

I looked straight into Richard's eyes and said, "Why shouldn't I go? I'll get dressed in a moment." For the first time in what felt like ages, Richard smiled a little. With Tommy by my side, I went upstairs, feeling Richard's gaze follow us. I dressed Tommy quickly since the nanny was not around, and then I got myself ready.

When we were done, we came downstairs and found Richard waiting outside, already seated in the car. For the first time in many weeks since I woke up in this body, I was finally able to have a view of the outside world. The drive soon started, and we were on the road. I noticed that the surrounding environment looked familiar but chose to overlook it, focusing instead on the excitement of the day.

When we arrived at the office, the driver parked in a very discreet place. Curiosity got the better of me, and I asked, "Why are we parking here?"

Richard replied, "It's for security."

We got out of the car, with Richard assisting me down. Despite the lack of a step, his hands were gentle but firm, and I couldn't help but blush as memories of the previous night flooded back. We walked towards the building, and several bodyguards immediately positioned themselves behind us. As we walked, different people stared at us, and when they recognized my husband, they bowed. I couldn't help but wonder, What type of person is my husband?

We reached an elevator, and Richard carried Tommy and me inside. The bodyguards must have taken the stairs because when the elevator doors opened, they were already standing there. We made our way to Richard's office, and as soon as his secretary saw him, she stood up and bowed her head.

I didn't pay much attention to her at first, focused on following Richard into his office. Just as we were about to enter, I glanced back and froze. The secretary's face was unmistakable—my stepsister from my previous life, Diana.

Shock rooted me to the spot, and I was at a loss for words. I stared at her, unable to process how she could be here, in this life, in this role. Memories of our strained relationship flooded my mind, leaving me disoriented.

Tommy's cheerful voice snapped me out of my daze. "Mommy, let's go, let's go, let's go," he insisted, tugging at my hand.

I shook my head slightly, trying to clear the confusion. "Alright, Tommy," I managed to say, my voice shaky. I took a deep breath and followed Richard into his office, my mind still reeling from the unexpected encounter.

Richard's office was spacious and well decorated, a reflection of his status. He motioned for me to sit on the plush couch while he attended to some immediate business. Tommy busied himself with a toy Richard had handed him, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

I couldn't stop glancing at the door, half-expecting Diana to walk in. The shock of seeing her was still fresh, and I found it hard to concentrate on anything else. What was she doing here? Did she recognize me? And if she did, what would she do? I don't think it is possible for her to recognize me as I could not even recognize myself. At that moment I experienced different emotion, hatred especially.

As I was lost in my thoughts, trying to piece together the day's events and the shock of seeing Diana, Richard finally broke the silence. "Tommy, ask your mother if she would like to take anything," he said.

Tommy turned to me with his usual enthusiasm. "Mommy, do you want anything?"

The question pulled me out of my reverie. I glanced at Richard, a mischievous glint in my eye. "What do you have to offer?" I replied, my tone flirtatious.

Richard's expression hardened at my provocative response. He turned away, walking towards the adjoining room. "I have a meeting I need to attend," he said, his voice clipped. "When you feel tired, you can walk through that door; there's a bedroom there. And if you need anything, just ring this bell, and my secretary will come in."

As he reached the door, he paused and glanced back at me. I couldn't resist one more playful jab. "Yes, Daddy," I said, smiling sweetly.

Richard's face reddened slightly before he turned away without a word, closing the door behind him. The sight of his blush sent a burst of laughter through me. I had never seen my husband blush before, and it was an endearing revelation.

Tommy looked at me curiously. "Mommy, why are you laughing?"

I ruffled his hair, still chuckling. "Oh, nothing, sweetheart. Just grown-up stuff."

Tommy seemed satisfied with that answer and went back to his toys, leaving me to reflect on the unusual day.

Deciding to take Richard up on his offer, I pressed the bell on his desk. Within moments, the door opened, and Diana entered, her professional demeanor firmly in place, but immediately she noticed that my husband was not in sight her expression and demeanor changed.

"How can I assist you, ma'am?" she asked, her tone rude

Don't worry. You can go. I just wanted to check something I said to her." She looked at me with disdain. As she walked toward the door, almost out of sight, she murmured some spiteful words to herself.

I stared at her retreating back as she left and I felt like picking up anything that I could use to pierce into her evil heart. I felt tears in my eyes because after causing me so much pain she still seemed to be living a peaceful life.

After Diana had left, I turned to look at Tommy. He had been playing on the floor but was now fast asleep. Despite the difficulty of bending due to my pregnancy, I managed to lift him up gently. Carrying him to the room Richard had mentioned, I laid him down carefully on the bed.

As I watched Tommy sleep, his peaceful face brought a sense of calm to my tumultuous thoughts. I took a moment to adjust the covers around him, ensuring he was comfortable. Exhaustion weighed heavily on me, both from the pregnancy and the emotional rollercoaster of the day. I decided to follow Richard's suggestion and take a nap myself.

Lying down beside Tommy, I let out a deep breath, while willing myself to sleep

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just_musiccreators' thoughts