
Heretical Magus

My name is Fiubun, the second child of a fatherless family. Son of a stunningly gorgeous songstress mother with (probably) angelic blood, brother to a half tiger beastmen sister with a killer sexy body, and a recently-matured, full tiger beastman myself. But I'm a weird kid. "Too curious for my own good," others have said, and I think they're kind of right, especially when it comes to magic, but is the desire to learn really that bad of a thing? I'm a tiger, not a fucking housecat, so I can deal with a bit of danger. In fact, I can deal with a lot of danger, but only because I have to. There are many dangerous things and beings in the Shattered Realms, and my fate seems to be set in having me meet with quite a number of them. My curiosity will become my bane because there seems to be quite a lot of power to be gained from forbidden knowledge, but with a fate like mine, curiosity is a strength. We live in the Dark Forest of Hatarvros, an actual city named "Dark Forest of Hatarvros" (yes, it's a weird name, but blame the rulers, who want to please the Gods, and They're pretty weird) (and also, yes, there's an actual Dark Forest outside of Hatarvros), which is near the Edge of Reality of the Vorosza Kingdom of Clouds and Moss (another weird name because Gods). Even though we're in one of the Good Nations, we still have to watch for monsters that spawn from the wild magical energies at the Edge. And that's not the only danger. There are Trickster Gods that mess with the soulful, demons that haunt places of sin, Xenos who try to take our lands, Outsiders who attempt to subvert our religion, Tears of Reality that can pull unsuspecting people into deadly pockets of space, unpredictable Trickster Gods like Santa and Roulette, and the ever-present fear that one day a Broken Realm full of powerful beasts will wander too close to the Central Realms, and then our lands will be ravaged once again. On the more tangible side of dangers, there's the Carrion Grove who hates all living, pirates that hide in the Warpspace, cultists of The Seven Wretched Fetuses who poison our minds, the Shadah House of Fae Rulers who want to enslave all other races, the Kamae of the High Heavens who keep starting wars, invasions of abominations from the Cursed Realms, the annoying Poop Rage Monkeys, the Wandering Elemental Gods ruining crops, and even the other Good Nations of the Central Realms who constantly bicker and raid each other. But right now, what's most concerning for us are the rumors that the Mayor has been procuring guns. That can't be for dealing with monsters because you need experienced hunters for that, not just more weapons, so people are saying that war might be coming. I guess it may be a good idea to learn magic so that I can at least prepare for the worst. I have some money stored, and hopefully, it'll be enough to pay the tuition of a school of magic… -------------------- *Content Warning*: gore, profanity, sexual content (male/female, female/female, and human/non-human (*not for the faint of heart*)), traumatizing content *What to expect*: A rather slow story focused on character interactions, the MC's gradual growth and development, and the exploration of the Shattered Realms. A bit dark but not grimdark, though it'll have its "moments." The plot exists, but it *slowly* becomes relevant. Detailed environments and extensive world-building. Tactical and strategic combat. A rather deep and complex magical system. *Lots* of descriptive sex scenes, but not like the usual smut novel where sex is the goal of reading. A harem where each character has a different relationship with the MC. Occasional weird wording and grammar because English isn't my first language. This story will also be uploaded to a number of other sites soon. -- Cover is a temporary placeholder until I commission a proper one.

Manasong · Fantaisie
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16 Chs

Scared of Big Things

"Since it was so easy to kill goblins, what if we kill something bigger?" Elina suddenly suggests as we walk across a tarmac road.

"You crazy? Without weapons, we're going to get killed," I immediately shoot her down.

She smirks teasingly at me, showing me her cute white fangs. "Pussy. If we continue to grow stronger, we can definitely hunt something bigger, and that gives loads of money. We might have to anyway since monsters are spawning more often in the Dark Forest."

But I make my stand, "We'll buy weapons just for safety, but I'm not hunting anything that doesn't threaten the flower patch."

"Sure," she relents with a shrug.


And it was a good idea because we do find something bigger the next day. But maybe we should've also gotten some armor.

"Okay, the fuck is that, oh, knowledgeable Sis?" I whisper to her as we watch the… human bug fussing about with the loose, magically-charged dirt in search of nourishment.

