
Enjoying the City Lord Fully (R-18)

Mikaya was the youngest daughter of Pasha Farzah and as the little princess of the Matrak province, she was spoilt rotten.

She could do almost whatever she wanted and like now say almost whatever she wanted with close to total impunity.

Because of her eldest sister's death, her father had given her whatever she wanted and this produced the abnormal personality displayed in front of Alexander.

Mikaya indulged herself in all the excesses available to her and her father even after knowing about these, chose to keep his eyes shut about it.

Because though Mikaya was spoilt, she was not stupid.

On the other day, she was quite shrewd, inheriting her father's good brain, and had proved herself to be an adept governor and schemer.

But the biggest flaw in her character was her excess libido and sadistic tendencies, both of which were on full display currently.