
Home Security (Mass Release)

After the Queen mother and company bid their goodbyes, Alexander addressed his own people, "Mean, Cam, Gelene, please come to my study," He asked.

This sudden request made up of the unusual combination drew a bit astonished looks from all of them, but they nodded in assent nevertheless.

"Master, I have something to say as well. May I join too?" Ophenia asked

"Sure," Alexander easily consented.

Though he did wonder, 'What could she want?'

As the five people made their way to the study, Mean couldn't help but let Cambyses fill in on

how Alexander had made a fool of himself in the kitchen.

And it was every bit mortifying as he thought it would be.

"You should've been there mistress. There Alex was, grabbed and almost pinned by a mama, and then Juminus went, 'You…who are yo…yach…Alexander. I mean..commander! I mean…plop'..." Mean very animatedly used faces and body language to reenact the whole 'play' eliciting guffaws and giggles from the trio.