"It's a Man-Eater Ant," she whispers back assuredly, sounding mostly excited mixed with a bit of fear, which is bad news for me.

This monster is a big bipedal red ant with four arms and saw-like fingers. It's the size of a human, so it's a bit freaky, but its limbs look quite thin and fragile.

I frown as I wonder, "Why don't the Scriptures talk about specific monsters? Sure, they explain what monsters are and the dangers, but I never heard of this 'Man-Eater Ant' before."

"How much bigger the Scriptures would be if they described every monster in existence?" she immediately retorts.

She's making a surprising amount of sense here. "Good point. So, how do we deal with this?"

But she becomes unsure of herself as she recollects, "I… I only read about it in a story, and the dude just hit it with a war hammer until he broke through its carapace and killed it. I believe it's only really dangerous if you find a bunch of them."

Lucky for us there's only one here.

"How comforting," I dryly mumble.

And she hits my shoulder. "It looks thin, you should be able to easily break it in half."

I gained some confidence now that I've killed a goblin, but this Ant doesn't look pleasant to fight, so I decide to rely a bit more on Sis to increase my chances.

"I'll give you a bit of energy, so you attack it from behind after I engage it, alright?" I formulate a plan.

"Fuck yeah!" she whisper-shouts and grins like a psycho.

Fucking Hells.

We only have spears, which seem to be a bad choice for a monster whose body is thin and fully armored, but we're two stupid beasts and we'll fight it regardless.

I penetrate my sister's shoulder with my disgusting veins and give her a bit of my Strangler energy, then I charge towards the Ant as I flood my body with energy before Sis loses control and goes berserk.

The monster has its back turned to me, so I just thrust my spear into it with all my strength, and my weapon goes clean through its thin chest, coming out on the other side to complete the Ant Skewer.


The human-sized insect struggles pathetically trying to reach behind it, and it even pushes itself down the shaft of my spear in an attempt to get to me with its nasty saw-fingers. But then Elina appears and punches the side of its large head with a mean hook.

Bug juice flies into the air, and I reflexively drop the spear as I jump backward so that none of it falls onto my fur, but Elina isn't so lucky.

"EEEWWW…!" she cries out as runs away towards the brook to clean her fist from bug brains that have now stuck to it.


Twenty leaves for the Ant body. Twenty-five if it still had its head.

It was a successful hunt, but I'm still feeling very concerned. "Haven't we met with too many monsters lately? What will we do if more keep coming? What if they find the patch?" I question out loud as we walk back to the inn.

But Sis answers like a psycho, "We'll fuck them up just like we did it to this one. I didn't even use my spear-…"

"Because you were dumb and went berserk," I flatly interject.

"-so we can kill a lot more before we're at any risk at all!" she ignores my jab and finishes.

And I give her a weird look as I mumble, "Why do you want to kill stuff so much, you psycho?"

Her tail shoots up in annoyance and she hisses at me, "Fuck you. I just like fighting, I guess. Nothing special or weird about that!" Then she pouts, crosses her arms, and starts sulking.

I remain silent, hiding my cheeky grin, but she glances at my tail, which waves in a mischievous way, revealing my true feelings, and she pouts harder that she fell to my ribbing.

It ain't that weird to like fighting. We're beastmen after all, and hunting is in our blood. I'm actually the weird one for being such a cautious nerd.


Once we get back to the inn, Mom sees us stash our spears in the storage room, and once we come out, we see that she's frowning at us, which instantly makes me feel guilty.

"Have you two started hunting?" she questions us sternly.

And Sis and I share a look. I can't ever lie to Mom, so we're effectively busted.

"No, not deliberately," I confess and start twiddling my thumbs sheepishly.

And her frown deepens. "Fiubun… explain yourself," she slowly continues, sounding even a little angry now.

I sigh and decide to start from the beginning. I tell her that we found a magical flower that I can absorb power from, but I omit the part that it makes people rapey, then I tell her that we've started cultivating the flower and increasing its numbers, but now monsters have started appearing to inspect the area with the magically-charged dirt the first flower grew on, and we regularly dig up this dirt to help grow the flowers.

