

Jess still haven't found the courage to tell Harry she wants to call quits,even though they still talk they even hang out whenever he came around, sometimes she'd him visit at his place,they even make out sometimes no matter how hard she tried resist him, she can't deny she had a soft spot for him. She can't just let him go, she love both Harry and Fred, now at the end she is gonna choose.

"Annie, I'm fucked ,I can't believe I'm doing this, how long am I gonna put up with this fake life of mine,I hate it Annie, I hate it" Jess told Anita whom seems to have disappeared into thin air since she got into College

"Jess I will admit this shit is total madness, but who do you love that most "Anita asked with concern in her eyes

Jess looked up at her

"I don't think I want to get into that conversation right now "

"Jess you have to make a decision ,who do you love most Harry or Fred"

Jess didn't even know how to answer that question but she was sure as hell she loved Fred more

"F, Fred"..Jess stutters... she can't believe the name even flew out from her mouth even she was still doubt

Anita sighed and dropped herself on the couch close to Jess

"I swear Jess if not for mom being in the kitchen right now I would have smacked the living hell out of you,Fred fucking raped you she said in a loud whisper "

"I know Annie,thats why these whole thing is confusing me"she said with pool of tears forming in her eyes

"then Jessica you have to make a choice, make things straight with Harry, if you love Fred that much you gotta stop cheating on him with Harry

"I know "Jess mutters

Anita pulled her into a hug, "I wonder how you became my best friend "Anita said in a sarcastic tone

"I hate you bitch"Jess mutters into her chest playfully

"I love you too" Annie whispers stroking Jess hair while they stay quietly pondering on what mess they got their selves into...more like the mess Jess got herself into



Anita had gone back to school, so as Harry ,I'm actually feeling a little lonely as my two favorite friends are not around or should I say my one favorite friend

still haven't told Harry yet about my cheating ass

So I decided to call Fred to tell him I was coming over to sleep over since my Uncle won't be around for the next two days, the old man asked if I would be okay staying alone, I assured him that I would be fine.This is me trying to run into the arms of Fred who I suspect is sleeping with other women

I won't really blame him, since he raped me, I haven't really allowed him to make love to me, we haven't even gone there and Harry has been pleading with his life for us to take the big step and make love like most young couples do but I can't let him touch me, I can't let him find out I'm no longer a virgin or maybe that I'm half virgin since I haven't even had sex since Fred open the damn thing, he didn't really complete the task.

So I gathered my stuff as I packed my bags to see my sweet boyfriend, his new house is 20 minutes walk away.He moved out of his old apartment close to mine like a month ago and since then he has been acting really funny.

I stepped out of the house and locked doors, I stopped a cab, would rather get over there quicker with a cab than walk.

I stopped at the front his house, my heart beating really fast, I don't know why I always get nervous whenever I came here even though Fred had proven I could be free with him since the past 7 months, yes, we have been dating for 7 months. I sighed heavily before I rang the bell, I rang the second time but still no answer I was about to ring the third time when the door open lightly revealing Fred hiding behind the door smiling.

"Hey" I said giving him a bright smile

He didn't say anything, he just shut the door and I became confused then I heard a female's voice in the room like they were whispering but the girls voice became a little audible, like she way saying "It's a girl right I wanna see her "

Then it hit me like a cold poured on me, my suspicions were actually correct, he was really cheating, I suddenly felt angry and my blood boiling. I just ran off from there hoping to see a cab quickly, then he ran after me, I could hear him running towards me as he called after me

"Jess, Jess wait... Jess he yelled "but I ignored him and walked as fast as I could, he was already close to me, he grabbed my bag from behind and held me,I snapped my hand from him and he just stood there with my bag, I was trying so hard to cry at his face.

I just left him and walked away ....right I can't go home because my house keys and my cell is in my bag.. I just walked around the street and cried my heart out, after some minutes of crying then I realized I'm also cheating .Then I suddenly stopped crying and started walking back to his apartment to get my bag and get away from all these madness.

I got to his door then I saw her coming out from his apartment,she stared at me and then back at Fred

"Can I get my bag? ",I asked in a rather low and angry tone but I got no response

"Hey may I speak with you "the girl said looking at me then I realized she was speaking to me

I walked over to her to hear whatever the crap she has to say..

"How long have you two been dating "she asked

I shrugged and said" not long "

"like a year or what? "she asked again while Fred was trying to hold her back from speaking her

damn, I felt like a third party in their midst

"It's been 7 months now "I said with irritated tone, as much as I didn't want share that information and ask her why the hell she was asking the stupid questions, I wanted to see how all these drama was going to end

"Jess you don't have to say anything "Fred walks up to me trying to hold me back from talking to her

It just got me more pissed

" and he told me he loved me all these while "I found all these words flying out of my mouth out of irritation

then I suddenly found the girl slapped the living day light out of Fred, wow I didn't expect that part

I probably deserve that slap cause I'm cheating too, I said in my head

I just stood there and watched as Fred slapped the girl back, no I mean hit her countless times, I felt sorry for the girl, she chose the wrong person for a boyfriend but my other side was telling me they probably deserve each other.