
Hero ! What a Joke !

Not being a hero isn't the issue. The only problem I'm facing right now is surviving in this world!

JUSTTP · Fantaisie
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37 Chs

Warm Breakfast

It had been three days since Thap arrived in this strange world in someone else's body. Thap began to understand how this world worked, especially the life of an adventurer. He still lacked knowledge about this world because he was busy making money to survive. 

Something strange occurred to him when he held weapons like swords and knives; he was able to obtain the knowledge and skills to use them professionally. The memories of training and using those weapons flowed into his mind, and at the same time, his body could swing and move according to the techniques and knowledge from those training memories.


"Morning already?! Yawn… wait, I can't believe I passed out when I hit the bed," Thap muttered to himself as he got up and made his bed.

He left his room in his sleeping clothes, made his way downstairs, and walked to the back courtyard where the well was located.

"Ahh… Good morning, Mrs. Fre!" Thap quickly greeted the owner's wife when he saw her getting water from the well.

"Good morning!... Oh, sorry about yesterday!" Fre replied, but when she turned her head and realized it was Thap, she quickly apologized to him for what happened yesterday.

"Ah… it was a misunderstanding, so it's alright!" Thap replied awkwardly, scratching his head and trying to act normal.

The truth was, after Thap received his reward yesterday, he wanted to change the inn he was staying at and return the money Bart had paid for his lodging.

Thap wanted to avoid any further misunderstandings and problems like what happened to him the previous morning. However, after checking about seven or eight inns near the guild and the busy district, he learned that the average cost per night was around 25 to 30 silver coins, with some including meals and others not. Those inns were much fancier and more modern than the one he was staying at.

The inn where he was currently staying cost only 15 silver coins per night, with meals included. This reminded him of the conversation he had overheard before Keith came to confront him. This inn was the cheapest inn in the city due to its condition and location.

Lucky Inn was located far away from other inns, in a low-income neighborhood next to a slum. Thap had no choice but to stay at this inn for a while until he finally made more money and could procure his own home. That was his current goal. 

"Oh, you came here to wash your face ? Right, I will quickly get the water. Sorry that our inn does not have a proper bathroom nor toilet" Fre informed him while walking back and pulling the bucket from the well. 

"I'll help!" Thap said, noticing how much she was struggling with the heavy bucket. He quickly stepped forward and grabbed the rope, lending a hand to pull the bucket up from the well. 

He then helped her carry the water back to the kitchen, where she started cooking and boiling the water. 

"Thank you so much for your help, it's great to have someone like you around the house!" Fre praised him as she started making the fire. 

"Oh, where is Rue?" Thap asked as he placed the heavy bucket on the kitchen table.

"He went to get the bread," Fre replied, placing a boiler on the fire and gesturing for Thap to pour the water into it.

Thap observed the way people in this world boiled water, reminiscent of how people in his world did similar things but only at the countryside. He realized how this family was struggling financially, as the kitchen was old-fashioned. They used old stoves, logs for fire, and hung herbs. Everything was old, even the tools scattered around the kitchen. 

"What are you making?" Thap asked out of curiosity when he saw her preparing another pot on another stove.

 "Pottage stew," she replied as she began to prepare the ingredients. Fre worked with what little she had. 

She took a few wilted vegetables, some half-rotten potatoes, and a handful of dried beans. She carefully trimmed the bad parts from the vegetables and potatoes, making sure to save every usable piece. She then added the salvaged ingredients to the pot, along with some leftover scraps of meat that were barely enough to flavor the stew. She sprinkled in a pinch of salt and a few dried herbs, stirring the mixture with care. As Thap watched her work, he couldn't help but admire her resourcefulness. Despite the poor quality of the ingredients, Fre managed to prepare a meal that would serve the guest and her family.

Thap was captivated by the scene as he watched Fre work slowly and smoothly in her tiny kitchen. When the water began to boil, she added some strange herbs that released a coffee-like aroma, filling the kitchen with a rich scent. At the same time, the stew started to cook, and the room filled with the savory aroma of meat and vegetables.

"What- What are you doing here?" a female voice called out from the kitchen door.

"Isa, you're up!" Fre responded, turning to look at the source of the sound.

"Isabelle?!" Thap muttered to himself, tension shown on his face.

Thap finally realized that Fre was Isabelle's foster mother, as Keith had told him to be cautious around her. He worried that he might have made a bad impression by helping and talking with Fre. 

"Ah, I better go, Mrs. Fre!" Thap awkwardly excused himself as he tried to walk to the exit.


"WAIT!" Isabelle shouted, softly pulling the back of his shirt. 

Thap paused as he heard her voice and felt someone pulling his shirt. He turned around and looked at Isabelle, who was in her casual dress with her hair tied in a ponytail. Her face was tense as she looked into Thap's eyes. "Did I do something bad to her? Shit, is Keith that guy coming here again?!" Thap thought to himself, swallowing nervously, sweat forming on his forehead.

"Hmm... can I help you with something, Ms. Isabelle?" Thap asked awkwardly.

Isabelle lowered her head and bowed to him.

"Ehh… what is happening?" Thap was shocked by her actions.

"...Thanks for helping me the other day and sorry for the mistreatment that my friend had caused you," Isabelle said softly and genuinely while bowing.

"Ahh, I don't mind, please raise your head!" Thap quickly replied, telling her to lift her head.

"...Thank you for your understanding." she replied, returning to her usual posture.

"I'm just glad we made up..." Thap said with a big smile.

"...Anyway, I will take my leave!" He continued as he walked aways from the kitchen and returned to the courtyard to wash his face.

"He is a nice kid!" Fre spoke up as soon as Thap left the kitchen.

"Hmm?!" Isabelle was confused when she heard that, wondering what her mother was thinking.


After washing up and gearing up, Thap waited for his food in the small dining hall, sitting at the same old spot from yesterday. Somehow, there were fewer people than the day before—only four guests, including him, were chatting and waiting for their food in the dining hall.

"Finally, I get to taste their food," Thap muttered softly as he saw Fre walk towards him with a tray of food.

"Here you go, and enjoy!" Fre said as she placed the food on his table and returned to serve another guest.

Thap looked down at the plate in front of him. It was simple fare: a slice of bread, a bowl of pottage stew, and a small piece of fruit. Despite the simplicity, the aroma was inviting. He picked up his spoon and took a sip of the stew. The flavors were hearty and comforting, the vegetables and meat blending together perfectly.

"This is actually pretty good," Thap thought to himself, pleasantly surprised by the meal. He continued eating, savoring each bite. The bread was fresh and slightly warm, a perfect complement to the stew. The fruit, though small, was sweet and refreshing.

As he ate, he glanced around the dining hall, observing the other guests. They seemed to be regulars, familiar with each other. Their conversations were a mix of local gossip and stories of their adventures.

Thap felt a sense of contentment. Despite the challenges he faced in this new world, moments like these made him appreciate the simple pleasures. He finished his meal, feeling satisfied and ready for the day ahead.

"Ehhh… Why are they here again?!" Thap thought to himself, shocked, as Keith and his gang walked into the inn just as he was about to leave.

"Oh..." Keith muttered when he saw Thap.