Mom's anger fades away, but it's replaced by a sadness that disheartens me. She walks forward and gently cups our cheeks with her hands, then she continues with such a pained voice she has to hold back tears, "I… I don't think I have the right to stop you from practicing magic, but remember that your father died in the Dark Forest, fighting a Bloody Chu. At the time, he and his squad didn't know what the monster was like, so they fell for its ambush… and only two out of fifteen soldiers survived, but your father wasn't among them."

I didn't know that…

Sis's expression becomes complicated, but she's not showing guilt. On the contrary, she wants to confront Mom.

"We'll go to the church and read books about the monsters of the region," Sis states solemnly.

"The monsters have been increasing in number lately, Elina," Mom kindly points out, her red jewels staring intensely at Sis's amber pair.

But Sis continues to argue, "Our flower patch isn't deep into the forest. If something dangerous appears out there they might as well lock the gates."

Mom shakes her head. "They'll only lock the gates after people start dying."

And that shuts Sis up, but only for a moment because she's a persistent bitch, so she decides to go for the jugular. "Mom, I just… I just want to fight. It feels good, Mom. It feels right… or at least as right as Little Bro's Cock inside me."

"Oh, my…" Mom mumbles in surprise and covers her mouth with her hand, her white eyebrows rising high on her pale forehead.

Sis shrugs, looking a bit awkward. "I mean, I said I was going to do him…"

And Mom starts to blush, which I find adorable. "Yes, well, I didn't expect it to be so soon."

But Sis is Sis, so she'd never miss this opportunity to tease, "He fucks good Mom, you should get a taste sometime. I know you like tiger cock." And her tail starts to wave with mischief.

I simply grin, beaming with so much pride at Sis' praise that my pink cock starts to peek out of my sheath, and Mom notices it. The tense mood is immediately dissolved with just a bit of lewdness.

Sis suddenly grabs my balls and fondles them, and my barbed cock fully comes out. "See? You got him horny, now you have to take care of it."

Mom's eyes go wide as she stares at my pink monster, unable to look away, and her stare makes me even harder, which in turn makes her blush deeper, but then we hear someone clear their throat behind us, and we see Margit staring at us with an impassive but stiff face.

"If Aliz sees this she'll smack both of you sluts in the ass and big boy here in the balls," the pretty human waitress quietly warns us, but she still takes a good look at my cock and swallows heavily.

Sis simply grins mischievously like the thirsty slut that she is, and I can almost smell her arousal from all this sexual teasing, but then I remember Aliz's face. Though my cock loves that older woman, it definitely doesn't want to make her mad, especially when threatened with a smack in the balls, so it retreats back into its sheath.

Everyone's eyes fall upon my shriveling cock, and they seem surprised at how quickly it disappears.

"I'm always amazed how this sheath works," Sis remarks and starts playing with it, pulling on the foreskin and revealing my now-hidden pink head. Margit continues to stare at my cock, but then she suddenly blinks repeatedly and moves on as she has work to do.

"We were talking about you wanting to fight…" Mom tiredly attempts to bring back the conversation to where it should be. She's still blushing, but now a little less.

Sis gently releases my foreskin, and her teasing grin slowly disappears from her face along with her tail slowing down from its mischievous waving. "Like I said, I want to fight, Mom," she soberly states.

I suddenly remember something. "Wait, wasn't the plan to hunt monsters to make money for tuition?" I question her with a frown.

"Tuition?" Mom hums confusedly.

But Sis very nonchalantly makes excuses, "That is what we want. What I want is to fight alongside you. Two wishes can exist at the same time."

"Uh-huh…" I grunt and narrow my eyes at her. Her tail isn't waving cheekily as usual, so I think that she just got busted.

Mom becomes a bit annoyed and questions us sternly, "Children, answer me. Tuition?"

"We want to make money to help Fiubun become a magus," Sis immediately answers, still trying to look casual.

Mom seriously considers her words then hesitantly states as she readjusts her white hair, "W-well, I have money stored. Part of it at a bank, part of it… buried."

But I don't want to blow Mom's savings on this. "I… I don't want you to spend so much money on something that's just a dream."

Sis suddenly comes in with a sagely tone, "Tuition is paid every month. We need a steady income to be able to pay it all."

"Damn, look at you, being wise and all," I tease her with a snort.

