
Ron's comeback

When Hermione woke up, she saw Paris outside the window. She went up so quiet she could without waking Draco. She stared at the view for what felt ages. " Merry Christmas, Mione" she heard someone whisper and she slowly turned around.

" Merry Christmas........Ron?!" She gasped when she saw her ex boyfriend sitting in the bed with a grin on his face. He stood up walking towards her. She stepped back to the window.

" Are you scared? Don't be. I've already taken care of Malfoy." She saw a blonde boy laying on the floor beside the bed. His body shaking. She took a quick guess, Ron had used Crucio on him. " Now it's just the finals left"

He raised his wand and screamed the words she thought she'd never hear from his mouth. " Avada Kedavra!"

" Aaaaahh!'' Hermione flew up in the bed, breathing heavily and sweating.

" Hermione?! What is it?" Draco sat up as well looking worried.

" You...you died. Right in front of me. Ron h-he raised his w-wand and then...."

" Hermione whatever you saw and heard it was only just a dream" Draco said calmly. " Ron isn't here, I promise"

" It was horrible" She leaned at his chest and he layed her back in bed. But this time he held her in his arms whole night, and didn't let go.