
Dividing the Lands (Part-2)

As Alexander started to slice up the pie that was called Tibias, he naturally sought to determine exactly how much land he had, how much he could give, and where these were situated.

And to do this he mainly asked for Philips and Lord Theony's help.

"How much fertile land does Tibias have?" And as Alexander sat across the table, his very first inquiry was this, for given current society was a fully agrarian one, the amount of fertile land one possessed was directly proportional to how populous and thus prosperous one was.

Alexander was eager to know the exact worth of the prize he had won.

"My lord, two years prior to this, we produced an estimated total of more than two million tons (2 million tons) of grain, with close to another one million (1 million) tons of other food produce."

Lord Theony was ready with the data, quickly revealing it from a large book made of papyrus that he had in front of him.