She just grins smugly, but Sis is Sis, so she follows up with something very not wise, "I actually don't know how much tuition would cost. But are there even any magical schools in Hatarvros?"

Mom's beautiful red eyes narrow in annoyance. "You two just wanted to hunt, didn't you?" she grumbles and pouts cutely.

"I wanted to hunt. 'Little' Bro is the one who didn't plan this through," Sis declares without a hint of shame.

And I glare at this unreliable older sister.

Then Mom sighs and also admits, "We'll have to ask around what magic schools exist because I also don't know anything about it."

Sis hums in understanding and states, "Meanwhile, we'll hunt and make some money."

Neither Mom nor I have a snappy retort to make, so the mood becomes heavy again. Then Mom grabs her shoulders and stares her in the eye as she asks one last time, "Think this through, Elina. Is that what you really want?"

And she answers assuredly, "Yes, Mom. I feel free when I hunt and fight."

Mom turns to me, but I just gently shake my head. Nobody can convince Elina now.

So my angelic mother sighs and releases Sis. "Then… I don't think that I can stop you," she finally gives in and smiles bitterly. "Just be careful, please. And also, don't mention to the Speakers or Crusaders that you two are a couple."

Yeah, anyone in the Holy Trinity Alliance is "a bit" bitchy about going against the advice of the Scriptures, so we need to hide our relationship if we don't want them to harass us.

"The Seekers are even worse than the other two, tho," I quietly remark, and Sis nods soberly in understanding because she knows that I know what I'm talking about.

"We'll also study books about the monsters of the Forest before we try anything dangerous," Sis reassuringly states and pats her bouncy chest. Mom and I share a look, surprised that Sis ever suggested studying anything, but I guess it's a good thing.

And Mom lets out a long sigh in acceptance, looking demoralized, so I give her earnest praise, "You're a great mother, Mom."

She shakes her head and looks away. "No, I'm terrible. I can't even stop my children from going into danger."

But the Scriptures talked about this, so I definitely won't miss this chance to lift mother's spirits up. "Maybe if we were humans that'd be a good way to raise a child, but we're beastmen, and you're encouraging us to safely follow our instincts instead of suppressing them."

Sis grabs her own waist and makes a pose as she sassily asks, "Have you suddenly become a father, bro?"

And I happily impart my wisdom upon their unenlightened minds, "The Scriptures of Biology say that beastmen are truly part animal and it shows in our behavior, like Sis' psychopathic urges."

The psycho in question bares her fangs at me and annoyedly retorts, "First, fuck you, and second, you don't really have an urge to fight like I do."

And I smirk, showing my own set of bigger white fangs. "Yeah, but I have an urge to fuck."

"Oh yeah, you do…" she whispers seductively and purrs, forgetting all about my teasing, and even Mom nods in agreement with a sigh as she still remembers that my favorite past time during puberty was spying on her.

Then Mom awkwardly runs her hand through her hair as she quietly announces, "Well… I think I should get back to work… Just remember to be careful, okay?"

"Okay, Mom," I answer while Sis gives her a clawed thumbs up.

She simply sighs and leaves us, then we also put on our uniform and start working.


Margit is starting to act a bit weird with me, and I think it's because she saw my cock. It's a massive thing, so I don't fault her for getting embarrassed. Unfortunately, Sis says that Margit is actually afraid of me, so we'll have to seduce her if we want to get under her skirt.

Lucky for us, we have a free day tomorrow, so we just invite her to hang out with us. It makes me hard just thinking about bringing her and Elina into the woods then having sex out in the wild.

During the bath, the guys start teasing me because they realized that Margit and I were taking glances at each other.

"You finally going after her, tiger?" Emil teases while panting and elbowing my ribs.

"What do you mean, finally?" I grunt back.

And the orange Lab grins with his tongue out like a starving dog. "You two always had a weird air, you know. I could smell it." Then he sniffs loudly.

"Don't be weird," Huba whines like the boring human that he is.

Emil snickers as his tail wags rapidly. "I'm a dog, so I smell things, and I could smell a wet pussayyy~…!" And he howls.

Huba and I shake our heads, but then the prudish man starts wondering out loud once we enter the hot water, "You know, Margit never touched any of the dicks in the inn, but she did go home with a lot of the clients. None of them were beastmen, though."

