
Hero ! What a Joke !

Not being a hero isn't the issue. The only problem I'm facing right now is surviving in this world!

JUSTTP · Fantaisie
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37 Chs

Sword Hero (4)

"Come at me any time and don't sweat your pants, you heard that !!!"

Winston pointed his sword to Henry while provoking him with a joke.

"Why don't you come at me, if you want to know how strong I am ?"

Henry replied while holding his sword downward and acted calmly. 

"Don't get cocky just because you received a Hero Class. You fool !! Here I go !!"

Winston charged in with a deadly pose. When he got closer to Henry, Winston leaped up and slashed Henry with his sword. A large impact erupted, smoke and dust could be seen from where Henry was standing. 

"That was quick !" 

Winston muttered to himself when he realized that Henry already dodged his attack and stood behind him.

The crowd roared out as soon as they saw the impact but when the smoke vanished, they saw Henry was unscratched and remained calm . Everyone started to cheer for Henry once again. 

"That was fast Lord Winston, but I'm way faster than you !"

Henry spoke calmly to Winston, before he raised his sword and started hitting on him. 

The sound of the sword clashing was getting louder and louder, as Henry kept on hitting Winston with his enormous forces, each hit causing Winston to stagger backward, his boots scraping against the floor. 

Each Henry's blow was quicker and more intense than anyone that Winston had fight with. Winston's arm shook under the impact, the vibrations traveling up to his forearm from each ringing clash, he could feel that his bones were screaming. 

Despite the onslaught, Winston's eye burned with anger during Henry's formidable assault. 

"Ohh .. so this is the Hero power ? Don't make me laugh, HAHHAHAA"

Winston leaped away from the attack and distanced himself away from Henry upon spouting out this question. 


"I knew you Henry, you're just a weak loser ! That's not your real strength HAHAHA , bec—"

Henry cutted off his speech and charged at him with an incredible speed. Winston was caught off guard by this and got hitted.

Luckily, he manged to use his sword as a shield to protect himself from the strike. But this time the impact was stronger than before and as he could see a golden light power glowing around Henry's body. 

The collision sent Wiston up in the air and hit the wall. He fell to the ground and quickly got up while acting tough.

Winston's clothes were torn, blood and bruises could be seen. He also spit out blood to the ground.

"No way, is Winston going to lose to Henry ? Amazing, is that the power of a hero"

"Serve you right Winston !!" 

"Lord Henry, please finish him off"

Everyone in the audience was amazed to be witnessing the great power of a hero. Moreover, people were all feeling grateful and joyful at the same time as they saw Winston for the first time receiving this treatment. 

Winston always won a duel and never ever lost his stand and to his opponent. 

"Lord Winston, I will end this match as everyone wished"

After saying that, Henry dashed to where he at and threw a huge punch into his abdomen. 

Winston was able to see his movement but he was slow to react, as a result he took the punch and got blown into the wall again. 

This attack knocked Winston off and before he fell to the ground, he spit a huge amount of blood from his mouth then passed out on the floor. 

"The winner of this duel is Lord Henry" 

Gideon announced the winner with huge smile on his face. 

Everyone was all cheering and congratulated Henry for his achievement in defeating Winston in this duel. They were all rushing to Henry while Winston was collapsed on the floor without any concerned from the crowd. 

"Lord Winston, are you —"

Claire, his fiance, quickly rushed to where Winston was at but was stopped by Henry immediately. 

"Lady Claire, you don't have to worry about it anymore. You are free now I have won this duel for you .. ah"

Henry quickly acts as if he got hurt somewhere, but in reality he was unscratched. 

"Lord Henry, are you alright ?"

Claire checked on Henry with concerned. 

"Lady Claire you should take Lord Henry to the infirmary"

"Yes, that's right Claire."

"Yes, yes he is your savior !"

The crowd advised Claire to take care Henry instead of Winston as Henry was the one that saved her from Winston. 

After that, the two of them made their way to the infirmary while the other started to move out from the colosseum, leaving Winston who still passed out alone in the arena. 


The news about their duel was quickly spread around the academy and to the public as soon as the match ended. 

"What the fuck is wrong with you !! I asked you to stay low but now you lost a duel to a hero and even your fiance. "


When Winston returned home that night, he quickly got scolded by his father. 

"I can't overlook this mess, do you know what is going to happen to the Harrignton family and our social standing when people knew about this news. This is outrageous !!!"


What Winston did was very bad. He already had a bad reputation and it already affected his family. That's why his father brought him into this marriage arrangement with the Grey's family to leverage their status and imposed all the negative rumors about the trouble that Winston had caused so far. On top of that, he even challenged Henry for a duel who was recently became a Hero and even lost to him. 

Henry Cormac is a son of Jethro Cormac, a duke. The root of the Cormac's family always lost to the Harrington's family throughout the history, they are the enemy of each other. Inside the political staning, the Cormac's family tried all sorts of plan to overtakethe Harrington however the Harrington's bloodline was all so strong in both military and political area that's why they would never ever lost to the Cormac once.

But recently, Henry received a Hero class and even cutted off their engagement. The Cormac's family planned was simply to used Henry and Claire to defeat the Harrington's family. 

So, right now there are 2 option that his father could do, one was to get rid of the news and seek help from the higher up to overlook these commotion, if he was able to achieve that Winston won't be the main topic inside this country anymore but the Harrington's family will loss their faces to the public and the royal's family. The second option was more simple and straightforward than the first one, it will leave the Harrington's family out of this mess with just an announcement.

"... Listen up, Winston from today onward, you are not belong to the Harrington's family anymore ! Leave this house right now !!!"

"...what .. "