


It was all my fault, I was so afraid of losing the two people that I loved and I lost them both, it was very selfish of me to think I can handle two relationships just fine.

I cried my eyes out for days going to weeks, I have heard of heart breaks but I never knew it hurt this way, but when Harry left, I didn't feel as much hurt as I'm feeling right now, yeah, maybe is because Fred took half of my innocence. I didn't even know how to explain to my best friend that I got my heart totally broken and this time I was the one who ran after him.

Thankfully Annie is the type to notice when I'm really not in a cheerful mood even on the phone

"Jess are you sure you are okay, you sound like shit right now "she asked with concern screaming in her tone .

I just couldn't hide it anymore, I broke down again at what happened with Fred

"Annie...I sobbed..."I need you...please"I said crying with flood of tears pouring down my face

"oh my God Jess,what happened? "she let out almost yelling.

I sniffed wiping my tears with the tissues in my hand, "Annie,...its..its not what we can discuss over the phone "I said in between sobs

"Okay baby girl, I will be back tomorrow since I'm having three days lecture free day"she said giving me some glimmer of hopes.

"Thanks Annie"I said whimpering

"Jess just know whatever it is you are gonna be fine,you hear me? "

"I know ,I just need someone to talk to Annie "

"okay, I will be there tomorrow morning "

It's a good thing Annie's school is just two hours drive away,I don't know how I will get through this phase without her,she is right about me getting over my troubles though, she knows how I easily forget about my pains once they are gone but I didn't know how to get over this one quickly, I need to stop hurting.


9:49 a.m in the morning after my bath and breakfast, I heard the doorbell ring and I knew she was here, I sprawled to the door and opened it revealing a faint smiling Annie, she has changed though, I guess College really has a great way of changing people,she looked more beautiful than the last time I saw her, if I was a lesbian I would totally date her... yeah, my best friend is lesbians!

"Hey you "she says while her smile widen

"You look good momma "I said pulling her into a hug. I helped her with her bag which clearly states that she hasn't dropped by at her home yet, Annie would literally do anything for me,our relationship is simply platonic ,we know better than to cross over that friend zone... I can't even picture myself being with a girl anytime soon in my life,I just love what we have, it's simple and sacrificial "please don't tell me you left school as early as 7 a.m you this girl? "I asked with a bit concern in my tone

"shut up Jess,I would kill for my best friend if I'm given the opportunity "she says playfully with a slight grin

"Sure you would "I said chuckling "common I saved you pancakes"I dragged her to the kitchen

"Oh great, cos I'm starving to death right now "she let out while we both giggled .

We talked about a lot of things about her life in College, the hot guys in College and some really weird parties at College.

"Oh my God Jess, there's this hot dude that feels like the every chick in the damn school belonged to him"...I cut in her statement

"Really Annie I thought you weren't into guys, how did you notice he was that hot"I said with my jaw on my palm while I watched her do justice to her pancakes ,she shot me a shut up glare "Fuck you,I'm not blind you know I can really tell when I see a hot guy and a player you bitch"she giggles . At this statement I shook my head and my countenance fell, she noticed and she gave me that 'are you okay look'"spill" she says biting from her food

I sucked in a deep breath and told her my experience while she was in school, spilling every tiny detail about it.

"Oh Jess, you really need to get the fuck away from this shitty town"she spoke up when I was done talking, I really loved that about her, how she stays quite and listen paying attention to your pain, I let out a soft chuckle

"I know "nodding in agreement

she came closer and held me into a side hug, honestly since she came back I've been feeling really better about this whole break up shit

"listen to me baby girl...she moved me to look into her beautiful brown eyes, "you really need to get this Fred guy out of your system, think of the people you love, your mom, your brother and your sister.,you really don't want them to know you are here drowning in sorrow for a total idiot that didn't care about you ".I couldn't help the tears that was flowing down my cheeks at that statement. Sniffing and hugging her tightly again like she was gonna run if I let go, I pondered on what she said, my family should be my focus at the moment, I really need to be around them, though of course my Uncle won't allow it. But I really need to get over this Fred and replace what I feel for him with what I feel for my family.

"You are literally the best of the best friend in the world bitch "I muttered under my breath

"Good, cos I wouldn't wanna compete with any bitch"we both burst into a short laughter

" Love you momma"I said

"Love you too baby girl"she says stroking my hair

Annie really knows how to make me forget about my pains and I'm not sure she knows how much I appreciate her for it.