"Cuz we got no leafies!" Emil shouts again and laughs out loud.

But Huba frowns and awkwardly tries to caution me, "If you can't pay for Margit, she's not going to belong only to you."

It's always the prudes who say the nastiest of things.

"Sis and I will share the burden," I patiently state. This sort of thing makes me more disappointed than angry.

"Ooh~…?!" the two hum loudly and even the rest men join in.

And I smirk smugly, my striped tail waving in delight. "I ain't saying anything else. You all look down on Margit because she wants to make some money."

Emil gives Huba a pointed look, and the human raises his hands in surrender. "Alright, alright. I'll be more respectful."

Yeah, these are good people even if they're a bit rude sometimes.


Once night comes, I carry Sis to my room in a princess carry, and she likes it very much.

Mom sighs and tiredly advises as we go up the stairs, "Don't be loud; the walls are thin. And make sure you're drinking Purple Sap, Elina."

"Yes, Mom!" Sis cheerfully replies and covers my furry face with kisses. I can barely feel them, but just the act makes my heart feel all tingly.

I use my big, furry hand to cover her mouth so that she doesn't make any loud sounds, then I shove my big cock inside her repeatedly until she's all sore, and I finish up with a knot inside her to make sure she gets impregnated.

Just before we go to sleep, she takes a small flask out of her poncho and drinks the Purple Sap.

"Before we meet with Margit we'll have to buy a whole bottle of it," she remarks as she pats the bulge my knot makes on her body.

"For sure," I huskily agree, whispering into her furry ear, and she writhes in delight.

Then we fall asleep while still knotted.


I wake up with my cock back in its sheath, as expected. Sis wakes up after me with the biggest smile on her pretty face I've ever seen, and I almost lose myself in her amber eyes.

"Sleeping while knotted was amazing, Little Bro," she whispers with a sexy purr.

"My cock is magical," I smugly reply.

But she narrows her cat eyes at me and hums, "Sure…"

Well, I want her to suck on my pride a bit, so I threaten with a grin. "You want me to inject some rape juice in you?"

"Yeah, let's fuck," she calls on my bluff.

And I growl at her cheekiness. "We don't have the time," I begrudgingly admit.

"Wow, what a shame," she sarcastically replies, so I just lightly hit her shoulder and get up before she can strike back, but her tail starts waving mischievously, and that's a big warning sign.

I immediately run away because she's about to do something drastic, and I think that my huge balls are… a big target.


"Energetic, are we?" Mom quietly hums over breakfast, looking very much not energetic. She's not much of a morning person.

Sis casually spews back depravity, "Sleeping while knotted is amazing. You should try it, Mom." Her tail waving in mischief.

And Mom looks away as she admits with an increasingly quiet voice, "I… already did… and I agree."

"Incest ain't bad, Mom," I suggestively state. It seems that talking dirty is her weak point, so I'll push it as much as she lets me.

"Shush, now," she replies with an annoyed pout, her pale cheeks quickly reddening, and Sis and I grin like imps.


We eat a nice breakfast of toast with oregano and some fresh veggies from the greengrocer to please our tongues, and also fried breaded venison fresh from the butcher for that caloric boost. Then we get a backpack, put some snacks in, and go out to buy a bottle of Purple Sap.

"Overseer guide you," Mom blesses us as we leave, making me feel just a bit guilty that we're leaving her alone on our day out, but the neighbors are also home, so she'll be fine.

Purple Sap can be found anywhere, so the nearest apothecary has it, and I force Elina to buy it by herself just so that shopkeeper can smirk suggestively at her. The bitch likes to flirt, though, and she "bats her eyelashes" at the man in a ridiculous but somehow still arousing way.

I narrow my eyes at her in displeasure but she just ignores me. It's payback for forcing her to buy the Sap, so I don't react further to stop a war from starting. Then I store the plastic bottle in the backpack, and we move on towards the Waystone, a very cool place where the Teleport Mages open their Aether Tunnels.

A Tunnel is a very cool magic that pokes a hole through the "fabric of space," linking two locations and allowing teleportation between them. Waystones mark or create places where this fabric is very weak, making it very easy and cheap magical-energy-wise to poke holes in it, so they're like bus stations where people come and go from everywhere across the Broken Realms.

