injured as well so he prepared a small first aid kit and went into his bathroom before opening a portal from there.

The portal landed Segrain at the entrance door of the guild hall. Siegrain simply walked into the hall and walked up to a receptionist. Contrary to the popular template, there were no cute or beautiful receptionists. There were only butler-dressed men, one of them giving very serious 'My name is Sebastian' vibes. Segrain walked up to the receptionist to start his registration.

"Hello! My name is Lucius Fox. How may I help you?"


"Ehm! I was told that I can register here as an adventurer!"

"Sure you can young sir! Now we need your name and your blessing God or Goddess."

"My name is Siegrain Mystogan Macbeth and I have received blessings from Goddess Hestia and God Ganesha."

"Ok! Let me verify. Please take a seat somewhere nearby. It'll take a while. I'll call your name when registration is finished."

"Ok. Ah! I forgot I was told of a package for me here at the registration."

"Oh! You can go to any counter numbering between 16 to 20. They handle the packages. It'll take long enough here. You can collect your package."

The receiving of the packages at the counter went in a flash as he received the package within a minute after giving a drop of his blood for identification. Collecting the package he returned to the area of newbie registration and waited for his call.

"Mr. Macbeth! Please come to desk 02!"

As I reached the desk, I saw the receptionist holding a bunch of stuff."

"Mr. Macbeth. Your registration has been completed. Here is your adventurer ID card. It holds the value of being an ID card and a debit card for transactions in the Babel shopping area. Now, this ring is actually important. It serves as your key to entering the dungeon and using status edicts. Keep both of them safe. Card reissue costs 100 valis. Ring reissue costs 1000 valis. You can use your ring to access restrooms, bathrooms, clinics, lockers as well as private rooms for less than 1 hour free. Extra services like medicine and treatment of anything more than small cuts and bruises will cost you money. There is a training area that can be accessed for free but taking training from advisors will cost money. I hope this covers everything you need. If you have any more queries, I'll be happy to help."

"Thank you for your information. I would like to reserve a private room for 1 hour. Please proceed with the reservation."

"Certainly sir! Room number 263 on the second floor. It's reserved till 9:30 am. Just put your ring close to the latch on the door and it will be unlocked. Have a good day sir!"

Completing the registration, Siegrain walked up to the said room and entered it smoothly. The packages he received looked like shrunken wizard trunks and he did a silent prayer before opening one of the trunks. Inside lay two Poke balls and a few papers with text.

"The balls contain familiars for Mr. Siegrain and will be destroyed after releasing the familiars. The familiars can enter the shadow after leaving the dungeon. The ball with red and white color contains a green macaque. It's a monkey with a size ranging from 1.5 to 2.5 m on its shoulders and 2.5 to 4 m while on two feet. Master in Potions, medicine, and alchemy as well as basic healing. Strong enough as a luggage carrier and unarmed combat. The green and white ball contains a storm eagle. Proficient in storm magic. Able to control body size from average Golden eagle to a height of 5 meters and wingspan of 12 meters. Fully grown strong individuals can hyper cruise at Mach 8."

Siegrain was shocked at the OP familiars but gradually calmed down as well. It's impossible for the familiers to be that OP for a beginner like him. Releasing the two familiars from the ball confirmed his thoughts as both familiars looked exactly the smallest possible size of their species. The eagle could only do scouting and attack small fries. The macaque could fight bigger catches but not so much. As he felt magic approaching him from the two animals. He allowed it to connect with him and for a moment had several memories of obscure knowledge transferred into him.

From Storm Eagle, he learned the avian language and its dialects spoken by the avian community, which included Griffins and Hippogriffs. It also showed that the avian tongue was an expert at elemental conjuration and transfiguration. Since it was a vast encyclopedia of knowledge, he decided to ponder over avian magic slowly.

The knowledge of green macaques was very different. He not only learned the language of macaques and apes, but He also realized that he could learn potion craft before he went to Hogwarts. He had always hated Snape. While bullies justified Snape's behavior regarding Harry Potter, why was Neville a target? Why was Susan Bones a target? It cannot be denied that Snape has single-handedly crippled the defensive capability of magical Britain. And his statements weren't just berating, they were outright vile and he didn't deserve any credit.

Siegrain decided then and there that he would complete the Mastery of Potions before setting foot in Hogwarts and he would offer free lessons in Potions to anyone at Hogwarts.

Sorry about the delay in uploading.

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