
Hero Hunter in an Unfamiliar World (Dropped)

Dead Meme, jk its a DEAD FANFIC check out my new one The One Who Stands Above All Others

RAAAHHHHH · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Training and setting sail

We can see garou 1 month after he went into the forest. he was currently doing push-ups with a large bolder on his back. he did about 500 of push-ups before he threw the boulder off of his back and laid down to rest. after he was done he got back to training, he started to run around the forest with his eyes closed, trying to hunt with his hearing, and smell, he needed to get these senses enhanced to be able to locate more things and possibly enemy's later on.

he was listening in on a rabbit, he could hear its little foot steps, he then stealthily hid in the bushes and once the rabbit was near, he swiped his hand and cleanly took off its head, he opened his eyes and saw the perfect cut off rabbit head, he was proud his training was paying off. he then took the rabbits corpse and started to take everything off but the meat, store it in his dimensional space, and started to cook the meat,after he was done with his snack he went back to training.

-5 months later

we can see garou inside his dimensional space, inside a house he imagined. he was sitting on the couch he made and was eating some food. he suddenly got the idea of a certain training he could do, (Forgot to explain but you prob already knew suspected it, when he trains in the space, his gains stay the same when he comes out, so if he spends a month training in the space, its as if he trained a month in the outside world, but since time is stopped for the outside world, garou would just appear to be stronger when he suddenly blinks back into exsistence, he can use this any time he wants, but he has to wait the amount of time he spent inside the dimensional space, in the outside world, so if 1 month in there, one month outside the space before he can go back in hopefully i explained it to you) he puts imagines weighted clothes that weight's about 8 tons, he was lifting it with extreme difficulty, but he can still move around, so he decided to always wear this, inside the dimensional space. this new training method had improved garou's physical abilites with sky rocketing results, by the end of the month, he would be able to move his body around with almost no difficulty. but by the time this happened, the dimension space started to crack and pull him towards it. he let it happen and suddenly, he was staring at the exit to the cave he was in when he first went into the dimensional space.


6 months later

we can see garou doing his daily 30 ton weiht training clothes. ever since he got the idea of weighted clothing, he always made the clothes heavier whenever he felt he could fight in them at almost 90% of his full power, and so it was the last day outside that a year had passed, thankfully, the dimensional storage didn't also increase your age while you were in it. garou was sucked out of the dimension and started to gather his things, he had learnt to control his strength every time he could lift the heavier clothing, just so he doesn't break anything he grbas or touches which will be useful for later on.

garou gathered his things in one spot, and took a bath in the river near the cave, he got back, dried off, and put on some new clothes. he took his time, as it was only the morning. he put some stuff he couldn't carry in his dimensional storage and put the rest on his back. he started making his way towards the village.

once he could see the village, he could see people waiting at the front, he knew that they knew the year had past and were waiting for him. once he got out of the forest everyone noticed and started to talk. he got to them and asked how everyone was doing, they all said they were fine and he went to party's bar to go meet makino. once he got inside the bar he walked up towards to counter, makino came from the back and was suprised to see him here. "so a year has already gone by huh?" she said with a smile, he said yeah and asked where luffy was, she told him that he was in the mountains still training, he said alright and ordered something to drink.

after he was done chatting with makino and drank his drink, he went towards to mountain and found luffy training on his gum gum pistol. "Hey luffy! im back." luffy turned towards the voice and became excited to see garou back, he jumped at him and started saying stuff like i missed you and im glad you didn't leave me after all. he calmed down the now crying luffy. "hey i was only gone for a year, lets go throw a party and we can talk to each other about the things we did over the year" luffy agreed instantly and they went to throw a party for his return.

the party lasted for a day, the adults had a hangover from drinking to much, everyone else was fine though. garou woke up in a bed, he was confused as he couldn't see anything properly, he went to take a bath. once he was done he got out and dried himself, he put on his clothes and headed out the door. he met with some villagers and went to go see makino again. once he got there he asked her if she was alright, she said she was fine so garou ordered something and ate.

he met up with luffy after he was done eating and went to train with him. after they were done training, luffy asked something to garou, "hey garou?" "hm? whats up?" "whats your dream?" garou was a bit suprised to see luffy asking him something, he anwsered "well, i want to make the world better, i want to fight the people who call themself's people of justice, but are people who do bad things behind the scenes, like the marines that control people behind their backs, give false hope and make deals with pirates for money or self gain. so in my opinion, i want to be someone to take down the world government"

luffy was suprised to see this anwser, but he knew he hated marines, so luffy asked a daring question, "if you want to make that your dream, how about you join the crew im going to make? that way, along the journey of me becoming the pirate king, you can topple the world government, that way, we can both get our dreams!" luffy asked with a smile while garou had his jaw dropped, usually luffy wouldn't think like this, but sometimes he was smart, on rare occasions... but garou decided to think for a while, he then said he'll join the crew, but only the battles with the marines he would help in. luffy agreed instantly, and from then on, the right hand man of the legendary straw hat crew was formed on this fateful day.

- Timeskip 2 years Luffy's age: 17 Garou's age: 17

It was the day that the two would set sail for the world, what wonder's would they encounter, what mysterious beings or people would they see, only time would tell.

as garou was setting the sail on the boat, luffy got on and made sure to say goodbye to everyone of the villagers, garou set everything else up on the boat and went to also say goodbye. after all of their goodbyes, and a ways away from the island, a sea monster appeared, as garou got ready to fight, luffy said "hey pal, its been a while huh, this wont play out like last time! i have been practicing this move for 10 whole years! gomu gomu no! PISTOL!!" luffy had stretched his arm out to the max, and delivered a punch to the sea monster that took shank's arm 10 years ago, the sea monster instantly became scared and ran, everyone on the shore cheered at luffy defeating the sea monster, although garou wanted to show everyone how strong he got, he let luffy have the spotlight this time, dadan was around the corner, saying how proud she was of luffy, everyone was still cheering even though luffy and garou's boat was nowhere to be seen, they were still talking about it.

and so, thus started the journey of the future pirate king and his brother garou.

alright they have set sail! what adventures will they have?

P.S luffy is stronger than in canon because of garou and him training alot

RAAAHHHHHcreators' thoughts