I've spent so much time here trying to decipher the secrets of the Aether, but this is considered the most difficult and dangerous magical energy to mess with, so I never tried too hard. Aether is also called Chaos, but it isn't like a fireball, a mass of chaotic energy, it warps things in all senses of the word, and it even has its own dimension called Warp Space, where space and distance are also warped, making it a pretty good way to travel between places, so ships that can travel through the Warp are so special they're called… warpships. And that's basically everything I understood when I read what the Scriptures had to say about the Aether.

Anyway, I have to stop nerding out or Sis will make fun of me for talking to myself. Waystones are also really cool and trippy, so the area around it becomes like a tourist attraction full of nice shops and restaurants. Hatarvros only has one Waystone, and it acts as the center of the town where everyone likes to hang out, so we chose that as the place for us to meet with Margit.

Along the way, we pass by many interesting shops. Elina drifts towards meat and weapon shops while I drift towards magic shops, but we still take a good look at everything since we're early for the date.

I find it odd that Sis, Mom, and I don't care about clothes, jewelry, and even spell tools for daily use. I guess it's just that none of us feel like we need much to be happy, and what we do need we can find at the inn, so all these things to buy feel like an unnecessary luxury for us. Maybe Mom feels like she wants something, but she has never mentioned anything she wants to buy.

The Scriptures of Biology say that beastmen have a simpler mindset, and it specifically mentions that this doesn't mean that we're dumb, so my interpretation is that we're easy to please. But as a counterpoint, we don't seem to care much about building things like humans do.

Well, Bangaban, the God of Buildings and Labor, has chosen to become their patron, and humans are also infamous for loving their kings and mayors, so they're a bit special even compared to other races. But Mom is a human, so I believe she isn't an average human.

Anyway, I do feel very tempted about buying a magical energy source, but they're just too spicily-priced for me. All I want is to study magical things, so random magical sources will become useless once I get all the knowledge that I can out of them.

Maybe now that Sis wants to hunt monsters I should buy one for combat…

"Ya want one little marble?" Sis cheekily asks me as we stare at the display case. We see dozens of colorful little glowing balls of some unknown material. They're sources of magical energy, and they bleed off the excess that they produce through this glow, which I believe looks twice as bright for me due to my magicsight.

But I shake my head and reject her suggestion, "I don't know how to use them. They're too expensive for us to buy only to learn that they're useless."

"Fair," she hums, and we move on.

Then we finally reach the Waystone Plaza.


The first thing we see, towering over the short wooden houses, is the huge glowing blue pillar at the center of the plaza, the Stake of Many Paths. It looks rough, like a huge, unpolished gem, and it's even tilted a bit to the side, but every beastman likes big things, especially phallic-looking things.

The second thing we see are the innumerable little smaller Stakes floating about, which look spooky at night. It does seem like they're moving very slowly, but once you get closer to them, they seem to stop in place while you get the sensation that you're moving. It's a weird thing that nobody can explain very well since it's related to the Aether/Chaos/Warp.

And once we enter the plaza, we notice that the world outside of it seems to be "wavy," like a reflection in water disturbed by waves. Another trippy thing that I never get tired of feeling.

The plaza itself has a few stalls where individual Aethermagi peddle their services, but the big travel companies have their own buildings on the outskirts of the plaza. And the rest of the space is occupied by expensive souvenir shops that sell mostly weird stuff found in the Dark Forest.

"A Tunnel to Grande Grastoria, instant travel, seven thousand leaves per person! A Tunnel to Merlivux, all booked for the entire week, twenty-three thousand leaves per person!"

"Tinctures, potions, salves, and mossy vitamins for all your needs. Sun-Starved Lethargy can be cured with just a little pill!"

"A Tunnel to Rediromoh, one thousand leaves! A tunnel to Foyudetaya, seven hundred leaves! A tunnel to Bushigeshal, four hundred leaves!"

"Bloody Chu sap for good luck! Crystallized ectoplasm for protection against spell-spirits! Dummy Doll Charms for protection against hexes! Monster fangs enchanted with awe and dread!"

