

The next morning Jessa woken to sharp wrapping on her door. James mumbled out a half awake "get lost" before resuming snoring. She covered him and put on the robe that was in her closet. Looking back at James he looked a little funny laying on the bed with his feet hanging over the edge. She silently giggled and made her way to the door.

Opening the door she was greeted by Luna Mae and Amelia with a raised eyebrow and a sly knowing look. Jessa's face turned red and she sheepishly smiled. She stepped out into the hall and was surprised to find Caleb sitting at the table having a bowl of cereal in his uniform. She noted the sun was half risen and realized she overslept. She had a moment of self shame that she'd failed to get him ready for the day. Amelia shrugged her shoulders and smiled.

"He's my responsibility too you know. I am capable of getting him ready. You were…. Tired… understandably…" she snickered on the last word.

With that they all gave in and laughed. Caleb was sitting spoon midway to his mouth as he cottoned on to what had happened. He stood, squaring his shoulders and stalked straight into the bedroom. He marched to the bed and shook James awake.

He pulled his full height though he was still much shorter than his alpha and demanded in as much of a growling voice he could manage

"What exactly are you intending with my sister?"

James half awakened by rude means was about to snarl and rip into the young punk about respect when he saw the boys face full of determination vaguely masking fear. The boy was shaking but his loyalty and devotion to the women who raised his was far too admirable. He would've done the same in his position had he been through what they had. His face softened.

"Son, I'll let this slide just this once. I understand that you as the man of your own small pack for so long feel the need to protect them. But I have no ill intentions towards her. I love her very deeply and by some miracle she loves me just as much. Take a look at this." With that James bared the mark placed on his shoulder. It was deep crimson and said her name.

Jessa stepped forward and bared the same crimson mark baring James's name. Caleb understood the mate bond. Understood once marked it was to signify true mates. Chosen mates marks were blue. True mates ranged from black to sepia, second chance were usually pink/magenta. But theirs were crimson. He'd never seen such a strong color. He'd read all he could get his hands on about mates and the way it worked. He hoped someday he'd find and be accepted by his mate. He was nearly 17 years old and he knew that males could gain their wolves as early as 16 in very rare cases. Depending on their maturity and as he was gaining height and muscle rapidly the last year he hoped he'd be in that category. He turned his mind back to the topic at hand.

"I am sorry alpha, for the rude awakening. I just reacted out of concern, it's no excuse. I shouldn't have been so rash." He said

"Caleb, you're young. Your body is changing and you're going to have these moments. It's best you learn to control it. Your hormones are kicking in. Awfully young for them to come on so fast I might add. I'd like you to see the pack doctor for some lab work. In the meantime I see no reason you can't begin morning as well as evening training. Put that testosterone to good use." James said.

Amelia's eyes widened. Had she really not noticed this? He WAS bulking up and taking on angles rather than the usually rounded baby face they'd been used to seeing. She shot Jessa a quick panicked look. They'd been all but a second mother to him since he was orphaned at 7 though they were only 13 themselves. Why was he maturing so quickly? Was something wrong? What did this mean. The thoughts circled her brain and she set her jaw in her usual locked down worried look.

Caleb was in front of her and didn't see this, only the Alpha before him. He noticed the bedside clock said he should've left 10 minutes ago to make it to school on time for home room. He looked at James and sheepishly grinned.

"Alpha, I'll be late for school as is, May I be excused?" He asked.

"You may. I'll see to it that your room attendant rings for a car. I'll send a note to the head master that I delayed you. Run along now."

With that Caleb left the room. Leaving only Amelia and Luna Mae with the couple. James felt he should say something but couldn't come up with a word to say. He'd acted out of turn. He disregarded the flow of his plan, but he couldn't for the life of himself feel an ounce of regret. The end result had been the same. They now fully and unequivocally belonged to and with each other.

