
Ophenia's Strange Love (Part-1)

"Master, were you being serious just now?" The instant Philips and his company exited the room and were out of earshot, Ophenia posed so to Alexander, her voice laced with doubt and apprehension.

She was of course referring to Alexander's offer about making Camelia one of his wives. 

She certainly did not support the idea.

"Oh? You don't approve? Didn't you just say you could handle her?" And towards the query, Alexander did not explicitly reply with either a yes or no, but only lightly pointed to Ophenia's earlier claim in a neutral tone, while slightly raising his eyebrow.

"Of course I can!" When being questioned about her abilities, Ophenia quickly became very defensive, before curving her lips into a charming but somewhat cruel smirk, "But I believe master might not approve some of the methods I might use to break her. The temple was not exactly easy on those who disobeyed them. The punishments they gave were really 'punishments'!"