It's a bit noisy right now because there are a lot of people commuting to work or just hanging out in the plaza as it's a rest day, but hardly anyone is here for the Aether Tunnel services because who the fuck would ever want to pay for an expensive teleport to come to a small city near the Edge of Reality?

And just as I think that, the air next to us starts to become "wobbly," so we move away before we're trampled. Suddenly, a little glowing white sphere appears in the air and starts to rapidly grow, then a chaotic mix of colors covers its surface, and once the ball reaches about the size of an average human, the colors stabilize and start forming a picture.

We see a plaza similar to ours inside the spherical Aether Tunnel, it's just warped a bit due to the Tunnel's shape. Then someone on the other side walks into the sphere, their form becoming comically warped by the shape of the Tunnel, and they instantly come out of the sphere on our side.

A big, fluffy, white, mean-looking cat beastman wearing lavish a black fur coat comes out followed by a group of walking tin cans with shortswords and brass pistols at their waists. Yeah, this person clearly isn't good news, so we immediately move away before one of the guards can "accidentally" bump against Sis and cop a feel of her breasts.

Ahead of us, we see that a crowd is in front of the central attraction, a huge M-TV that broadcasts the news. It's simply a very wide, rectangular glass container filled with magical liquid that floats high up on one side of the Stake. It displays a slightly smudged image of a handsome human with neat hair and the biggest fake but still attractive smile that someone could ever make. It seems that the liquids of the magical-television are losing their power because the image wasn't so bad last time we were here.

"Good morning, Vorosza!" the news anchor's voice echoes across most of the plaza, and the bad quality of the image becomes even more apparent when he moves. Like the colors are mixing too much whenever the liquids of the M-TV swish around to make a picture. "What a lovely cloudy day of summer, isn't it? Nothing like some light drizzle in the morning to freshen the air and get the petrichor going."

While the humans chuckle sarcastically, we beastmen really do like this sort of thing, so his greeting works for both races. Then the news anchor goes through the more important news, but they're just about the change in prices of things that we don't care about, how summer is affecting the Planes that Vorosza controls; politics about Darkwoods (not related to the Dark Forest) and the Second Tail Council that we're too ignorant to understand; the opening of the enrollment for schools, including magical ones, but first we need to know the price of tuition before we even begin to care about these things; and then the anchor becomes serious as he reports that the Mage-King and the army are engaging raiders in the Khandhut Plane.

A Plane is smaller than a Realm but bigger than a Tear. They're generally big enough for only a few cities and many smaller villages, but the important part of Planes is the natural resources they have. And this is all that I remember about my Geography class.

And the anchor solemnly gives us a bit of exposition, "This Plane has many natural resources due to its jungle biome and also many ruins of the Pre-Shattering Saaya human civilization, so it's often a target of raiders and Warp-Pirates that seek to steal anything valuable." Then he makes a stop as his expression softens up in an unnatural way. "But fear not for the Mage-King and the Royal Army are enough to clear the area of these evil-doers! The Khandhut Plane is regularly being threatened, so the Nyurga Military Academy is always recruiting any brave soulful, regardless of race, who wishes to gain glory and riches through protecting our Good Kingdom…"

Then the anchor starts to suck off the army dudes, but I'm not interested in serving anyone, so I tune out.

"Isn't Khandhut the one that's almost always night?" Sis wistfully asks.

"I don't know. I didn't pay much attention to geography classes," I grunt absentmindedly.

"Aren't you the nerd?" she annoyedly questions.

"Magic nerd," I correct her.

She snorts amusedly but then she starts to drone about girly things, "Back in school, I saw a few pictures of their night sky, and it was full of planets and colorful things. Looked so pretty that it made me want to travel there one day."

"The Saaya humans are weird, though," I caution her. The Saaya are always quiet and they act a bit shady, making them look creepy, and I'm not talking about their weirdly super black skin and hair. They also have an obsession with swords and duels, and I dislike violent people.

But she just shrugs. "They don't bother me, so I like them more than the other humans."

And before I reply, the M-TV shows an image of Khandhut's sky, a black background dotted with glowing circles, the many "moons" and "planets" of the old Saaya world. They orbit around so fast that it seems like the pretty little things are dancing all over the dark stage.

