
Here to Stay [English]

Promises are meant to be broken. That's what Infinity believes. Because ever since no one has kept their promises to her. Until she learned not to hope, because, in the end, it would not come true either. Until one man changes her beliefs. He fulfilled everything he said and promised to her. Now she begins to hope, to believe, to trust, and to love once again. But fate has another plan for her. The man behind her smile left her hanging. That turned her life into nothingness once again. Because of this, she only writes painful stories. That's why The Journal, the biggest and most well-known online reading application and website in the country, editor-in-chief dubbed her The Tragic Writer. After that, she began to rebuild herself. She’s trying to survive and be alive, even in pain and nothingness. But the past keeps on haunting her. Until someone came who made her feel alive again. Made her believe that she is not alone, that she was worth it, and has a place in this world. Is he her saving grace? Or is he another heartbreak?

RomanceNovelist · Sports, voyage et activités
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17 Chs



EVERYONE'S already seated in their designated seats.

They are also seated together except for Angelica. She was seated at the tables with the higher-ups. The program started as usual and everyone was shocked by Sir Patrick's opening speech. Or because they are not used to Sir Patrick being formal, like now.

There were lots of programs before they could eat, and she could hear Pipay and Robin grumbling because they were so hungry. After some announcement, the host opened the buffet, which means they are already allowed to eat.

Actually, The Journal doesn't have many employees. But since this is the first event of the company under Sir Patrick, and the news of its expansion into publishing. It was a piece of big news! That is why there are lots of reporters and businessmen present who are also curious about the business flow of a writing platform.

There are businessmen who are still thinking about investing in the company and some are already investors. For Infinity, it's funny to think that The Journal is this big now.

Before, when they were just starting, she and April were the only writers. Their salaries are often delayed, or they do not receive a large royalty. They find it difficult to make ends meet. But they never left the company. Because writing became their punching bag when, once again, the world failed them.

After eating dinner, the highlight of the event finally started. The awarding ceremony.

And as expected with Sir Patrick, it upheld the Grammy's theme.

Complete with event hosts and an AVP presentation of each book nominated on the big screen! The program really affirmed the theme. She was also nominated in another category, but in romance writing, Lyra is expected to win. And she is right.

While Lyra was walking to the stage to get her award, Sir Jhezz did not leave her side. He always supports her, he is also attentive to his wife's needs. They embody a perfect match couple. A few months ago, you wouldn't have thought they could treat each other like this. Indeed, love can change everyone.

The lights went out again in the entire venue so that people's attention could be focused more on the big screen where the nominees were shown.

She laughed when Pipay and Robin were making her stand up from her seat. It was for the tragic writer award. Her friends don't doubt that she is the winner of this category.

"Alright Infinity, don't finish the AVP. Everyone here knows that you're going to win that category." Pipay kept pushing her.

"Come on, Infinity. We won't complain. We'll be the ones whining if you don't win that category!" Robin said while also pushing her off her seat.

Their voices are so loud that many people can hear them. She could hear Louise laughing when she heard what they were saying.

"What the hell are you two doing? You're embarrassing!" She did not follow them, though she knew that they wouldn't stop embarrassing her.

"And now, the winner for our tragic writer is..." The host made a suspenseful announcement. "Infinity Ramos!"

The whole venue erupted with applause. Even if she didn't want to stand up and receive the award, she couldn't because of her friends.

"Come on Infinity! Get your award!"

She stood up slowly, Louise stood up when she passed their table. Urging her to grab her award. Her hard-earned award.

Tatay June handed her the trophy on the stage and hugged her.

"I'm glad you made it, Infinity. I'm glad that you didn't stop and continued the fight. I'm so proud of you."

She can't help but cry.

Tatay June serves as their father. Those words of encouragement meant a lot to her. She simply wiped away the tears before facing the old man.

"Thank you, Tay." She said with all the sincerity and love she could give. He answered with a nod and a smile.

The host then gave her the microphone for her "acceptance" speech.

"H-Hi! Wow!" She looked at the trophy with the Tragic Writer engraved on it. She asks herself. Should she be happy or sad?

"What should be said in this situation? It was my first time receiving and attending such things. Should I be happy? Or annoyed?" The people at the venue laughed.

"First of all, I want to thank the organizers of this awards night. Sir Patrick! You are out of this world! You went overboard!" Everyone applauded.

"To Louise, who patiently edits and gives opinions on the stories I write. Even though she's tired of begging me to change the ending. I'm sorry, Louise. The moment I started writing the story, I already knew the ending." The people there laughed again. "But Louise, thank you very much! For everything. You already know that." Louise raised her wine glass in response to her.

"To Tatay June, who acted as our father inside and outside of The Journal. Tay, as I told you earlier. Thank you. For all the help you gave me... To us. We really love you, Tay.

To those who work with me. Thank you for giving me the inspiration to write. But oftentimes you embarrass me!" The laughter grew louder, she could hear the laughter of Robin and Pipay. "But seriously, going to work and writing stories was made easy and fun because of you. So thank you.

And, of course, to the readers. I know oftentimes you want to strangle or slap me because of the things that happen in my stories, but you still support and read them. Thank you."

In the sea of ​​people there, she looked for only one pair of eyes, and when she saw them, she never broke the eye connection.

"And to you, Mahal. I know you can hear m-me." Her voice cracks a little because she is really trying her best to stop her tears from falling. "Thank you so much. Thank you for giving me so many happy memories that have now turned into bittersweet."

She inhaled and exhaled a huge amount of air to appease her emotions and control her erotic heartbeat.

"You are the reason behind this success. Because you fixed me and then destroyed me. But…" Too much emotion, she can't control it anymore. "B-But all of this was possible because of your love. And I will hold o-on to that love until my last breath." She paused to get enough air to continue what she wanted to say "I-I love you."

The crowd that was laughing not long ago became so quiet. Some were curious, others were confused. Whereas some people who know her story understand her. She is trying to avoid having direct eye-to-eye contact with Lyra and Louise. She knows she will completely break down if she does.

"I'm also dedicating this success to my angel, Zeus. You're more than an inspiration to me. Always remember that everything that I have achieved and doing right now is because y-you are..." The tears in her eyes keep on falling. "You are the reason why I am still living, why I am still striving and fighting. Wherever you are now, Zeus, I know you are always watching over me. I love you so much."