
Siege Of Caira (Part-End)

Alexander's search for stone ammunition led his men to raid places like temples, the town square, and even the lord's manor and unilaterally stripped them of all the stones they were worth.

But even these were hardly enough to sate Alexander's ravenous appetite.

His need for projectiles was so vast that one had to see it to believe it.

The roughly 30 catapults he had were capable of launching around two projectiles a minute, or an insane 3,600 shots per hour!

And assuming each shot was 20 kg in weight, this was 72 tons or around 12 elephants! 

This was for only one hour, not a day. 

To get that, you would have to multiply the number with the average hours- 8, giving you 576 tons or 100 elephants per day.

No matter how many villages were raided, there was no way, they could produce nearly 600 tons of stone, even if everything there had been made of stone, rather than mostly earth and timber.