I'm feeling quite corny today.

Then the familiar wedges of the warpships appear in a flash, but there are so many that they cover the moons with their numbers.


But I'm not allowed to daydream for long as Sis suddenly exclaims, "Margit!" as she waves, calling the attention of a thin and tall broad a bit far away to our side.

I focus my eyes on her face and recognize Margit's cool beauty, but her hair is loose and it's so wavy that it makes her face look smaller and cuter. She still has that sharp and kind of stern stare, so the dash of cuteness just makes her prettier.

Her clothes look nice, though, making me feel a bit inadequate. She's wearing a short, black, tight-looking skirt, about halfway her long and thin thigh, and also a loose white shirt that's so thin I can make out her small black bra under it. The only problem is that her medium-height black heels might not be a good choice for where we're going.

She also carries a large umbrella, like most humans do, so at least she'll be fine in the woods since there won't be any real shelter from the intermittent rain over there.

"Hello, Margit," I gently greet her, both our tails waving happily at seeing her.

"Hey there, tigers," she coolly replies and flashes a cool smile.

Sis wastes not a second before excitedly proposing, "Wanna go to the Dark Forest with us? We know of a very cool place."

"The Dark Forest…?" Margit repeats skeptically and holds her waist, striking a rather assertive pose. I guess she's a bit dainty and doesn't want to get her cute little feet dirty.

"I know it's a bit far to walk, but how about you ride my shoulder?" I suggest reassuringly. I like her dainty.

And her skepticism turns into surprise, then into interest. "Call me a little girl, but that does sound appealing."

Sis pats my thick arms with a teasing grin as she "innocently" compliments me, "Who wouldn't want to have a big guy like him as a bodyguard and personal mount?" And her other hand sneaks down my back then gently cups one of my ass cheeks.

"Exactly," Margit coos softly with a nod.

But I know she's trying to subtly make fun of me, so I warn her, "Watch it, I'm doing this because I don't want her feet to get tired."

Margit immediately smiles and briefly lowers her head, now assuming a more lady-like pose. "And I'm very thankful to you, Fiubun. It's nice to have a reliable man like you around."

Oh, yeah, that hits the spot.

This sort of praise just tingles my cock like nothing else. Only a naked woman is more exciting.

I kneel before Margit, then she happily sits on my shoulder and hugs the side of my large furry head. Once she's comfortable, I grab her long legs then stand up, and she makes a cute squeak but holds on tightly.

Though, seeing our cute moment, Sis' gaze suddenly becomes a bit less happy.

"You know, why did you only ever carry me once?" Sis questions me with a glare.

A sudden sadism takes over me and I calmly give her a spicy answer, "Because you're heavy and Margit is as light as a feather."

"What the fuck, Bro…" she mumbles reflexively, jaw slack in surprise.

And I can just feel that Margit is staring smugly at Sis.

I can't just let her soak in my mean words like this, so I ease her with some gentle truth, "You're a beastman, so don't let human standards of female beauty forget how fucking hot you are."

But she crosses her arms and starts sulking. "Nah, fuck you."

And I just grin victoriously at her because she has just admitted she has no comeback.

A girlish giggle resounds from above me, and Margit's cheerful voice puts us at ease, "I actually really like the relationship that you two have."

We both become awkward, but Sis never shuts up, so she immediately retorts, still sulking, "That's not something normal people would say considering that we're literally fucking each other."

And Margit's tone becomes seductive. "Oh, no. I really like the relationship you two have," she breathes excitedly.

"Well, that's nice to know…" I blurt out, a bit surprised with how sexy Margit sounds.

And she chuckles girlishly at my reaction while Sis begrudgingly flashes a smile, then the slender human woman continues, "Anyway, let's buy some snacks. I brought some hash for us to smoke, and it makes you hungry."

"Nice! You're awesome!" Sis happily exclaims, instantly forgetting about the wound to her pride, and I emphatically agree with her.


Fodor is at the gates again, because of course he is, and he leers at Margit, trying to get a peek up her small skirt, but she crosses her legs and pointedly ignores him, which seems to greatly annoy the bastard.

What the fuck is his problem, really?

But we cross without issue, then we take Margit to the little brook that we usually clean ourselves at.