
Social Ranks

Soldiers Rank

1. Duke Knight

2. Holy Knight

3. Knight

4. Patrol Knight

Wizard Rank

1. Archmage

2. Sage

3. Grand Mage

4. High Magus

5. Great Magus

6. Elder Magus

7. Magus

8. Novice Magus


Duke Knights in Monarchy Nations, are the strongest soldiers that are granted the prestige by the king to become Dukes of the kingdom. They are granted domains of their own and manage the taxation of their territories.

Archmages on the other hand are granted the prestige to become council members of the Government.

The council members are the third highest members in the Menil Empire and Elvina.

Also, sometimes the Grand duke of the Empire becomes the prime minister. The prime minister term is only 3 years. If the council has agreed to have an election, then there will be an election for Prime Minister. But, if council members didn't agree, the Grand Duke will automatically assume the position for 3 years and could extend if there will be no election again.

Menil Empire Society Rank

1. King

1.2. Royal Family

2. Grand Duke/Grand Duchess

3. Council Members

4. Duke/Duchess

5. Earl/Countess

6. Viscount/Viscountess

7. Baron/Baroness

8. Government Officials

9. Noble Households

10. Citizens.

Lovain Region Ranks

1. President

2. Government Officials

3. Citizens