He mindlinked his mother and her eyes lit up as she hurried from the room. Amelia cocked an eyebrow at him but said nothing. Moments later Luna Mae returned palming something small in her hand to James.

He knelt down to one knee. Jessa looked shocked and Amelia looked like she was in a romance movie come to life. Joy and maybe a little shock read across her face.

"Jessa, I know we may have gone about this slightly out of turn, but I can't find any remorse in my actions. I love you with everything I am. I would be honored if you'd be my wife and Luna." He said

Jessa's heart was beating double time as he opened the box to reveal a beautiful ring made of white gold and a oval moonstone flanked by sapphires. The stone was encircled with diamonds. Every way the light touched it, it shone beautifully. Such a beautiful ring. Surely she wouldn't deserve such a treasure!

"This ring was my mother's, as well her mothers before, and hers, and hers, and well, many many generations of Lunas. I would be thrilled to pass it along to you. You are ours. We are yours. Please accept it and me, for we belong together." He continued on.

Tears swam in her eyes as she felt overwhelmed and ridiculously in love. She nodded her head then promptly fainted.

James caught her before she fell to the floor and Amelia helped lift her to the bed. Luna Mae had her phone out calling the hospital for the doctor straight away.

Minutes later Gamma Lloyd entered with the doctor. She brought her medical bag and laid it on the bed.

"What's happened to her? She was to be on bed rest!" Dr. Black gave James a reproachful look.

"We might not have stuck to that exactly as you meant…" he said sheepishly. He then brought her through the events of the day before. The doctor sighed and shook her head.

"She's going through too many ups and downs. Her body is still healing. Though her wounds are closed, and she's burning no fever she still needs rest. Has she eaten?" She asked

James thought a moment and realized he'd neglected to make her eat anything since leaving the hospital. Goddess he was already failing his mate! He was a terrible mate. He was so caught up in his own self and his insane desire for her that he'd failed to make sure she was rested and nourished. Neither of them had any thought beyond consuming each other that they hadn't paid attention to the fact that she was still recovering. Instead he'd driven her into this state. He hung his head in shame as Jax whimpered in his mind.

Gamma Lloyd could read the emotion of the room and knew what each was feeling. The doctor's frustration that the situation had turned to such, Luna mae's nostalgia of her own mating with alpha Andrew, Alpha James's self loathing, Amelia's slight amusement and worry, and future Luna's exhaustion. He bowed gracefully out of the room unable to stand so many strong emotions at once. He sat at the little table in the eat in kitchen. He got back up immediately and began pacing. He couldn't sit still he needed to DO something. He began poking around the tidy kitchen pulling out a pot and some chicken soup. He was no chef, that was true. His mate did most their cooking. But before meeting Lynn he learned enough to survive. He heated the soup and made a turkey sandwich. He placed them on a small tray he found and knocked at the door to the room.

"I… ah…. Couldn't sit still. This young lady needs food so I made some comfort food. I'm no chef mind you, but I think it would suffice…" he rambled slightly embarrassed.

As if the smell of the food was a beacon Jessa opened her eyes and sat up. Her eyes still bleary. She looked around confused at the amount of people packed into her room. Her eyes landing first on her mate, then the doctor and finally to the man holding the source of the delicious smell. Goddess she was famished!

"Lloyd, please tell me that's for me?" She asked.

"Yea ma'am. The doc said you needed food. This was always my go to comfort foods, I hope it's good enough. I can always send to the kitchen if you want something different…" he mumbled his face pinking at his cheeks.

"It smells amazing. Please will you pass me the tray James?" She asked.

"Right away my love. Doc, will this be enough? I can fetch anything else she made need." He said settling the tray across her lap.

"She could use some orange juice. I suspect her blood sugar may be low. Be a dear and get her a glass."

"So Dr. Black, what happened to me this time?" Jessa asked with a small laugh in between bites.

"Seems our alpha wore you out and then shocked you with his proposal." The doctor explained.

"Oh yeah, about that…" Jessa said smiling.