
Her Vamp and Wolf

Fay is a 19 year old human, living in a world with werewolves and vampires (who are, might I add are currently at war). What happens when she falls for both a vampire and a werewolf?

Sebastian_5 · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

"Wakeeee up" I hear Peter's annoying voice sing from inches from my face. I debate ignoring him, but I smell Sky's delicious cooking, bacon, waffles, and eggs, yummm so I get up. "Pete, you know how I feel about you waking me up by singing". I look at him over my shoulder, he nods then says, "yeah but I like the annoyed face you get when you wake up and realize what is happening" he grins and I roll my eyes and stand up and go track down Sky and the food.

"Hey girl, bout time you woke up" Sky exclaims as I walk into our small kitchen. "Mhmm…Sky your cooking did all the waking" I laugh and steal a mini waffle. I walk over to our fridge and grab the whip cream and spray it all over my snack, then spray some more into my mouth.

Sky walks up to me and grabs the cream out of my hand, putting it back in the fridge. "Hey"!! I complain, I wasn't done with that. "We need to talk Fay" she looks at me seriously, but can't hold the 'bitch face' look for long. "Yeah"? I ask while just up on the counter.

She looks over her shoulder to where Peter is and then back to me "I think we need to move Fay". I look down at my waffle and back up at my soul sister. We only moved here a few months ago to rain mountain county. I understand her reasoning as to why she wants to move away.

"Sky, no matter where we move we can't avoid the Wolves or Vamps" she nods and sighs. "I know, I just wish they would take their fighting to another planet or maybe under water…"

27 years ago the vampire king, Atticus and his court declared war on the Werewolves. The Werewolves don't have a king like the vampires, they have Packs, it leads to I bet a bunch of infighting. There is however a rumor that the alpha of the Onyx pack is the strongest, but who really knows with all of them, millions of them. Point is the vamps and werewolves have been at war ever since and it's starting to take a toll on us humans. They Vamps and Werewolves aren't allowed to kill us humans, it's the law. Their war strictly only involves their kinds, not mine.

"It will end eventually, maybe they will all kill each other off". That's highly unlikely, there are too many. But I'm trying to convince Sky to not want to move again. "We can just move somewhere away from the woods, it's creepy here". We live in a small cottage type house right now, because our last house got burnt down by a bunch of vamps. "Peter"!!!!! I scream, I shall see what his opinion is on this. "What what…what's going on"? He runs into the kitchen and frantically looks around.

"Peter we need to convince Fay we need to move again, those wolves in the forest saw her, breaking into Pack territory is illegal"! I laugh, "Sky, that was your dare, you know how I am with not pulling through"! She looks at me then to Peter. " I know I know, it was a stupid dare'. She looks like she's about to start crying. "Hey it's ok, I didn't mean for it to sound like I blame you, I willingly went knowing the consequences". I did, it's true, but I wanted to prove to myself I could do it.

I think about it, maybe being on the move is a good idea, the war is getting worse. While the supernatural can't kill us, there is no law against harming or destroying our property.."ok" I say looking at Sky.

She looks up so fast I get whiplash from it "Really"! Sighing I nod, "Yes we should move we can get arrested if I get seen by those wolves".

Peter is grinning "Yay where to now"?? I think…we have been all over the country in the past few years, starting with us and our families, then just us three. "Maybe we can go to the Capital"? The capital is surrounded by humans and that's where our king lives and has court. The safest place to be right now, says the news. "Fay you're funny" I know why Sky said that, the capital is only for the richest of the rich to live. I look at them both and admit, "I've been thinking…about getting my old job back".

Sky looks at me like I turned into a massive wolf, and Parer looks like a vamp sucked out his soul. "No"! They both speak at the same time.

"But the club paid good"! I exclaim "I can afford a house in the capital if I work there"! I used to work at a Vamp club in the middle of the city, while the customers were creepy and mainly my dads age. The pay was amazing and dance is my passion, well used to be, I've taken up crochet recently.

Sky just shakes her head and mutters under her breath. "Fay, we can't move to the capital, we don't have money for that". Sky walks over to me and looks me right in the eyes "Fay, if we go back and you take up your…dancing again you have to promise you will let us help you, I still have my savings". Sky's parents are rich, being high up in a tech company, they are also mega smart like her.

"You guys are crazy for considering this". Peter exclaims. "Come on Pete don't back out of a challenge" Sky taunts. I smile, but maybe I am reconsidering this club plan, doesn't sound very appealing, but we need a new place to live.

The Capital is at least something semi familiar. "Did you hear that Crave got a new owner"? Sky asks, a new owner? The last guy who owned the club I used to work at was an old grumpy Vamp named Stephan…"No who"? I ask, curious.

"I don't know, but I heard they are mega rich. They totally changed the layout". Hmh maybe it's definitely not a good idea to go there if I can't even get re-hired. "But I heard he's chil" sky reassures oh well, ok.

"When are we going"? Peter asks, I look to sky, needing her to take control, before I back out. Thankfully she knows me well enough and answers him. "As soon as possible". Great change should be good I think.